Population Representation of the Confidence in a Decision in the Parietal Cortex

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Shadlen | Authors: Ariel Zylberberg and Michael N Shadlen | Summary: Confidence in a decision is the belief, prior to feedback, that one’s choice is correct. In the brain, many decisions are implemented as a race between competing evidence-accumulation processes. We ask whether the neurons that represent evidence accumulation also carry information […]

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Language Models Use Trigonometry to Do Addition

Kavli Affiliate: Max Tegmark | First 5 Authors: Subhash Kantamneni, Max Tegmark, , , | Summary: Mathematical reasoning is an increasingly important indicator of large language model (LLM) capabilities, yet we lack understanding of how LLMs process even simple mathematical tasks. To address this, we reverse engineer how three mid-sized LLMs compute addition. We first […]

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Psychometric-Based Evaluation for Theorem Proving with Large Language Models

Kavli Affiliate: Long Zhang | First 5 Authors: Jianyu Zhang, Yongwang Zhao, Long Zhang, Jilin Hu, Xiaokun Luan | Summary: Large language models (LLMs) for formal theorem proving have become a prominent research focus. At present, the proving ability of these LLMs is mainly evaluated through proof pass rates on datasets such as miniF2F. However, […]

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Cosmological super-resolution of the 21-cm signal

Kavli Affiliate: George Efstathiou | First 5 Authors: Simon Pochinda, Jiten Dhandha, Anastasia Fialkov, Eloy de Lera Acedo, | Summary: In this study, we train score-based diffusion models to super-resolve gigaparsec-scale cosmological simulations of the 21-cm signal. We examine the impact of network and training dataset size on model performance, demonstrating that a single simulation […]

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LEAD: Large Foundation Model for EEG-Based Alzheimer’s Disease Detection

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Yihe Wang, Nan Huang, Nadia Mammone, Marco Cecchi, Xiang Zhang | Summary: Electroencephalogram (EEG) provides a non-invasive, highly accessible, and cost-effective solution for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) detection. However, existing methods, whether based on manual feature extraction or deep learning, face two major challenges: the lack of large-scale […]

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Evaluation of sequencing reads at scale using rdeval

Kavli Affiliate: Erich Jarvis | Authors: Giulio Formenti, Bonhwang Koo, Marco Sollitto, Jennifer Balacco, Nadolina Brajuka, Richard Burhans, Erick Duarte, Alice Maria Giani, Kirsty McCaffrey, Jack A Medico, Eugene W Myers and Erich D Jarvis | Summary: Motivation Large sequencing data sets are produced and deposited into public archives at unprecedented rates. The availability of […]

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Ultrafast All-Optical Measurement of Squeezed Vacuum in a Lithium Niobate Nanophotonic Circuit

Kavli Affiliate: Alireza Marandi | First 5 Authors: James Williams, Elina Sendonaris, Rajveer Nehra, Robert M Gray, Ryoto Sekine | Summary: Squeezed vacuum, a fundamental resource for continuous-variable quantum information processing, has been used to demonstrate quantum advantages in sensing, communication, and computation. While most experiments use homodyne detection to characterize squeezing and are therefore […]

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Ultrafast All-Optical Measurement of Squeezed Vacuum in a Lithium Niobate Nanophotonic Circuit

Kavli Affiliate: Alireza Marandi | First 5 Authors: James Williams, Elina Sendonaris, Rajveer Nehra, Robert M Gray, Ryoto Sekine | Summary: Squeezed vacuum, a fundamental resource for continuous-variable quantum information processing, has been used to demonstrate quantum advantages in sensing, communication, and computation. While most experiments use homodyne detection to characterize squeezing and are therefore […]

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Spectral Sufficient Conditions for Graph Factors

Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang | First 5 Authors: Fengyun Ren, Shumin Zhang, Ke Wang, , | Summary: The ${K_{1,1}, K_{1,2},C_m: mgeq3}$-factor of a graph is a spanning subgraph whose each component is an element of ${K_{1,1}, K_{1,2},C_m: mgeq3}$. In this paper, through the graph spectral methods, we establish the lower bound of the signless Laplacian […]

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Rigorous expansions of modular forms at CM points, I: Denominators

Kavli Affiliate: Chris Xu | First 5 Authors: Chris Xu, , , , | Summary: We describe an algorithm to rigorously compute the power series expansion at a CM point of a weight $2$ cusp form of level coprime to $6$. Our algorithm works by bounding the denominators that appear due to ramification, and without […]

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