Ultrastructure of synaptic connectivity within sub-regions of the SCN revealed by genetically encoded EM tag and SBEM

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Ellisman | Authors: Hugo Calligaro, Azarin Shoghi, Xinyue Chen, Keun-Young Kim, Yu Hsin Liu, Brian Khov, Benjamin Finander, Hiep Le, Mark H Ellisman and Satchidananda Panda | Summary: Abstract The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in the hypothalamus of the vertebrate brain is the central pacemaker regulating circadian rhythmicity throughout the body. The SCN […]

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Neuronal activity-related transcription is blunted in immature compared to mature dentate granule cells

Kavli Affiliate: Fred Gage | Authors: Sarah L Parylak, Fan Qiu, Sara B Linker, Iryna S Gallina, Christina K Lim, David Preciado, Aidan H McDonald and Fred H Gage | Summary: Abstract Immature dentate granule cells (DGCs) generated in the hippocampus during adulthood are believed to play a unique role in dentate gyrus function. Although […]

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Curvature and dynamical spacetimes: can we peer into the quantum regime?

Kavli Affiliate: Ulrich Sperhake | First 5 Authors: Vitor Cardoso, David Hilditch, Krinio Marouda, José Natário, Ulrich Sperhake | Summary: Stationary compact astrophysical objects such as black holes and neutron stars behave as classical systems from the gravitational point of view. Their (observable) curvature is everywhere "small". Here we investigate whether mergers of such objects, […]

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HNF1α transcriptional activation and repression maintain human islet α and β cell function

Kavli Affiliate: Vy Thuy Nguyen | Authors: Mollie Friedlander Qian, Romina J Bevacqua, Vy M Nguyen, Xiong Liu, Weichen Zhao, Charles A Chang, Xueying Gu, Xiao-Qing Dai, Patrick E Macdonald and Seung K. Kim | Summary: ABSTRACT HNF1A haploinsufficiency underlies the most common form of human monogenic diabetes (HNF1A-MODY) and hypomorphic HNF1A variants confer type […]

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Multimodal Learning with Channel-Mixing and Masked Autoencoder on Facial Action Unit Detection

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Xiang Zhang, Huiyuan Yang, Taoyue Wang, Xiaotian Li, Lijun Yin | Summary: Recent studies utilizing multi-modal data aimed at building a robust model for facial Action Unit (AU) detection. However, due to the heterogeneity of multi-modal data, multi-modal representation learning becomes one of the main challenges. On […]

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Multimodal Channel-Mixing: Channel and Spatial Masked AutoEncoder on Facial Action Unit Detection

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Xiang Zhang, Huiyuan Yang, Taoyue Wang, Xiaotian Li, Lijun Yin | Summary: Recent studies have focused on utilizing multi-modal data to develop robust models for facial Action Unit (AU) detection. However, the heterogeneity of multi-modal data poses challenges in learning effective representations. One such challenge is extracting […]

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The Fourth Catalog of Active Galactic Nuclei Detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope — Data Release 3

Kavli Affiliate: Vahe Petrosian | First 5 Authors: The Fermi-LAT collaboration, :, Marco Ajello, Luca Baldini, Jean Ballet | Summary: An incremental version of the fourth catalog of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) detected by the Fermi-Large Area Telescope is presented. This version (4LAC-DR3) derives from the third data release of the 4FGL catalog based on […]

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The Fourth Catalog of Active Galactic Nuclei Detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope — Data Release 3

Kavli Affiliate: Igor Moskalenko | First 5 Authors: The Fermi-LAT collaboration, :, Marco Ajello, Luca Baldini, Jean Ballet | Summary: An incremental version of the fourth catalog of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) detected by the Fermi-Large Area Telescope is presented. This version (4LAC-DR3) derives from the third data release of the 4FGL catalog based on […]

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The Fourth Catalog of Active Galactic Nuclei Detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope — Data Release 3

Kavli Affiliate: Igor Moskalenko | First 5 Authors: The Fermi-LAT collaboration, :, Marco Ajello, Luca Baldini, Jean Ballet | Summary: An incremental version of the fourth catalog of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) detected by the Fermi-Large Area Telescope is presented. This version (4LAC-DR3) derives from the third data release of the 4FGL catalog based on […]

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Olfactory neuronal cells: biopsied surrogates for neurons in the brain

Kavli Affiliate: Donald Geman, Laurent Younes | Authors: Kun Yang, Koko Ishizuka, Zui Narita, Yukiko Y Lema, Siwei Zhang, Jubao Duan, Laurent Younes, Donald Geman, Andrew P Lane and Akira Sawa | Summary: ABSTRACT Biopsy is an essential procedure of clinical medicine in which we obtain tissues and cells that are supposed to directly reflect […]

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