On the Detection of QCD Axion Dark Matter by Coherent Scattering

Kavli Affiliate: Satoshi Shirai | First 5 Authors: Hajime Fukuda, Satoshi Shirai, , , | Summary: The QCD axion is a promising candidate of the dark matter. In this paper, we discuss elastic scattering processes between nucleons and the QCD axion dark matter. We point out that the cross section can be enhanced by more […]

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TOI 560 : Two Transiting Planets Orbiting a K Dwarf Validated with iSHELL, PFS and HIRES RVs

Kavli Affiliate: Avi Shporer | First 5 Authors: Mohammed El Mufti, Peter P. Plavchan, Howard Isaacson, Bryson L. Cale, Dax L. Feliz | Summary: We validate the presence of a two-planet system orbiting the 0.2–1.4 Gyr K4 dwarf TOI 560 (HD 73583). The system consists of an inner moderately eccentric transiting mini-Neptune (TOI 560 b, […]

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A Linear Relation Between the Color Stretch $s_{BV}$ and the Rising Color Slope $s_0^*(B-V)$ of Type Ia Supernovae

Kavli Affiliate: Subo Dong | First 5 Authors: Ping Chen, Subo Dong, Chris Ashall, S. Benetti, D. Bersier | Summary: Using data from the Complete Nearby ($z_{host}<0.02$) sample of Type Ia Supernovae (CNIa0.02), we discover a linear relation between two parameters derived from the $B-V$ color curves of Type Ia supernovae: the "color stretch" $s_{BV}$ […]

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Direct visualization of electronic transport in a quantum anomalous Hall insulator

Kavli Affiliate: Katja C. Nowack | First 5 Authors: G. M. Ferguson, Run Xiao, Anthony R. Richardella, David Low, Nitin Samarth | Summary: A quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) insulator is characterized by quantized Hall and vanishing longitudinal resistances at zero magnetic field that are protected against local perturbations and independent of sample details. This insensitivity […]

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An Empirical Evaluation On the Applicability of the DALiuGE Execution Framework

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Ying Mei, Shoulin Wei, Feng Wang, Chen Wu, Rodrigo Tobar | Summary: The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project is an international cooperation project to build the largest radio telescope worldwide. Data processing is one of the biggest challenges of building the SKA telescope. As a distributed execution […]

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Statistics and Topology of Fluctuating Ribbons

Kavli Affiliate: L. Mahadevan | First 5 Authors: Ee Hou Yong, Farisan Dary, Luca Giomi, L. Mahadevan, | Summary: Ribbons are a class of slender structures whose length, width, and thickness are widely separated from each other. This scale separation gives a ribbon unusual mechanical properties in athermal macroscopic settings, e.g. it can bend without […]

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Sensitivity of the Roman Coronagraph Instrument to Exozodiacal Dust

Kavli Affiliate: Bruce Macintosh | First 5 Authors: Ewan S Douglas, John Debes, Bertrand Mennesson, Bijan Nemati, Jaren Ashcraft | Summary: Exozodiacal dust, warm debris from comets and asteroids in and near the habitable zone of stellar systems, reveals the physical processes that shape planetary systems. Scattered light from this dust is also a source […]

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The GALPROP Cosmic-ray Propagation and Non-thermal Emissions Framework: Release v57

Kavli Affiliate: Troy A. Porter | First 5 Authors: Troy A. Porter, Gudlaugur Johannesson, Igor V. Moskalenko, , | Summary: The past decade has brought impressive advances in astrophysics of cosmic rays (CRs) and multi-wavelength astronomy — thanks to the new instrumentation launched into space and built on the ground. Understanding the astrophysical backgrounds to […]

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The GALPROP Cosmic-ray Propagation and Non-thermal Emissions Framework: Release v57

Kavli Affiliate: Igor V. Moskalenko | First 5 Authors: Troy A. Porter, Gudlaugur Johannesson, Igor V. Moskalenko, , | Summary: The past decade has brought impressive advances in the astrophysics of cosmic rays (CRs) and multiwavelength astronomy, thanks to the new instrumentation launched into space and built on the ground. Modern technologies employed by those […]

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Next Generation Observatories — Report from the Dawn VI Workshop; October 5-7 2021

Kavli Affiliate: Brian Lantz | First 5 Authors: D. H. Shoemaker, Stefan Ballmer, Matteo Barsuglia, E. Berger, Emanuele Berti | Summary: The workshop Dawn VI: Next Generation Observatories}took place online over three days, 5-7 October, 2021. More than 200 physicists and astronomers attended to contribute to, and learn from, a discussion of next-generation ground-based gravitational-wave […]

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