The level-1 trigger for the SuperCDMS experiment at SNOLAB

Kavli Affiliate: Richard Partridge | First 5 Authors: Jonathan S. Wilson, Hanno Meyer zu Theenhausen, Belina von Krosigk, Elham Azadbakht, Ray Bunker | Summary: The SuperCDMS SNOLAB dark matter search experiment aims to be sensitive to energy depositions down to O(1 eV). This imposes requirements on the resolution, signal efficiency, and noise rejection of the […]

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The level-1 trigger for the SuperCDMS experiment at SNOLAB

Kavli Affiliate: Richard Partridge | First 5 Authors: Jonathan S. Wilson, Hanno Meyer zu Theenhausen, Belina von Krosigk, Elham Azadbakht, Ray Bunker | Summary: The SuperCDMS SNOLAB dark matter search experiment aims to be sensitive to energy depositions down to O(1 eV). This imposes requirements on the resolution, signal efficiency, and noise rejection of the […]

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Lattice Simulations of Axion-U(1) Inflation

Kavli Affiliate: Eiichiro Komatsu | First 5 Authors: Angelo Caravano, Eiichiro Komatsu, Kaloian D. Lozanov, Jochen Weller, | Summary: If gauge fields are coupled to an axion field during inflation, they lead to unique observational signatures within the reach of next generation experiments. However, this system often shows strong backreaction effects, invalidating the standard perturbation […]

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Lattice Simulations of Axion-U(1) Inflation

Kavli Affiliate: Eiichiro Komatsu | First 5 Authors: Angelo Caravano, Eiichiro Komatsu, Kaloian D. Lozanov, Jochen Weller, | Summary: We present the first nonlinear lattice simulation of an axion field coupled to a U(1) gauge field during inflation. We use it to fully characterize the statistics of the primordial curvature perturbation {zeta}. We find high-order […]

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GaLactic and Extragalactic All-sky Murchison Widefield Array survey eXtended (GLEAM-X) I: Survey Description and Initial Data Release

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Natasha Hurley-Walker, Timothy J. Galvin, Stefan W. Duchesne, Xiang Zhang, John Morgan | Summary: We describe a new low-frequency wideband radio survey of the southern sky. Observations covering 72 – 231 MHz and Declinations south of $+30^circ$ have been performed with the Murchison Widefield Array "extended" Phase […]

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Li-rich Giants in LAMOST Survey. III. The statistical analysis of Li-rich giants

Kavli Affiliate: Huawei Zhang | First 5 Authors: Yutao Zhou, Chun Wang, Hongliang Yan, Yang Huang, Bo Zhang | Summary: The puzzle of Li-rich giant is still unsolved, contradicting the prediction of the standard stellar models. Although the exact evolutionary stages play a key role in the knowledge of Li-rich giants, a limited number of […]

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Mapping the dispersion of the occupied and unoccupied band structure in photoexcited 1T-TiSe$_2$

Kavli Affiliate: Alessandra Lanzara | First 5 Authors: Maximilian Huber, Yi Lin, Nicholas Dale, Renee Sailus, Sefaattin Tongay | Summary: Charge density waves (CDW) are states of broken symmetry with a periodic modulation of charge and lattice typically leading to the opening of a gap in the band structure. In the model CDW system 1T-TiSe$_2$ […]

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Model predictive control of agro-hydrological systems based on a two-layer neural network modeling framework

Kavli Affiliate: Biao Huang | First 5 Authors: Zhiyinan Huang, Jinfeng Liu, Biao Huang, , | Summary: Water scarcity is an urgent issue to be resolved and improving irrigation water-use efficiency through closed-loop control is essential. The complex agro-hydrological system dynamics, however, often pose challenges in closed-loop control applications. In this work, we propose a […]

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Reentrant Rigidity Percolation in Structurally Correlated Filamentous Networks

Kavli Affiliate: Itai Cohen | First 5 Authors: Jonathan Michel, Gabriel von Kessel, Thomas Wyse Jackson, Lawrence J. Bonassar, Itai Cohen | Summary: Many biological tissues feature a heterogeneous network of fibers whose tensile and bending rigidity contribute substantially to these tissues’ elastic properties. Rigidity percolation has emerged as a important paradigm for relating these […]

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Supercritical growth pathway to overmassive black holes at cosmic dawn: coevolution with massive quasar hosts

Kavli Affiliate: Kohei Inayoshi | First 5 Authors: Haojie Hu, Kohei Inayoshi, Zoltán Haiman, Wenxiu Li, Eliot Quataert | Summary: Observations of the most luminous quasars at high redshifts ($z > 6$) have revealed that the largest supermassive black holes (SMBHs) at those epochs tend to be substantially overmassive relative to their host galaxies compared […]

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