Open Hardware in Quantum Technology

Kavli Affiliate: Irfan Siddiqi | First 5 Authors: Nathan Shammah, Anurag Saha Roy, Carmen G. Almudever, Sébastien Bourdeauducq, Anastasiia Butko | Summary: Quantum technologies such as communications, computing, and sensing offer vast opportunities for advanced research and development. While an open-source ethos currently exists within some quantum technologies, especially in quantum computer programming, we argue […]

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Prospects for detecting neutron star-white dwarf mergers with decihertz gravitational-wave observatories

Kavli Affiliate: Lijing Shao | First 5 Authors: Yacheng Kang, Chang Liu, Jin-Ping Zhu, Yong Gao, Lijing Shao | Summary: Based on different neutron star-white dwarf (NS-WD) population models, we investigate the prospects of gravitational-wave (GW) detections for NS-WD mergers, with the help of early warnings from two space-borne decihertz GW observatories, DO-Optimal and DECIGO. […]

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Prospects for detecting neutron star-white dwarf mergers with decihertz gravitational-wave observatories

Kavli Affiliate: Lijing Shao | First 5 Authors: Yacheng Kang, Chang Liu, Jin-Ping Zhu, Yong Gao, Lijing Shao | Summary: Based on different neutron star-white dwarf (NS-WD) population models, we investigate the prospects of gravitational-wave (GW) detections for NS-WD mergers, with the help of early warnings from two space-borne decihertz GW observatories, DO-Optimal and DECIGO. […]

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nnSAM: Plug-and-play Segment Anything Model Improves nnUNet Performance

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Yunxiang Li, Bowen Jing, Zihan Li, Jing Wang, You Zhang | Summary: Automatic segmentation of medical images is crucial in modern clinical workflows. The Segment Anything Model (SAM) has emerged as a versatile tool for image segmentation without specific domain training, but it requires human prompts and […]

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nnSAM: Plug-and-play Segment Anything Model Improves nnUNet Performance

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Yunxiang Li, Bowen Jing, Xiang Feng, Zihan Li, Yongbo He | Summary: The recent developments of foundation models in computer vision, especially the Segment Anything Model (SAM), allow scalable and domain-agnostic image segmentation to serve as a general-purpose segmentation tool. In parallel, the field of medical image […]

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Synthetic Speech Detection Based on Temporal Consistency and Distribution of Speaker Features

Kavli Affiliate: Zhuo Li | First 5 Authors: Yuxiang Zhang, Zhuo Li, Jingze Lu, Wenchao Wang, Pengyuan Zhang | Summary: Current synthetic speech detection (SSD) methods perform well on certain datasets but still face issues of robustness and interpretability. A possible reason is that these methods do not analyze the deficiencies of synthetic speech. In […]

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CrossZoom: Simultaneously Motion Deblurring and Event Super-Resolving

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Chi Zhang, Xiang Zhang, Mingyuan Lin, Cheng Li, Chu He | Summary: Even though the collaboration between traditional and neuromorphic event cameras brings prosperity to frame-event based vision applications, the performance is still confined by the resolution gap crossing two modalities in both spatial and temporal domains. […]

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Image of Kerr-de Sitter black holes: An additional avenue for testing the cosmological constant

Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang | First 5 Authors: Ke Wang, Chao-Jun Feng, Towe Wang, , | Summary: To explore the feasibility of utilizing black hole images to test the cosmological constant, we have developed a comprehensive analytical method for simulating images of Kerr-de Sitter black holes illuminated by equatorial thin accretion disks. Our findings indicate […]

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Arcus X-ray telescope performance and alignment

Kavli Affiliate: Eric D. Miller, Ralf K. Heilmann | First 5 Authors: Hans Moritz Günther, Peter Cheimets, Eric D. Miller, Casey DeRoo, Randall K. Smith | Summary: Arcus is a concept for a probe class mission to deliver high-resolution FUV and X-ray spectroscopy. For X-rays, it combines cost-effective silicon pore optics (SPO) with high-throughput critical-angle […]

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Pan-viral ORFs discovery using Massively Parallel Ribosome Profiling

Kavli Affiliate: Charles M. Rice | Authors: Shira Weingarten-Gabbay, Matthew R Bauer, Alexandra C Stanton, Susan Klaeger, Eva K Verzani, Daniel Lopez, Karl R Clauser, Steven A Carr, Jennifer G Abelin, Charles M Rice and Pardis C Sabeti | Summary: Unveiling the complete proteome of viruses is crucial to our understanding of the viral life […]

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