Taking the Milky Way for a spin: disc formation in the ARTEMIS simulations

Kavli Affiliate: Andrey Kravtsov | First 5 Authors: Adam M. Dillamore, Vasily Belokurov, Andrey Kravtsov, Andreea S. Font, | Summary: We investigate the formation (spin-up) of galactic discs in the ARTEMIS simulations of Milky Way-mass galaxies. In almost all galaxies discs spin up at higher [Fe/H] than the Milky Way (MW). Those that contain an […]

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What can galaxy shapes tell us about physics beyond the standard model?

Kavli Affiliate: David N. Spergel | First 5 Authors: Oliver H. E. Philcox, Morgane J. König, Stephon Alexander, David N. Spergel, | Summary: The shapes of galaxies trace scalar physics in the late-Universe through the large-scale gravitational potential. Are they also sensitive to higher-spin physics? We present a general study into the observational consequences of […]

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What can galaxy shapes tell us about physics beyond the standard model?

Kavli Affiliate: David N. Spergel | First 5 Authors: Oliver H. E. Philcox, Morgane J. König, Stephon Alexander, David N. Spergel, | Summary: The shapes of galaxies trace scalar physics in the late-Universe through the large-scale gravitational potential. Are they also sensitive to higher-spin physics? We present a general study into the observational consequences of […]

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Taking the Milky Way for a spin: disc formation in the ARTEMIS simulations

Kavli Affiliate: Andrey Kravtsov | First 5 Authors: Adam M. Dillamore, Vasily Belokurov, Andrey Kravtsov, Andreea S. Font, | Summary: We investigate the formation (spin-up) of galactic discs in the ARTEMIS simulations of Milky Way-mass galaxies. In almost all galaxies discs spin up at higher [Fe/H] than the Milky Way (MW). Those that contain an […]

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What can galaxy shapes tell us about physics beyond the standard model?

Kavli Affiliate: David N. Spergel | First 5 Authors: Oliver H. E. Philcox, Morgane J. König, Stephon Alexander, David N. Spergel, | Summary: The shapes of galaxies trace scalar physics in the late-Universe through the large-scale gravitational potential. Are they also sensitive to higher-spin physics? We present a general study into the observational consequences of […]

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Mapping polariton Bose–Einstein condensate onto vibrational degrees of freedom

Kavli Affiliate: Birgitta Whaley | First 5 Authors: Vladislav Yu. Shishkov, Evgeny S. Andrianov, Sergei Tretiak, K. Birgitta Whaley, Anton V. Zasedatelev | Summary: We demonstrate a macro-coherent regime in molecular exciton-polariton systems, where nonequilibrium polariton Bose–Einstein condensation coexists with macroscopically occupied vibrational states. Strong vibronic coupling in molecules induces an effective optomechanical interaction between […]

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Sympathetic Mechanism for Vibrational Condensation Enabled by Polariton Optomechanical Interaction

Kavli Affiliate: Birgitta Whaley | First 5 Authors: Vladislav Yu. Shishkov, Evgeny S. Andrianov, Sergei Tretiak, K. Birgitta Whaley, Anton V. Zasedatelev | Summary: We demonstrate a macro-coherent regime in exciton-polariton systems, where nonequilibrium polariton Bose–Einstein condensation coexists with macroscopically occupied vibrational states. Strong exciton-vibration coupling induces an effective optomechanical interaction between cavity polaritons and […]

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Quasi-BPS categories for K3 surfaces

Kavli Affiliate: Yukinobu Toda | First 5 Authors: Tudor Pădurariu, Yukinobu Toda, , , | Summary: We introduce and begin the study of quasi-BPS categories for K3 surfaces, which are a categorical version of the BPS cohomologies for K3 surfaces. We construct semiorthogonal decompositions of derived categories of coherent sheaves on moduli stacks of semistable […]

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Topological K-theory of quasi-BPS categories of symmetric quivers with potential

Kavli Affiliate: Yukinobu Toda | First 5 Authors: Tudor Pădurariu, Yukinobu Toda, , , | Summary: In previous work, we studied quasi-BPS categories (of symmetric quivers with potential, of preprojective algebras, of surfaces) and showed they have properties analogous to those of BPS invariants/ cohomologies. For example, quasi-BPS categories are used to formulate categorical analogues […]

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Topological K-theory of quasi-BPS categories of symmetric quivers with potential

Kavli Affiliate: Yukinobu Toda | First 5 Authors: Tudor Pădurariu, Yukinobu Toda, , , | Summary: In previous works, we introduced and studied certain categories called quasi-BPS categories associated to symmetric quivers with potential, preprojective algebras, and local surfaces. They have properties reminiscent of BPS invariants/ cohomologies in enumerative geometry, for example they play important […]

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