The US Program in Ground-Based Gravitational Wave Science: Contribution from the LIGO Laboratory

Kavli Affiliate: Slawomir Gras | First 5 Authors: David Reitze, Rich Abbott, Carl Adams, Rana Adhikari, Nancy Aggarwal | Summary: Recent gravitational-wave observations from the LIGO and Virgo observatories have brought a sense of great excitement to scientists and citizens the world over. Since September 2015,10 binary black hole coalescences and one binary neutron star […]

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The US Program in Ground-Based Gravitational Wave Science: Contribution from the LIGO Laboratory

Kavli Affiliate: Slawomir Gras | First 5 Authors: David Reitze, Rich Abbott, Carl Adams, Rana Adhikari, Nancy Aggarwal | Summary: Recent gravitational-wave observations from the LIGO and Virgo observatories have brought a sense of great excitement to scientists and citizens the world over. Since September 2015,10 binary black hole coalescences and one binary neutron star […]

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Mapping the Inner Structure of Quasars with Time-Domain Spectroscopy

Kavli Affiliate: Luis Ho | First 5 Authors: Yue Shen, Scott Anderson, Edo Berger, W. N. Brandt, Gisella De Rosa | Summary: The ubiquitous variability of quasars across a wide range of wavelengths and timescales encodes critical information about the structure and dynamics of the circumnuclear emitting regions that are too small to be directly […]

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Dark Matter Science in the Era of LSST

Kavli Affiliate: Patricia R. Burchat | First 5 Authors: Keith Bechtol, Alex Drlica-Wagner, Kevork N. Abazajian, Muntazir Abidi, Susmita Adhikari | Summary: Astrophysical observations currently provide the only robust, empirical measurements of dark matter. In the coming decade, astrophysical observations will guide other experimental efforts, while simultaneously probing unique regions of dark matter parameter space. […]

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Electromagnetic probes of primordial black holes as dark matter

Kavli Affiliate: A. C. Davis | First 5 Authors: Y. Ali-Haimoud, S. Clesse, J. Garcia-Bellido, A. Kashlinsky, L. Wyrzykowski | Summary: The LIGO discoveries have rekindled suggestions that primordial black holes (BHs) may constitute part to all of the dark matter (DM) in the Universe. Such suggestions came from 1) the observed merger rate of […]

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Constraining the Tail-End of Reionization Using Lyman-$α$ Transmission Spikes

Kavli Affiliate: Nickolay Gnedin | First 5 Authors: Enrico Garaldi, Nickolay Gnedin, Piero Madau, , | Summary: We investigate Lyman-$alpha$ transmission spikes at $z > 5$ in synthetic quasar spectra, and discuss their connection to the properties of the intergalactic medium and their ability to constrain reionization models. We use state-of-the-art radiation-hydrodynamic simulations from the […]

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Effective Locomotion at Multiple Stride Frequencies Using Proprioceptive Feedback on a Legged Microrobot

Kavli Affiliate: Robert J. Wood | First 5 Authors: Neel Doshi, Kaushik Jayaram, Samantha Castellanos, Scott Kuindersma, Robert J Wood | Summary: Limitations in actuation, sensing, and computation have forced small legged robots to rely on carefully tuned, mechanically mediated leg trajectories for effective locomotion. Recent advances in manufacturing, however, have enabled the development of […]

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Research and Development for Near Detector Systems Towards Long Term Evolution of Ultra-precise Long-baseline Neutrino Experiments

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Hartz | First 5 Authors: Aysel Kayis Topaksu, Edward Blucher, Bernard Andrieu, Jianming Bian, Byron Roe | Summary: With the discovery of non-zero value of $theta_{13}$ mixing angle, the next generation of long-baseline neutrino (LBN) experiments offers the possibility of obtaining statistically significant samples of muon and electron neutrinos and anti-neutrinos with […]

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