Multi-stage Stern-Gerlach experiment modeled (with additional appendices)

Kavli Affiliate: Lihong V. Wang | First 5 Authors: Lihong V. Wang, , , , | Summary: In the classic multi-stage Stern$-$Gerlach experiment conducted by Frisch and Segr`e, the Majorana (Landau$-$Zener) and Rabi formulae diverge afar from the experimental observation while the physical mechanism for electron-spin collapse remains unidentified. Here, introducing the physical co-quantum concept […]

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UV to submillimetre luminosity functions of TNG50 galaxies

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Vogelsberger | First 5 Authors: Ana Trcka, Maarten Baes, Peter Camps, Anand Utsav Kapoor, Dylan Nelson | Summary: We apply the radiative transfer (RT) code SKIRT on a sample of ~14000 low-redshift (z<= 0.1) galaxies extracted from the TNG50 simulation to enable an apples-to-apples comparison with observations. The RT procedure is calibrated […]

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TOI-1452 b: SPIRou and TESS reveal a super-Earth in a temperate orbit transiting an M4 dwarf

Kavli Affiliate: George Ricker | First 5 Authors: Charles Cadieux, René Doyon, Mykhaylo Plotnykov, Guillaume Hébrard, Farbod Jahandar | Summary: Exploring the properties of exoplanets near or inside the radius valley provides insights on the transition from the rocky super-Earths to the larger, hydrogen-rich atmosphere mini-Neptunes. Here, we report the discovery of TOI-1452 b, a […]

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The LSST era of supermassive black holes accretion-disk reverberation mapping

Kavli Affiliate: Claudio Ricci | First 5 Authors: Andjelka B. Kovacevic, Viktor Radovic, Dragana Ilic, Luka C. Popovic, Roberto J. Assef | Summary: The Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) will detect an unprecedentedly large sample of actively accreting supermassive black holes with typical accretion disk (AD) sizes of a […]

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Fast, Efficient Multimodal Image Normalisation Tool (FEMINisT) for the Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development study: the FEMINisT ABCD Atlas

Kavli Affiliate: Terry Jernigan, Anders Dale | Authors: Diliana Pecheva, John R Iversen, Clare E Palmer, Richard Watts, Terry L Jernigan, Donald J Hagler and Anders M Dale | Summary: Abstract The Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development (ABCD) study aims to measure the trajectories of brain, cognitive, and emotional development. Cognitive and behavioural development during […]

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FGF21 Counteracts Alcohol Intoxication by Activating Noradrenergic Neurons

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey Friedman | Authors: Mihwa Choi, Marc Schneeberger, Wei Fan, Abhijit Bugde, Laurent Gautron, Kevin Vale, Yuan Zhang, Jeffrey M. Friedman, David J. Mangelsdorf and Steven A. Kliewer | Summary: SUMMARY Animals that consume fermenting fruit or nectar are exposed to ethanol, thus increasing their risk of injury or predation. This risk is […]

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Retrotransposons facilitate tissue-specific horizontal Transfer of circulating tumor DNA

Kavli Affiliate: Jose Suarez Lopez | Authors: Munevver cinar, Lourdes Martinez-Medina, Pavan K Puvvula, Arsen Arakelyan, Badri N Vardarajan, Neil Anthony, Ganji P Nagaraju, Dongkyoo Park, Lei Feng, Faith Sheff, Marina Mosunjac, Debra Saxe, Steven Flygare, Olatunji B Alese, Jonathan Kaufman, Sagar Lonial, Juan Sarmiento, Izidore S. Lossos, Paula M Vertino, Jose A Lopez and […]

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Piezo1 as a force-through-membrane sensor in red blood cells.

Kavli Affiliate: Roderick MacKinnon | Authors: George Vaisey, Priyam Banerjee, Alison J North, Christoph A Haselwandter and Roderick MacKinnon | Summary: Summary Piezo1 is the stretch activated Ca2+ channel in red blood cells that mediates homeostatic volume control. Here we study the organization of Piezo1 in red blood cells using a combination of super resolution […]

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The Impact of Population Stratification on the Analysis of Multimodal Neuroimaging Derived Measures

Kavli Affiliate: Wesley Thompson | Authors: Tzu-Hsuan Huang, Chun Chieh Fan, Wesley Thompson and Robert Loughnan | Summary: Abstract Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies of the human brain are now attaining larger sample sizes with more diverse samples. However, population stratification, a key factor driving heterogeneity and confounding of associations, is seldom accounted for in […]

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