Testing the Reliability of X-rays as a Tool for Constraining Mass-loss Rates of Hot Stars

Kavli Affiliate: David P. Huenemoerder | First 5 Authors: Sean J. Gunderson, Kenneth G. Gayley, Pragati Pradhan, David P. Huenemoerder, Nathan A. Miller | Summary: We fit a new line shape model to textit{Chandra} X-ray spectra of the O supergiant $zeta$ Puppis to test the robustness of mass-loss rates derived from X-ray wind line profiles […]

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Evolution of a Relativistic Outflow and X-ray Corona in the Extreme Changing-Look AGN 1ES 1927+654

Kavli Affiliate: Ronald A. Remillard | First 5 Authors: Megan Masterson, Erin Kara, Claudio Ricci, Javier A. García, Andrew C. Fabian | Summary: 1ES 1927+654 is a paradigm-defying AGN and one of the most peculiar X-ray nuclear transients. In early 2018, this well-known AGN underwent a changing-look event, in which broad optical emission lines appeared […]

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A Fresh Look at AGN Spectral Energy Distribution Fitting with the XMM-SERVS AGN Sample

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Adam Marshall, Matthew W. Auger-Williams, Manda Banerji, Roberto Maiolino, Rebecca Bowler | Summary: We perform spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting to 711 luminous X-ray AGN at 0.7 < z < 4.5 using 10-bands of optical and infra-red photometric data for objects within XMM-SERVS. This fitting provided 510 […]

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A Fresh Look at AGN Spectral Energy Distribution Fitting with the XMM-SERVS AGN Sample

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Adam Marshall, Matthew W. Auger-Williams, Manda Banerji, Roberto Maiolino, Rebecca Bowler | Summary: We perform spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting to 711 luminous X-ray AGN at 0.7 < z < 4.5 using 10-bands of optical and infra-red photometric data for objects within XMM-SERVS. This fitting provided 510 […]

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Spin Pumping into Anisotropic Dirac Electrons

Kavli Affiliate: Mamoru Matsuo | First 5 Authors: Takumi Funato, Takeo Kato, Mamoru Matsuo, , | Summary: We study spin pumping into an anisotropic Dirac electron system induced by microwave irradiation to an adjacent ferromagnetic insulator theoretically. We formulate the Gilbert damping enhancement due to the spin current flowing into the Dirac electron system using […]

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Definition of a saxitoxin (STX) binding code enables discovery and characterization of the Anuran saxiphilin family

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel Minor | Authors: Zhou Chen, Sandra Zakrzewska, Holly S. Hajare, Aurora Alvarez-Buylla, Fayal Abderemane-Ali, Maximiliana Bogan, Dave Ramirez, Lauren A. O’Connell, J. Du Bois and Daniel L. Minor, Jr. | Summary: American bullfrog (Rana castesbeiana) saxiphilin (RcSxph) is a high-affinity ‘toxin sponge’ protein thought to prevent intoxication by saxitoxin (STX), a lethal […]

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Dynamics of fractionalized mean-field theories: consequences for Kitaev materials

Kavli Affiliate: Joel E. Moore | First 5 Authors: Tessa Cookmeyer, Joel E. Moore, , , | Summary: There have been substantial recent efforts, both experimentally and theoretically, to find a material realization of the Kitaev spin-liquid–the ground state of the exactly solvable Kitaev model on the honeycomb lattice. Candidate materials are now plentiful, but […]

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Sequential Flows by Irrelevant Operators

Kavli Affiliate: Savdeep Sethi | First 5 Authors: Christian Ferko, Savdeep Sethi, , , | Summary: We explore whether one can $T overline{T}$ deform a collection of theories that are already $T overline{T}$-deformed. This allows us to define classes of irrelevant deformations that know about subsystems. In some basic cases, we explore the spectrum that […]

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EMPRESS. IX. Extremely Metal-Poor Galaxies are Very Gas-Rich Dispersion-Dominated Systems: Will JWST Witness Gaseous Turbulent High-z Primordial Galaxies?

Kavli Affiliate: Masahiro Kawasaki | First 5 Authors: Yuki Isobe, Masami Ouchi, Kimihiko Nakajima, Shinobu Ozaki, Nicolas Bouche | Summary: We present kinematics of 6 local extremely metal-poor galaxies (EMPGs) with low metallicities ($0.016-0.098 Z_{odot}$) and low stellar masses ($10^{4.7}-10^{7.6} M_{odot}$). Taking deep medium-high resolution ($Rsim7500$) integral-field spectra with 8.2-m Subaru, we resolve the small […]

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EMPRESS. IX. Extremely Metal-Poor Galaxies are Very Gas-Rich Dispersion-Dominated Systems: Will JWST Witness Gaseous Turbulent High-z Primordial Galaxies?

Kavli Affiliate: Masahiro Kawasaki | First 5 Authors: Yuki Isobe, Masami Ouchi, Kimihiko Nakajima, Shinobu Ozaki, Nicolas Bouche | Summary: We present kinematics of 6 local extremely metal-poor galaxies (EMPGs) with low metallicities ($0.016-0.098 Z_{odot}$) and low stellar masses ($10^{4.7}-10^{7.6} M_{odot}$). Taking deep medium-high resolution ($Rsim7500$) integral-field spectra with 8.2-m Subaru, we resolve the small […]

Continue.. EMPRESS. IX. Extremely Metal-Poor Galaxies are Very Gas-Rich Dispersion-Dominated Systems: Will JWST Witness Gaseous Turbulent High-z Primordial Galaxies?