Distinguishing Tidal Disruption Events from Impostors

Kavli Affiliate: Erin Kara | First 5 Authors: Ann Zabludoff, Iair Arcavi, Stephanie La Massa, Hagai B. Perets, Benny Trakhtenbrot | Summary: Recent claimed detections of tidal disruption events (TDEs) in multi-wavelength data have opened potential new windows into the evolution and properties of otherwise dormant supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in the centres of galaxies. […]

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Random-access quantum memory using chirped pulse phase encoding

Kavli Affiliate: Irfan Siddiqi | First 5 Authors: James O’Sullivan, Oscar W. Kennedy, Kamanasish Debnath, Joseph Alexander, Christoph W. Zollitsch | Summary: As in conventional computing, key attributes of quantum memories are high storage density and, crucially, random access, or the ability to read from or write to an arbitrarily chosen register. However, achieving such […]

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Loss Mechanism Analyses of Perovskite Solar Cells with an Equivalent Circuit Model

Kavli Affiliate: Ting Xu | First 5 Authors: Ting Xu, Zi-Shuai Wang, Xuan-Hua Li, Wei E. I. Sha, | Summary: Understanding and quantifying the main loss factors affecting the power conversion efficiency of perovskite solar cells are urgently needed. In this work, based on semiconductor physics, the expressions of bulk and surface recombination currents are […]

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Dynamical Modeling of the CIV Broad Line Region of the $z=2.805$ Multiply Imaged Quasar SDSS J2222+2745

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Gladders | First 5 Authors: Peter R. Williams, Tommaso Treu, Håkon Dahle, Stefano Valenti, Louis Abramson | Summary: We present CIV BLR modeling results for the multiply imaged $z=2.805$ quasar SDSS J2222+2745. Using data covering a 5.3 year baseline after accounting for gravitational time delays, we find models that can reproduce the […]

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Dynamical Modeling of the CIV Broad Line Region of the $z=2.805$ Multiply Imaged Quasar SDSS J2222+2745

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Gladders | First 5 Authors: Peter R. Williams, Tommaso Treu, Håkon Dahle, Stefano Valenti, Louis Abramson | Summary: We present CIV BLR modeling results for the multiply imaged $z=2.805$ quasar SDSS J2222+2745. Using data covering a 5.3 year baseline after accounting for gravitational time delays, we find models that can reproduce the […]

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Unified approach to secondary effects on the CMB B-mode polarization

Kavli Affiliate: Toshiya Namikawa | First 5 Authors: Toshiya Namikawa, Atsushi Naruko, Ryo Saito, Atsushi Taruya, Daisuke Yamauchi | Summary: We develop a systematic and unified approach to estimate all possible secondary (i.e. non-primordial) nonlinear effects to the cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization, named curve-of-sight integration approach. In this approach, the Boltzmann equation for polarized […]

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Self-regulating soliton domain walls in microresonators

Kavli Affiliate: Kerry Vahala | First 5 Authors: Heming Wang, Boqiang Shen, Yan Yu, Zhiquan Yuan, Chengying Bao | Summary: Dissipative soliton Kerr frequency combs in microresonators have recently been demonstrated with the self-injection locking process. They have the advantage of turnkey deterministic comb generation and simplifying dark soliton generation in the normal dispersion regime. […]

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Behavioural Approach to Distributed Control of Interconnected Systems

Kavli Affiliate: Biao Huang | First 5 Authors: Yitao Yan, Jie Bao, Biao Huang, , | Summary: This paper formulates a framework for the analysis and distributed control of interconnected systems from the behavioural perspective. The discussions are carried out from the viewpoint of set theory and the results are completely representation-free. The core of […]

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A new parameter free partially penalized immersed finite element and the optimal convergence analysis

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Haifeng Ji, Feng Wang, Jinru Chen, Zhilin Li, | Summary: This paper presents a new parameter free partially penalized immersed finite element method and convergence analysis for solving second order elliptic interface problems. A lifting operator is introduced on interface edges to ensure the coercivity of the […]

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