Large-field-of-view Chip-scale Talbot-grid-based Fluorescence Microscopy

Kavli Affiliate: Paul W. Sternberg | First 5 Authors: Shuo Pang, Chao Han, Mihoko Kato, Paul W. Sternberg, Changhuei Yang | Summary: The fluorescence microscope is one of the most important tools in modern clinical diagnosis and biological science. However, its expense, size and limited field-of-view (FOV) are becoming bottlenecks in key applications such as […]

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High-Q impurity photon states bounded by a photonic-band-pseudogap in an optically-thick photonic-crystal slab

Kavli Affiliate: Axel Scherer | First 5 Authors: Se-Heon Kim, Andrew Homyk, Sameer Walavalkar, Axel Scherer, | Summary: We show that, taking a two-dimensional photonic-crystal slab system as an example, surprisingly high quality factors (Q) over 10^5 are achievable, even in the absence of a rigorous photonic-band-gap. We find that the density of in-plane Bloch […]

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Status Report of the DPHEP Study Group: Towards a Global Effort for Sustainable Data Preservation in High Energy Physics

Kavli Affiliate: Homer Neal | First 5 Authors: Z. Akopov, Silvia Amerio, David Asner, Eduard Avetisyan, Olof Barring | Summary: Data from high-energy physics (HEP) experiments are collected with significant financial and human effort and are mostly unique. An inter-experimental study group on HEP data preservation and long-term analysis was convened as a panel of […]

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Design and Construction of Absorption Cells for Precision Radial Velocities in the K Band using Methane Isotopologues

Kavli Affiliate: Nathan S. Lewis | First 5 Authors: Guillem Anglada-Escudé, Peter Plavchan, Sean Mills, Peter Gao, Edgardo García-Berríos | Summary: We present a method to optimize absorption cells for precise wavelength calibration in the near-infrared. We apply it to design and optimize methane isotopologue cells for precision radial velocity measurements in the K band. […]

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Planar sheets meet negative curvature liquid interfaces

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Bowick | First 5 Authors: Zhenwei Yao, Mark Bowick, Xu Ma, Rastko Sknepnek, | Summary: If an inextensible thin sheet is adhered to a substrate with a negative Gaussian curvature it will experience stress due to geometric frustration. We analyze the consequences of such geometric frustration using analytic arguments and numerical simulations. […]

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The Chandra Multi-Wavelength Project: Optical Spectroscopy and the Broadband Spectral Energy Distributions of X-ray Selected AGN

Kavli Affiliate: Robert A. Cameron | First 5 Authors: Markos Trichas, Paul J. Green, John D. Silverman, Tom Aldcroft, Wayne Barkhouse | Summary: From optical spectroscopy of X-ray sources observed as part of ChaMP, we present redshifts and classifications for a total of 1569 Chandra sources from our targeted spectroscopic follow up using the FLWO, […]

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Technology developments for a scalable heterodyne MMIC array at W-band

Kavli Affiliate: Sarah Church | First 5 Authors: Matthew Sieth, Sarah Church, Judy M. Lau, Patricia Voll, Todd Gaier | Summary: We report on the development of W-band (75-110 GHz) heterodyne receiver technology for large-format astronomical arrays. The receiver system is designed to be both mass-producible, so that the designs could be scaled to thousands […]

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Ultra-sensitive and Wide Bandwidth Thermal Measurements of Graphene at Low Temperatures

Kavli Affiliate: Keith Schwab | First 5 Authors: Kin Chung Fong, Keith Schwab, , , | Summary: Graphene is a material with remarkable electronic properties and exceptional thermal transport properties near room temperature, which have been well examined and understood. However at very low temperatures the thermodynamic and thermal transport properties are much less well […]

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Ultra-sensitive and Wide Bandwidth Thermal Measurements of Graphene at Low Temperatures

Kavli Affiliate: Keith Schwab | First 5 Authors: , , , , | Summary: Graphene is a material with remarkable electronic properties and exceptional thermal transport properties near room temperature, which have been well examined and understood. However at very low temperatures the thermodynamic and thermal transport properties are much less well explored and somewhat […]

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