Popup Arrays for Large Space-Borne Apertures

Kavli Affiliate: Ali Hajimiri | First 5 Authors: Oren S. Mizrahi, Austin Fikes, Alan Truong, Fabian Wiesemüller, Sergio Pellegrino | Summary: Large apertures in space are critical for high-power and high-bandwidth applications spanning wireless power transfer (WPT) and communication, however progress on this front is stunted by the geometric limitations of rocket flight. Here, we […]

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Critical properties of the quantum Ashkin-Teller chain with chiral perturbations

Kavli Affiliate: Natalia Chepiga | First 5 Authors: Bernhard Lüscher, Frédéric Mila, Natalia Chepiga, , | Summary: We investigate the nature of the phase transitions in the quantum Ashkin-Teller chain in the presence of chiral perturbations. We locate the Lifshitz line separating a region of direct chiral transitions from the region where the transition is […]

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Vertical-supercooling-controlled interfacial instability for a spreading liquid film

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Li Chen, Feng Wang, Yingrui Wang, Peng Huo, Yuqi Li | Summary: Thermal effect is essential to regulate the interfacial instabilities for diverse technology applications. Here we report the fingering instability at the propagation front for a spreading liquid film subjected to the supercooling at the vertical […]

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Vertical-supercooling-controlled interfacial instability for a spreading liquid film

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Li Chen, Feng Wang, Yingrui Wang, Peng Huo, Yuqi Li | Summary: Thermal effect is essential to regulate the interfacial instabilities for diverse technology applications. Here we report the fingering instability at the propagation front for a spreading liquid film subjected to the supercooling at the vertical […]

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Characterization of enhancer activity in early human neurodevelopment using Massively parallel reporter assay (MPRA) and forebrain organoids

Kavli Affiliate: Flora Vaccarino | Authors: Davide Capauto, Yifan Wang, Feinan Wu, Scott Norton, Jessica Mariani, Fumitaka Inoue, Gregory E. Crawford, The PsychENCODE Consortium, Nadav Ahituv, Alexej Abyzov and Flora M. Vaccarino | Summary: bstract Regulation of gene expression through enhancers is one of the major processes shaping the structure and function of the human […]

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Flexible regulation of representations on a drifting manifold enables long-term stable complex neuroprosthetic control

Kavli Affiliate: Edward Chang, Karunesh Ganguly | Authors: NIKHILESH NATRAJ, Sarah Seko, Reza Abiri, Hongyi Yan, Yasmin Graham, Adelyn Tu-Chan, Edward F Chang and Karunesh Ganguly | Summary: The nervous system needs to balance the stability of neural representations with plasticity. It is unclear what is the representational stability of simple actions, particularly those that […]

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DARTsort: A modular drift tracking spike sorter for high-density multi-electrode probes

Kavli Affiliate: Liam Paninski | Authors: Julien Boussard, Charlie Windolf, Cole Hurwitz, Hyun Dong Lee, Han Yu, Olivier Winter and Liam Paninski | Summary: With the advent of high-density, multi-electrode probes, there has been a renewed interest in developing robust and scalable algorithms for spike sorting. Current spike sorting approaches, however, struggle to deal with […]

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