No Disconnection Syndrome after Near-Complete Callosotomy

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Miller | Authors: Selin Bekir, Johanna L. Hopf, Theresa Paul, Valerie M. Wiemer, Tyler Santander, Henri E. Skinner, Anna Rada, Friedrich G. Woermann, Thilo Kalbhenn, Barry Giesbrecht, Christian G. Bien, Olaf Sporns, Michael S. Gazzaniga, Lukas J. Volz and Michael B. Miller | Summary: Much of the sensory-motor processing in the human […]

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Single-cell multiome and spatial profiling reveals pancreas cell type-specific gene regulatory programs driving type 1 diabetes progression

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Miller | Authors: Rebecca Melton, Sara Jimenez, Weston Elison, Luca Tucciarone, Abigail Howell, Gaowei Wang, Denise Berti, Elisha Beebe, Michael Miller, Chun Zeng, Kennedy Vanderstel, Katha Korgaonkar, Ruth Elgamal, Hannah Mummey, Josh Chiou, Emily Griffin, Irina Kusmartseva, Mark A. Atkinson, Sebastian Preissl, Fabian Theis, Maike Sander and Kyle J Gaulton | Summary: […]

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Learning decouples accuracy and reaction time for rapid decisions in a transitive inference task

Kavli Affiliate: Vincent Ferrera | Authors: Fabian A Munoz Silva, Greg Jensen, Maxwell Shinn, Yelda Alkan, John Murray, Herbert Terrace and Vincent P Ferrera | Summary: The accumulation of evidence over time formalized in the drift diffusion model (DDM), has become one of the most prevalent models of deliberative decision-making. To better understand the role […]

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A vector-based strategy for olfactory navigation in Drosophila

Kavli Affiliate: Vanessa Ruta | Authors: Andrew F. Siliciano, Sun Minni, Chad Morton, Charles K. Dowell, Noelle B. Eghbali, Juliana Y. Rhee, L. F. Abbott and Vanessa Ruta | Summary: Odors serve as essential cues for navigation. Although tracking an odor plume has been modeled as a reflexive process, it remains unclear whether animals can […]

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Full inter-hemispheric integration sustained by a fraction of posterior callosal fibers

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Miller | Authors: Tyler Santander, Selin Bekir, Theresa Paul, Jessica M Simonson, Valerie M Wiemer, Henri Etel Skinner, Johanna L Hopf, Anna Rada, Friedrich G Woermann, Thilo Kalbhenn, Barry Giesbrecht, Christian G Bien, Olaf Sporns, Michael S Gazzaniga, Lukas J Volz and Michael B Miller | Summary: The dynamic integration of the […]

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RESPAN: A Deep Learning Pipeline for Accurate and Automated Restoration, Segmentation, and Quantification of Dendritic Spines

Kavli Affiliate: Franck Polleux | Authors: Sergio B. Garcia, Alexa P. Schlotter, Daniela Pereira, Aleksandra J Recupero, Franck Polleux and Luke A Hammond | Summary: Quantification of dendritic spines is essential for studying synaptic connectivity, yet most current approaches require manual adjustments or the combination of multiple software tools for optimal results. Here, we present […]

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GeneCover: A Combinatorial Approach for Label-free Marker Gene Selection

Kavli Affiliate: Donald Geman | Authors: An Wang, Stephanie C Hicks, Donald Geman and Laurent Younes | Summary: The selection of marker gene panels is critical for capturing the cellular and spatial heterogeneity in the expanding atlases of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) and spatial transcriptomics data. Most current approaches to marker gene selection operate in […]

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Control of tongue movements by the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum

Kavli Affiliate: Reza Shadmehr | Authors: Paul Hage, Mohammad Amin Fakharian, Alden M. Shoup, Jay S Pi, Ehsan Sedaghat-Nejad, Simon P Orozco, In Kyu Jang, Vivian Looi, Toren Arginteanu and Reza Shadmehr | Summary: We use our tongue much like our hands: to interact with objects and transport them. For example, we use our hands […]

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Viral-mediated Oct4 overexpression and inhibition of Notch signaling synergistically induce neurogenic competence in mammalian Muller glia.

Kavli Affiliate: Seth Blackshaw | Authors: Nguyet Le, Sherine Awad, Isabella Palazzo, Thanh Hoang and Seth Blackshaw | Summary: Retinal Müller glia in cold-blooded vertebrates can reprogram into neurogenic progenitors to replace neurons lost to injury, but mammals lack this ability. While recent studies have shown that transgenic overexpression of neurogenic bHLH factors and glial-specific […]

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Daily ultrastructural remodeling of clock neurons

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Ellisman | Authors: Juan I. Ispizua, Micaela Rodriguez-Caron, Francisco J. Tassara, Kim Keun-young, Catalina Insusarry Perkins, Milagros Barzi, Christian Carpio-Romero, Celia N. Hansen, Julian Gargiulo, Ezio Rosato, Horacio de la iglesia, Mark Ellisman and M. Fernanda Ceriani | Summary: In Drosophila, about 250 clock neurons in the brain form a network that […]

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