Analysis of Polarimetry Data with Angular Uncertainties

Kavli Affiliate: Herman L. Marshall | First 5 Authors: Herman L. Marshall, , , , | Summary: For a track based polarimeter, such as the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE), the sensitivity to polarization depends on the modulation factor, which is a strong function of energy. In previous work, a likelihood method was developed that […]

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Femtojoule, femtosecond all-optical switching in lithium niobate nanophotonics

Kavli Affiliate: Alireza Marandi | First 5 Authors: Qiushi Guo, Ryoto Sekine, Luis Ledezma, Rajveer Nehra, Devin J. Dean | Summary: Optical nonlinear functions are crucial for various applications in integrated photonics, such as all-optical information processing, photonic neural networks and on-chip ultrafast light sources. Due to the weak nonlinearities in most integrated photonic platforms, […]

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Single-cell genomics reveals region-specific developmental trajectories underlying neuronal diversity in the human hypothalamus

Kavli Affiliate: Arnold Kriegstein | Authors: Brian R Herb, Hannah J Glover, Aparna Bhaduri, Carlo Colantuoni, Tracy L Bale, Kimberly Siletti, Sten Linnarsson, Rebecca D Hodge, Ed Lein, Arnold Kriegstein, Claudia Doege and Seth A Ament | Summary: Abstract The development and diversity of neuronal subtypes in the human hypothalamus has been insufficiently characterized. We […]

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Hints of spin-orbit resonances in the binary black hole population

Kavli Affiliate: Salvatore Vitale | First 5 Authors: Vijay Varma, Sylvia Biscoveanu, Maximiliano Isi, Will M. Farr, Salvatore Vitale | Summary: Binary black hole spin measurements from gravitational wave observations can reveal the binary’s evolutionary history. In particular, the spin orientations of the component black holes within the orbital plane, $phi_1$ and $phi_2$, can be […]

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Measuring binary black hole orbital-plane spin orientations

Kavli Affiliate: Salvatore Vitale | First 5 Authors: Vijay Varma, Maximiliano Isi, Sylvia Biscoveanu, Will M. Farr, Salvatore Vitale | Summary: Binary black hole spins are among the key observables for gravitational wave astronomy. Among the spin parameters, their orientations within the orbital plane, $phi_1$, $phi_2$ and $Delta phi=phi_1-phi_2$, are critical for understanding the prevalence […]

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Constraining continuous topology optimizations to discrete solutions for photonic applications

Kavli Affiliate: Andrei Faraon | First 5 Authors: Conner Ballew, Gregory Roberts, Tianzhe Zheng, Andrei Faraon, | Summary: Photonic topology optimization is a technique used to find the electric permittivity distribution of a device that optimizes an electromagnetic figure-of-merit. Two common techniques are used: continuous density-based optimizations that optimize a grey-scale permittivity defined over a […]

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Colored Kerr cat qubits

Kavli Affiliate: Oskar Painter | First 5 Authors: Harald Putterman, Joseph Iverson, Qian Xu, Liang Jiang, Oskar Painter | Summary: Biased-noise qubits are a promising candidate for realizing hardware efficient fault-tolerant quantum computing. One promising biased-noise qubit is the Kerr cat qubit, which has recently been demonstrated experimentally. Despite various unique advantages of Kerr cat […]

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Stabilizing a Bosonic Qubit using Colored Dissipation

Kavli Affiliate: Oskar Painter | First 5 Authors: Harald Putterman, Joseph Iverson, Qian Xu, Liang Jiang, Oskar Painter | Summary: Protected qubits such as the 0-$pi$ qubit, and bosonic qubits including cat qubits and GKP qubits offer advantages for fault-tolerance. Some of these protected qubits (e.g., 0-$pi$ qubit and Kerr cat qubit) are stabilized by […]

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The Simplest and Most Predictive Model of Muon $g-2$ and Thermal Dark Matter

Kavli Affiliate: Gordan Krnjaic | First 5 Authors: Ian Holst, Dan Hooper, Gordan Krnjaic, , | Summary: The long-standing $4.2 , sigma$ muon $g-2$ anomaly may be the result of a new particle species which could also couple to dark matter and mediate its annihilations in the early universe. In models where both muons and […]

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The Effect of Mission Duration on LISA Science Objectives

Kavli Affiliate: Pau Amaro Seoane | First 5 Authors: Pau Amaro Seoane, Manuel Arca Sedda, Stanislav Babak, Christopher P. L. Berry, Emanuele Berti | Summary: The science objectives of the LISA mission have been defined under the implicit assumption of a 4 yr continuous data stream. Based on the performance of LISA Pathfinder, it is […]

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