Narrow spectrum in repeating fast radio burst

Kavli Affiliate: Renxin Xu | First 5 Authors: Wei-Yang Wang, Yuan-Pei Yang, Hong-Bo Li, Jifeng Liu, Renxin Xu | Summary: Fast radio bursts (FRBs) can present narrow-band spectra with a variety of polarization properties. We study spectral properties from perspectives of intrinsic radiation mechanisms by invoking bunching mechanism and perturbations on charged bunches moving at […]

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Narrow spectra of repeating fast radio bursts: A magnetospheric origin

Kavli Affiliate: Renxin Xu | First 5 Authors: Wei-Yang Wang, Yuan-Pei Yang, Hong-Bo Li, Jifeng Liu, Renxin Xu | Summary: Fast radio bursts (FRBs) can present a variety of polarization properties, and some of them have narrow spectra. We study spectral properties from perspectives of intrinsic radiation mechanisms and absorption during the waves propagating in […]

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KMT-2023-BLG-1431Lb: A New $q < 10^{-4}$ Microlensing Planet from a Subtle Signature

Kavli Affiliate: Subo Dong | First 5 Authors: Aislyn Bell, Jiyuan Zhang, Youn Kil Jung, Jennifer C. Yee, Hongjing Yang | Summary: The current studies of microlensing planets are limited by small number statistics. Follow-up observations of high-magnification microlensing events can efficiently form a statistical planetary sample. Since 2020, the Korea Microlensing Telescope Network (KMTNet) […]

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Long-lived Searches of Vector-like Lepton and Its Accompanying Scalar at Colliders

Kavli Affiliate: Jia Liu | First 5 Authors: Qing-Hong Cao, Jinhui Guo, Jia Liu, Yan Luo, Xiao-Ping Wang | Summary: Recently, the vector-like leptons (VLLs) as a simple extension to the standard model (SM) have attracted widespread attention both in theory and experiments. The present collider searches mainly focus on the studies of their prompt […]

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Long-lived Searches of Vector-like Lepton and Its Accompanying Scalar at Colliders

Kavli Affiliate: Jia Liu | First 5 Authors: Qing-Hong Cao, Jinhui Guo, Jia Liu, Yan Luo, Xiao-Ping Wang | Summary: Recently, the vector-like leptons (VLLs) as a simple extension to the standard model (SM) have attracted widespread attention both in theory and experiments. The present collider searches mainly focus on the studies of their prompt […]

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Nonlinear Quantum Photonics with a Tin-Vacancy Center Coupled to a One-Dimensional Diamond Waveguide

Kavli Affiliate: Ronald Hanson | First 5 Authors: Matteo Pasini, Nina Codreanu, Tim Turan, AdriĆ  Riera Moral, Christian F. Primavera | Summary: Color-centers integrated with nanophotonic devices have emerged as a compelling platform for quantum science and technology. Here we integrate tin-vacancy centers in a diamond waveguide and investigate the interaction with light at the […]

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Roles of Hund’s Rule and Hybridization in the Two-orbital Model for High-$T_c$ Superconductivity in the Bilayer Nickelate

Kavli Affiliate: Gang Su | First 5 Authors: Xing-Zhou Qu, Dai-Wei Qu, Wei Li, Gang Su, | Summary: The intriguing interplay between the two $e_g$ orbitals in the high-$T_c$ nickelate superconductor La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ is studied via the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) and finite-$T$ thermal tensor-network calculations. We consider a bilayer $t$-$J$ model that incorporates both […]

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Hund’s Rule, Interorbital Hybridization, and High-$T_c$ Superconductivity in the Bilayer Nickelate

Kavli Affiliate: Gang Su | First 5 Authors: Xing-Zhou Qu, Dai-Wei Qu, Xin-Wei Yi, Wei Li, Gang Su | Summary: Understanding the pairing mechanism in bilayer nickelate superconductors constitutes a fascinating quest. Using density matrix renormalization group for $T=0$ and thermal tensor networks for $T>0$ properties, along with density functional theory calculations, we investigate the […]

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A Spatially resolved X-ray Polarization map of the Vela Pulsar Wind Nebula

Kavli Affiliate: Roger W. Romani | First 5 Authors: Kuan Liu, Fei Xie, Yi-Han Liu, Chi-Yung Ng, Niccolo’ Bucciantini | Summary: In this paper, we present a full spatially resolved polarization map for the Vela Pulsar Wind Nebula (PWN) observed by IXPE. By employing effective background discrimination techniques, our results show a remarkably high degree […]

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Quantum Gravity Effects on Fermionic Dark Matter and Gravitational Waves

Kavli Affiliate: Masahito Yamazaki | First 5 Authors: Stephen F. King, Rishav Roshan, Xin Wang, Graham White, Masahito Yamazaki | Summary: We explore the phenomenological consequences of breaking discrete global symmetries in quantum gravity (QG). We extend a previous scenario where discrete global symmetries are responsible for scalar dark matter (DM) and domain walls (DWs), […]

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