Clump-scale Gas Infall in High-mass Star Formation: a Multi-transition View with JCMT HCN (4–3) Mapping

Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang | First 5 Authors: Fengwei Xu, Ke Wang, Yuxin He, Jingwen Wu, Lei Zhu | Summary: Gas infall motions play a crucial role in high-mass star formation and are characterized by observable signatures in the form of blue-shifted asymmetric spectral line profiles ("blue profiles"). However, the connection between blue profiles and […]

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Multiferroic Magnon Spin-Torque Based Reconfigurable Logic-In-Memory

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel C. Ralph | First 5 Authors: Yahong Chai, Yuhan Liang, Cancheng Xiao, Yue Wang, Bo Li | Summary: Magnons, bosonic quasiparticles carrying angular momentum, can flow through insulators for information transmission with minimal power dissipation. However, it remains challenging to develop a magnon-based logic due to the lack of efficient electrical manipulation […]

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Proximal Molecular Probe Transfer (PROMPT), a new approach for identifying sites of protein/nucleic acid interaction in cells by correlated light and electron microscopy

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Ellisman | Authors: Guillaume A Castillon, Sebastien Phan, Junru Hu, Daniela Boassa, Stephen R Adams and Mark H Ellisman | Summary: The binding and interaction of proteins with nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA constitutes a fundamental biochemical and biophysical process in all living organisms. Identifying and visualizing such temporal interactions […]

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POEMMA (Probe of Extreme Multi-Messenger Astrophysics) Roadmap Update

Kavli Affiliate: Angela V. Olinto | First 5 Authors: Angela V. Olinto, , , , | Summary: The Probe Of Extreme Multi-Messenger Astrophysics (POEMMA) was designed as a NASA Astrophysics probe-class mission to identify the sources of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) and observe cosmic neutrinos from extremely energetic transient sources. POEMMA consists of two […]

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Host–pathogen–vector continuum in a changing landscape: Drivers of Bartonella prevalence and evidence of historic spillover in a tropical multi–host community

Kavli Affiliate: V. S. Ramachandran | Authors: B.R. Ansil, Ashwin Viswanathan, Vivek Ramachandran, H.M. Yeshwanth, Avirup Sanyal and Uma Ramakrishnan | Summary: Our understanding of pathogen spillover is largely based on viral systems associated with bats. Bacterial infections of zoonotic origin also pose a significant public health burden, many of which are associated with small […]

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Geometric frustration of hard-disk packings on cones

Kavli Affiliate: Vinothan N. Manoharan | First 5 Authors: Jessica H. Sun, Abigail Plummer, Grace H. Zhang, David R. Nelson, Vinothan N. Manoharan | Summary: Conical surfaces pose an interesting challenge to crystal growth: a crystal growing on a cone can wrap around and meet itself at different radii. We use a disk-packing algorithm to […]

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Dualities and Discretizations of Integrable Quantum Field Theories from 4d Chern-Simons Theory

Kavli Affiliate: Masahito Yamazaki | First 5 Authors: Meer Ashwinkumar, Jun-ichi Sakamoto, Masahito Yamazaki, , | Summary: We elucidate the relationship between 2d integrable field theories and 2d integrable lattice models, in the framework of the 4d Chern-Simons theory. The 2d integrable field theory is realized by coupling the 4d theory to multiple 2d surface […]

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Simplicity of AdS Super Yang-Mills at One Loop

Kavli Affiliate: Xinan Zhou | First 5 Authors: Zhongjie Huang, Bo Wang, Ellis Ye Yuan, Xinan Zhou, | Summary: We perform a systematic bootstrap analysis of four-point one-loop Mellin amplitudes for super gluons in $mathrm{AdS}_5timesmathrm{S}^3$ with arbitrary Kaluza-Klein weights. The analysis produces the general expressions for these amplitudes at extremalities two and three, as well […]

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