Gravitational waves from rapid structure formation on microscopic scales before matter-radiation equality

Kavli Affiliate: Misao Sasaki | First 5 Authors: Marcos M. Flores, Alexander Kusenko, Misao Sasaki, , | Summary: The existence of scalar fields can be probed by observations of stochastic gravitational waves. Scalar fields mediate attractive forces, usually stronger than gravity, on the length scales shorter than their Compton wavelengths, which can be non-negligible in […]

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An ensemble of interconverting conformations of the elemental paused transcription complex creates regulatory options

Kavli Affiliate: Jin Kang | Authors: Jin Young Kang, Tatiana V Mishanina, Yu Bao, James Chen, Eliza Llewellyn, James Liu, Seth A Darst and Robert Landick | Summary: Abstract Transcriptional pausing underpins regulation of cellular RNA synthesis but its mechanism remains incompletely understood. Sequence-specific interactions of DNA and RNA with the dynamic, multidomain RNA polymerase […]

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Two Synaptic Convergence Motifs Define Functional Roles for Inputs to Cochlear Nucleus Bushy Cells

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Ellisman | Authors: George A. Spirou, Matthew Kersting, Sean Carr, Bayan Razzaq, Carolyna Y. Alves-Pinto, Mariah Dawson, Mark H. Ellisman and Paul B. Manis | Summary: Abstract Bushy neurons of the cochlear nucleus encode temporal fine structure and modulation of sound with high fidelity. However, the synaptic maps and electrotonic structures that […]

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Postsynaptic receptors regulate presynaptic neurotransmitter stability

Kavli Affiliate: Nicholas Spitzer | Authors: Swetha K Godavarthi, Masateru Hiramoto, Yuri Ignatyev, Jacqueline B Levin, Huiquan Li, Marta Pratelli, Jennifer Borchardt, Cynthia M Czajkowski, Laura N Borodinsky, Lora Sweeney, Hollis Tremaine Cline and Nicholas C Spitzer | Summary: Abstract Alteration of the electrical activity of the nervous system causes plasticity in neural circuits. Many […]

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The MegaMapper: A Stage-5 Spectroscopic Instrument Concept for the Study of Inflation and Dark Energy

Kavli Affiliate: Risa H. Wechsler | First 5 Authors: David J. Schlegel, Juna A. Kollmeier, Greg Aldering, Stephen Bailey, Charles Baltay | Summary: In this white paper, we present the MegaMapper concept. The MegaMapper is a proposed ground-based experiment to measure Inflation parameters and Dark Energy from galaxy redshifts at $2<z<5$. In order to achieve […]

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Polarization effects on fluorescence emission of zebrafish neurons using light-sheet microscopy

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Hong Ye, Xin Xu, Jixiang Wang, Jing Wang, Yi He | Summary: Light-sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) makes use of a thin plane of light to optically section and image transparent tissues or organisms {it{in vivo}}, which has the advantages of fast imaging speed and low phototoxicity. In […]

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Platform-agnostic waveguide integration of high-speed photodetectors with evaporated tellurium thin films

Kavli Affiliate: Ali Javey | First 5 Authors: Geun Ho Ahn, Alexander D. White, Hyungjin Kim, Naoki Higashitarumizu, Felix M. Mayor | Summary: Many attractive photonics platforms still lack integrated photodetectors due to inherent material incompatibilities and lack of process scalability, preventing their widespread deployment. Here we address the problem of scalably integrating photodetectors in […]

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Global remapping in granule cells and mossy cells of the mouse dentate gyrus

Kavli Affiliate: James Knierim | Authors: Sang Hoon Kim, Douglas GoodSmith, Stephanie J Temme, Fumika Moriya, Guo-li Ming, Kimberly Christian, Hongjun Song and James J Knierim | Summary: SUMMARY Hippocampal place cells exhibit spatially modulated firing, or place fields, which can remap to encode changes in the environment or other variables. Unique among hippocampal subregions, […]

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COOL-LAMPS III: Discovery of a 25″.9 Separation Quasar Lensed by a Merging Galaxy Cluster

Kavli Affiliate: Michael D. Gladders | First 5 Authors: Michael N. Martinez, Kate A. Napier, Aidan P. Cloonan, Ezra Sukay, Katya Gozman | Summary: In the third paper from the COOL-LAMPS Collaboration, we report the discovery of COOL J0542-2125, a gravitationally lensed quasar at $z=1.84$, observed as three images due to an intervening massive galaxy […]

Continue.. COOL-LAMPS III: Discovery of a 25″.9 Separation Quasar Lensed by a Merging Galaxy Cluster