Soft limits of the wavefunction in exceptional scalar theories

Kavli Affiliate: Austin Joyce | First 5 Authors: Noah Bittermann, Austin Joyce, , , | Summary: We study the structure of the flat space wavefunctional in scalar field theories with nonlinearly realized symmetries. These symmetries imply soft theorems that are satisfied by wavefunction coefficients in the limit where one of the external momenta is scaled […]

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MOSAIC: A Unified Trait Database to Complement Structured Population Models

Kavli Affiliate: Gabriel Silva | Authors: Connor Bernard, Gabriel Silva Santos, Jacques Deere, Roberto Rodriguez-Caro, Pol Capdevila, Erik Kusch, Samuel Gascoigne, John Jackson and Roberto Salguero-Gomez | Summary: The ecological sciences have joined the big data revolution. However, despite exponential growth in data availability, broader interoperability amongst datasets is still needed to unlock the potential […]

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Optical selection bias and projection effects in stacked galaxy cluster weak lensing

Kavli Affiliate: Risa H. Wechsler | First 5 Authors: Hao-Yi Wu, Matteo Costanzi, Chun-Hao To, Andrés N. Salcedo, David H. Weinberg | Summary: Cosmological constraints from current and upcoming galaxy cluster surveys are limited by the accuracy of cluster mass calibration. In particular, optically identified galaxy clusters are prone to selection effects that can bias […]

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Optical selection bias and projection effects in stacked galaxy cluster weak lensing

Kavli Affiliate: Eli S. Rykoff | First 5 Authors: Hao-Yi Wu, Matteo Costanzi, Chun-Hao To, Andrés N. Salcedo, David H. Weinberg | Summary: Cosmological constraints from current and upcoming galaxy cluster surveys are limited by the accuracy of cluster mass calibration. In particular, optically identified galaxy clusters are prone to selection effects that can bias […]

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Experimentally ruling out joint reality based on operational completeness

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Qiuxin Zhang, Yu Xiang, Xiaoting Gao, Chenhao Zhu, Yuxin Wang | Summary: Whether the observables of a physical system admit real values is of fundamental importance to a deep understanding of nature. In this work, we report a device-independent experiment to confirm that the joint reality of […]

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Experimentally ruling out joint reality based on operational completeness

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Qiuxin Zhang, Yu Xiang, Xiaoting Gao, Chenhao Zhu, Yuxin Wang | Summary: Whether the observables of a physical system admit real values is of fundamental importance to a deep understanding of nature. In this work, we report a device-independent experiment to confirm that the joint reality of […]

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LensingETC: a tool to optimize multi-filter imaging campaigns of galaxy-scale strong lensing systems

Kavli Affiliate: Joshua Frieman | First 5 Authors: Anowar J. Shajib, Karl Glazebrook, Tania Barone, Geraint F. Lewis, Tucker Jones | Summary: Imaging data is the principal observable required to use galaxy-scale strong lensing in a multitude of applications in extragalactic astrophysics and cosmology. In this paper, we develop Lensing Exposure Time Calculator (LensingETC) to […]

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The feasibility of constraining DM interactions with high-redshift observations by JWST

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Vogelsberger | First 5 Authors: Ali Kurmus, Sownak Bose, Mark Lovell, Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine, Mark Vogelsberger | Summary: Observations of the high redshift universe provide a promising avenue for constraining the nature of the dark matter (DM). This will be even more true following the now successful launch of the James Webb Space […]

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The feasibility of constraining DM interactions with high-redshift observations by JWST

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Vogelsberger | First 5 Authors: Ali Kurmus, Sownak Bose, Mark Lovell, Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine, Mark Vogelsberger | Summary: Observations of the high redshift universe provide a promising avenue for constraining the nature of the dark matter (DM). This will be even more true with the advent of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). […]

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From dawn till disk: Milky Way’s turbulent youth revealed by the APOGEE+Gaia data

Kavli Affiliate: Andrey Kravtsov | First 5 Authors: Vasily Belokurov, Andrey Kravtsov, , , | Summary: We use accurate estimates of aluminium abundance provided as part of the APOGEE Data Release 17 and Gaia Early Data Release 3 astrometry to select a highly pure sample of stars with metallicity $-1.5lesssim {rm [Fe/H]}lesssim 0.5$ born in-situ […]

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