The Mesoscale Crystallinity of Nacreous Pearls

Kavli Affiliate: Lara A. Estroff | First 5 Authors: Jiseok Gim, Alden Koch, Laura M. Otter, Benjamin H. Savitzky, Sveinung Erland | Summary: A pearl’s distinguished beauty and toughness are attributable to the periodic stacking of aragonite tablets known as nacre. Nacre has naturally occurring mesoscale periodicity that remarkably arises in the absence of discrete […]

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Correlation-Enhanced Neural Networks as Interpretable Variational Quantum States

Kavli Affiliate: Eliska Greplova | First 5 Authors: Agnes Valenti, Eliska Greplova, Netanel H. Lindner, Sebastian D. Huber, | Summary: Variational methods have proven to be excellent tools to approximate ground states of complex many body Hamiltonians. Generic tools like neural networks are extremely powerful, but their parameters are not necessarily physically motivated. Thus, an […]

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Emergent order in a continuous state adaptive network model of living systems

Kavli Affiliate: Timon Idema | First 5 Authors: Carsten T. van de Kamp, George Dadunashvili, Johan L. A. Dubbeldam, Timon Idema, | Summary: Order can spontaneously emerge from seemingly noisy interactions between biological agents, like a flock of birds changing their direction of flight in unison, without a leader or an external cue. We are […]

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Electrically tunable and reversible magnetoelectric coupling in strained bilayer graphene

Kavli Affiliate: Katja C. Nowack | First 5 Authors: Brian T. Schaefer, Katja C. Nowack, , , | Summary: The valleys in hexagonal two-dimensional systems with broken inversion symmetry carry an intrinsic orbital magnetic moment. Despite this, such systems possess zero net magnetization unless additional symmetries are broken, since the contributions from both valleys cancel. […]

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Evolution of Splashback Boundaries and Gaseous Outskirts: Insights from Mergers of Self-similar Galaxy Clusters

Kavli Affiliate: Andrey Kravtsov | First 5 Authors: Congyao Zhang, Irina Zhuravleva, Andrey Kravtsov, Eugene Churazov, | Summary: A self-similar spherical collapse model predicts a dark matter (DM) splashback and accretion shock in the outskirts of galaxy clusters while misses a key ingredient of structure formation – processes associated with mergers. To fill this gap, […]

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Impact of Semiconductor Band Tails and Band Filling on Photovoltaic Efficiency Limits

Kavli Affiliate: Harry A. Atwater | First 5 Authors: Joeson Wong, Stefan T. Omelchenko, Harry A. Atwater, , | Summary: The theoretical maximum efficiency of a solar cell is typically characterized by a detailed balance of optical absorption and emission for a semiconductor in the limit of unity radiative efficiency and an ideal step-function response […]

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Spatiotemporal Imaging of Thickness-Induced Band Bending Junctions

Kavli Affiliate: Harry A. Atwater | First 5 Authors: Joeson Wong, Artur R. Davoyan, Bolin Liao, Andrey Krayev, Kiyoung Jo | Summary: Van der Waals materials exhibit naturally passivated surfaces and can form versatile heterostructures, enabling observation of carrier transport mechanisms not seen in three-dimensional materials. Here we report observation of a "band bending junction", […]

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The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Summary of DR4 and DR5 Data Products and Data Access

Kavli Affiliate: Toshiya Namikawa | First 5 Authors: Maya Mallaby-Kay, Zachary Atkins, Simone Aiola, Stefania Amodeo, Jason E. Austermann | Summary: Two recent large data releases for the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT), called DR4 and DR5, are available for public access. These data include temperature and polarization maps that cover nearly half the sky at […]

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Effects of overlapping sources on cosmic shear estimation: Statistical sensitivity and pixel-noise bias

Kavli Affiliate: Patricia R. Burchat | First 5 Authors: Javier Sanchez, Ismael Mendoza, David P. Kirkby, Patricia R. Burchat, | Summary: In Stage-IV imaging surveys, a significant amount of the cosmologically useful information is due to sources whose images overlap with those of other sources on the sky. The cosmic shear signal is primarily encoded […]

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