The MegaMapper: A Stage-5 Spectroscopic Instrument Concept for the Study of Inflation and Dark Energy

Kavli Affiliate: Risa H. Wechsler | First 5 Authors: David J. Schlegel, Juna A. Kollmeier, Greg Aldering, Stephen Bailey, Charles Baltay | Summary: In this white paper, we present the MegaMapper concept. The MegaMapper is a proposed ground-based experiment to measure Inflation parameters and Dark Energy from galaxy redshifts at $2<z<5$. In order to achieve […]

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Polarization effects on fluorescence emission of zebrafish neurons using light-sheet microscopy

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Hong Ye, Xin Xu, Jixiang Wang, Jing Wang, Yi He | Summary: Light-sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) makes use of a thin plane of light to optically section and image transparent tissues or organisms {it{in vivo}}, which has the advantages of fast imaging speed and low phototoxicity. In […]

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Platform-agnostic waveguide integration of high-speed photodetectors with evaporated tellurium thin films

Kavli Affiliate: Ali Javey | First 5 Authors: Geun Ho Ahn, Alexander D. White, Hyungjin Kim, Naoki Higashitarumizu, Felix M. Mayor | Summary: Many attractive photonics platforms still lack integrated photodetectors due to inherent material incompatibilities and lack of process scalability, preventing their widespread deployment. Here we address the problem of scalably integrating photodetectors in […]

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Global remapping in granule cells and mossy cells of the mouse dentate gyrus

Kavli Affiliate: James Knierim | Authors: Sang Hoon Kim, Douglas GoodSmith, Stephanie J Temme, Fumika Moriya, Guo-li Ming, Kimberly Christian, Hongjun Song and James J Knierim | Summary: SUMMARY Hippocampal place cells exhibit spatially modulated firing, or place fields, which can remap to encode changes in the environment or other variables. Unique among hippocampal subregions, […]

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COOL-LAMPS III: Discovery of a 25″.9 Separation Quasar Lensed by a Merging Galaxy Cluster

Kavli Affiliate: Michael D. Gladders | First 5 Authors: Michael N. Martinez, Kate A. Napier, Aidan P. Cloonan, Ezra Sukay, Katya Gozman | Summary: In the third paper from the COOL-LAMPS Collaboration, we report the discovery of COOL J0542-2125, a gravitationally lensed quasar at $z=1.84$, observed as three images due to an intervening massive galaxy […]

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A Spectroscopic Road Map for Cosmic Frontier: DESI, DESI-II, Stage-5

Kavli Affiliate: Risa H. Wechsler | First 5 Authors: David J. Schlegel, Simone Ferraro, Greg Aldering, Charles Baltay, Segev BenZvi | Summary: In this white paper, we present an experimental road map for spectroscopic experiments beyond DESI. DESI will be a transformative cosmological survey in the 2020s, mapping 40 million galaxies and quasars and capturing […]

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Light Curves and Event Rates of Axion Instability Supernovae

Kavli Affiliate: Shunsaku Horiuchi | First 5 Authors: Kanji Mori, Takashi J. Moriya, Tomoya Takiwaki, Kei Kotake, Shunsaku Horiuchi | Summary: It was recently proposed that exotic particles can trigger a new stellar instability which is analogous to the e-e+ pair instability if they are produced and reach equilibrium in the stellar plasma. In this […]

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The Cosmic Telescope that Lenses the Sunburst Arc, PSZ1 G311.65-18.48: Strong Gravitational Lensing model and Source Plane Analysis

Kavli Affiliate: Michael D. Gladders | First 5 Authors: Keren Sharon, Guillaume Mahler, T. Emil Rivera-Thorsen, Hakon Dahle, Michael D. Gladders | Summary: We present a strong lensing analysis of the cluster PSZ1 G311.65-18.48, based on Hubble Space Telescope imaging, archival VLT/MUSE spectroscopy, and Chandra X-ray data. This cool-core cluster (z=0.443) lenses the brightest lensed […]

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First Sample of H$α$+[O III] $λ$5007 Line Emitters at $z > 6$ through JWST/NIRCam Slitless Spectroscopy: Physical Properties and Line Luminosity Functions

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Fengwu Sun, Eiichi Egami, Nor Pirzkal, Marcia Rieke, Stefi Baum | Summary: We present a sample of four emission-line galaxies at $z=6.11-6.35$ that were serendipitously discovered using the commissioning data for the JWST/NIRCam wide-field slitless spectroscopy (WFSS) mode. One of them (at $z=6.11$) has been reported previously […]

Continue.. First Sample of H$α$+[O III] $λ$5007 Line Emitters at $z > 6$ through JWST/NIRCam Slitless Spectroscopy: Physical Properties and Line Luminosity Functions