TESS Giants Transiting Giants III: An eccentric warm Jupiter supports a period-eccentricity relation for giant planets transiting evolved stars

Kavli Affiliate: Edward H. Morgan | First 5 Authors: Samuel K. Grunblatt, Nicholas Saunders, Ashley Chontos, Soichiro Hattori, Dimitri Veras | Summary: The fate of planets around rapidly evolving stars is not well understood. Previous studies have suggested that relative to the main sequence population, planets transiting evolved stars ($P$ $<$ 100 d) tend to […]

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CodeEditor: Learning to Edit Source Code with Pre-trained Models

Kavli Affiliate: Zhuo Li | First 5 Authors: Jia Allen Li, Ge Li, Zhuo Li, Zhi Jin, Xing Hu | Summary: Developers often perform repetitive code editing activities for various reasons (e.g., code refactoring) during software development. Pre-trained code editing models have achieved the state-of-the-art (SOTA) results. Pre-trained models are first pre-trained with pre-training tasks […]

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CodeEditor: Learning to Edit Source Code with Pre-trained Models

Kavli Affiliate: Zhuo Li | First 5 Authors: Jia Li, Ge Li, Zhuo Li, Zhi Jin, Xing Hu | Summary: Developers often perform repetitive code editing activities for various reasons (e.g., code refactoring) during software development. Pre-trained code editing models have achieved the state-of-the-art (SOTA) results. Pre-trained models are first pre-trained with pre-training tasks and […]

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Personalized Dose Guidance using Safe Bayesian Optimization

Kavli Affiliate: Francis J. Doyle | First 5 Authors: Dinesh Krishnamoorthy, Francis J. Doyle III, , , | Summary: This work considers the problem of personalized dose guidance using Bayesian optimization that learns the optimum drug dose tailored to each individual, thus improving therapeutic outcomes. Safe learning using interior point method ensures patient safety with […]

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The BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Data Ecosystem: A User’s Guide

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Miller | Authors: BICCN Data Ecosytem Collaboration, Michael J Hawrylycz, Maryann E Martone, Patrick R Hof, Ed S Lein, Aviv Regev, Giorgio A. A Ascoli, Jan G Bjaalie, Hong-Wei Dong, Satrajit S Ghosh, Jesse Gillis, Ronna Hertzano, David R Haynor, Yongsoo Kim, Yufeng Liu, Jeremy A Miller, Partha P Mitra, Eran Mukamel, […]

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Engineered vasculature induces functional maturation of pluripotent stem cell-derived islet organoids

Kavli Affiliate: Vy Thuy Nguyen | Authors: Kim Vy Nguyen Ngoc, Somesh Sai, Yesl Jun, R. Hugh F. Bender, Vira Kravets, Han Zhu, Christopher J Hatch, Michael Schlichting, Roberto Gaetani, Medhavi Mallick, Stephanie J Hachey, Karen Christman, Steven Carl George, Christopher C Hughes and Maike Sander | Summary: Abstract Blood vessels play a critical role […]

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Spin hydrodynamic generation in unsteady flows

Kavli Affiliate: Mamoru Matsuo | First 5 Authors: Takumi Funato, Mamoru Matsuo, , , | Summary: We theoretically investigate a spin-mediated conversion from fluid dynamics to voltage, known as spin hydrodynamic generation (SHDG), in oscillatory and transient unsteady flows. We consider unsteady flows of liquid metal between two parallel infinite planes and then calculate its […]

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Mass-Metallicity Relation during the Epoch of Reionization in the CROC Simulations

Kavli Affiliate: Nickolay Gnedin | First 5 Authors: Isaac Noel, Hanjue Zhu, Nickolay Gnedin, , | Summary: The low-redshift mass-metallicity relation (MZR) is well studied, but the high-redshift MZR remains difficult to observe. To study the early MZR further, we analyze the Cosmic Reionization on Computers (CROC) simulations with a focus on the MZR from […]

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Palmitoylation regulates neuropilin-2 localization and function in cortical neurons and conveys specificity to semaphorin signaling via palmitoyl acyltransferases

Kavli Affiliate: Alex Kolodkin | Authors: Eleftheria Koropouli, Qiang Wang, Rebeca Mejias-Estevez, Randal Hand, Tao Wang, David D Ginty and Alex L Kolodkin | Summary: ABSTRACT Secreted semaphorin 3F (Sema3F) and semaphorin 3A (Sema3A) exhibit remarkably distinct effects on deep layer excitatory cortical pyramidal neurons; Sema3F mediates dendritic spine pruning, whereas Sema3A promotes the elaboration […]

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Amygdalostriatal transition zone neurons encode sustained valence to direct conditioned behaviors

Kavli Affiliate: Kay Tye | Authors: Fergil Mills, Christopher R Lee, James R Howe, Hao Li, Shan Shao, Maria N Keisler, Mackenzie E Lemieux, Felix H Taschbach, Laurel R Keyes, Matilde R Borio, Hannah S Chen, Reesha R. Patel, Alexa L Gross, Jeremy Delahanty, Christian Cazares, Liezl Maree, Romy Wichmann, Talmo D Pereira, Marcus K […]

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