Two Bright M Dwarfs Hosting Ultra-Short-Period Super-Earths with Earth-like Compositions

Kavli Affiliate: Roland K. Vanderspek | First 5 Authors: Teruyuki Hirano, John H. Livingston, Akihiko Fukui, Norio Narita, Hiroki Harakawa | Summary: We present observations of two bright M dwarfs (TOI-1634 and TOI-1685: $J=9.5-9.6$) hosting ultra-short period (USP) planets, identified by the TESS mission. The two stars are similar in temperature, mass, and radius ($T_mathrm{eff},approx,3500$ […]

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Gravitational wave backgrounds from coalescing black hole binaries at cosmic dawn: an upper bound

Kavli Affiliate: Kohei Inayoshi | First 5 Authors: Kohei Inayoshi, Kazumi Kashiyama, Eli Visbal, Zoltan Haiman, | Summary: The successive discoveries of binary merger events by Advanced LIGO-Virgo have been revealing the statistical properties of binary black hole (BBH) populations. A stochastic gravitational wave background (GWB) is a useful tool to probe the cosmological evolution […]

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Understanding mechanisms of thermal expansion in PbTiO$_3$ thin-films from first principles: role of high-order phonon-strain anharmonicity

Kavli Affiliate: Nicole A. Benedek | First 5 Authors: Ethan T. Ritz, Nicole A. Benedek, , , | Summary: The thermal properties of materials are critically important to various technologies and are increasingly the target of materials design efforts. However, it is only relatively recent advances in first-principles computational techniques that have enabled researchers to […]

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The TESS Objects of Interest Catalog from the TESS Prime Mission

Kavli Affiliate: Christopher J. Burke | First 5 Authors: Natalia M. Guerrero, S. Seager, Chelsea X. Huang, Andrew Vanderburg, Aylin Garcia Soto | Summary: We present 2,241 exoplanet candidates identified with data from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) during its two-year prime mission. We list these candidates in the TESS Objects of Interest (TOI) […]

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Topological modular forms and the absence of a heterotic global anomaly

Kavli Affiliate: Yuji Tachikawa | First 5 Authors: Yuji Tachikawa, , , , | Summary: Spacetime theories obtained from perturbative string theory constructions are automatically free of perturbative anomalies, but it is not settled whether they are always free of global anomalies. Here we discuss a possible $mathbb{Z}_{24}$-valued pure gravitational anomaly of heterotic compactifications down […]

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Inferring simple but precise quantitative models of human oocyte and early embryo development

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel Needleman | First 5 Authors: Brian D Leahy, Catherine Racowsky, Daniel Needleman, , | Summary: Macroscopic, phenomenological models have proven useful as concise framings of our understandings in fields from statistical physics to economics to biology. Constructing a phenomenological model for development would provide a framework for understanding the complicated, regulatory nature […]

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Inferring simple but precise quantitative models of human oocyte and early embryo development

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel Needleman | First 5 Authors: Brian D Leahy, Catherine Racowsky, Daniel Needleman, , | Summary: Macroscopic, phenomenological models have proven useful as concise framings of our understandings in fields from statistical physics to economics to biology. Constructing a phenomenological model for development would provide a framework for understanding the complicated, regulatory nature […]

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Distinguishing Tidal Disruption Events from Impostors

Kavli Affiliate: Erin Kara | First 5 Authors: Ann Zabludoff, Iair Arcavi, Stephanie La Massa, Hagai B. Perets, Benny Trakhtenbrot | Summary: Recent claimed detections of tidal disruption events (TDEs) in multi-wavelength data have opened potential new windows into the evolution and properties of otherwise dormant supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in the centres of galaxies. […]

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Random-access quantum memory using chirped pulse phase encoding

Kavli Affiliate: Irfan Siddiqi | First 5 Authors: James O’Sullivan, Oscar W. Kennedy, Kamanasish Debnath, Joseph Alexander, Christoph W. Zollitsch | Summary: As in conventional computing, key attributes of quantum memories are high storage density and, crucially, random access, or the ability to read from or write to an arbitrarily chosen register. However, achieving such […]

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Loss Mechanism Analyses of Perovskite Solar Cells with an Equivalent Circuit Model

Kavli Affiliate: Ting Xu | First 5 Authors: Ting Xu, Zi-Shuai Wang, Xuan-Hua Li, Wei E. I. Sha, | Summary: Understanding and quantifying the main loss factors affecting the power conversion efficiency of perovskite solar cells are urgently needed. In this work, based on semiconductor physics, the expressions of bulk and surface recombination currents are […]

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