Modified gravitational wave propagation with higher modes and its degeneracies with lensing
Kavli Affiliate: Wayne Hu | First 5 Authors: Jose Maria Ezquiaga, Wayne Hu, Macarena Lagos, Meng-Xiang Lin, Fei Xu | Summary: Low-energy alternatives to General Relativity (GR) generically modify the phase of gravitational waves (GWs) during their propagation. As detector sensitivities increase, it becomes key to understand how these modifications affect the GW higher modes […]
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Modified gravitational wave propagation with higher modes and its degeneracies with lensing
Kavli Affiliate: Wayne Hu | First 5 Authors: Jose Maria Ezquiaga, Wayne Hu, Macarena Lagos, Meng-Xiang Lin, Fei Xu | Summary: Low-energy alternatives to General Relativity (GR) generically modify the phase of gravitational waves (GWs) during their propagation. As detector sensitivities increase, it becomes key to understand how these modifications affect the GW higher modes […]
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Global Spatial Transcriptome of Macaque Brain at Single-Cell Resolution
Kavli Affiliate: Li Zhao | Authors: Ao Chen, Yidi Sun, Ying Lei, Chao Li, Sha Liao, Zhifeng Liang, Feng Lin, Nini Yuan, Mei Li, Kexin Wang, Meisong Yang, Shuzhen Zhang, Zhenkun Zhuang, Juan Meng, Qiong Song, Yong Zhang, Yuanfang Xu, Luman Cui, Lei Han, Hao Yang, Xing Sun, Tianyi Fei, Bichao Chen, Wenjiao Li, Baoqian […]
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Multi-finger Receptive Field Properties in Primary Somatosensory Cortex: A Revised Account of the Spatio-Temporal Integration Functions of Area 3b
Kavli Affiliate: Charles Connor | Authors: Natalie K Trzcinski, Steven S Hsiao, Charles E Connor and Manuel Gomez-Ramirez | Summary: The leading view in the somatosensory system indicates that area 3b serves as a cortical relay site that encodes cutaneous (tactile) features limited to individual digits. Our recent work argues against this model by showing […]
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Interplay between rule learning and rule switching in a perceptual categorization task
Kavli Affiliate: Marcelo Mattar | Authors: Flora Bouchacourt, Sina Tafazoli, Marcelo Gomes Mattar, Timothy J Buschman and Nathaniel Douglass Daw | Summary: To adapt to a changing world, we must be able to switch between rules already learned and, at other times, learn rules anew. Often we must do both at the same time, switching […]
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Searches for New Particles, Dark Matter, and Gravitational Waves with SRF Cavities
Kavli Affiliate: Marcela Carena | First 5 Authors: Asher Berlin, Sergey Belomestnykh, Diego Blas, Daniil Frolov, Anthony J. Brady | Summary: This is a Snowmass white paper on the utility of existing and future superconducting cavities to probe fundamental physics. Superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavity technology has seen tremendous progress in the past decades, as […]
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Rocks, Water and Noble Liquids: Unfolding the Flavor Contents of Supernova Neutrinos
Kavli Affiliate: Shunsaku Horiuchi | First 5 Authors: Sebastian Baum, Francesco Capozzi, Shunsaku Horiuchi, , | Summary: Measuring core-collapse supernova neutrinos, both from individual supernovae within the Milky Way and from past core collapses throughout the Universe (the diffuse supernova neutrino background, or DSNB), is one of the main goals of current and next generation […]
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AI Poincaré 2.0: Machine Learning Conservation Laws from Differential Equations
Kavli Affiliate: Max Tegmark | First 5 Authors: Ziming Liu, Varun Madhavan, Max Tegmark, , | Summary: We present a machine learning algorithm that discovers conservation laws from differential equations, both numerically (parametrized as neural networks) and symbolically, ensuring their functional independence (a non-linear generalization of linear independence). Our independence module can be viewed as […]
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Photon counting from the vacuum ultraviolet to the short wavelength infrared using semiconductor and superconducting technologies
Kavli Affiliate: Clarence Chang | First 5 Authors: Jonathan Asaadi, Dan Baxter, Karl K. Berggren, Davide Braga, Serge A. Charlebois | Summary: In the last decade, several photon counting technologies have been developed opening a new window for experiments in the low photon number regime. Several ongoing and future projects in HEP benefit from these […]
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