Doped Mott Insulators in the Triangular Lattice Hubbard Model

Kavli Affiliate: Zheng Zhu | First 5 Authors: Zheng Zhu, D. N. Sheng, Ashvin Vishwanath, , | Summary: We investigate the evolution of the Mott insulators in the triangular lattice Hubbard Model, as a function of hole doping $delta$ in both the strong and intermediate coupling limits. Using the advanced density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) […]

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On the survival of resonant and non-resonant planetary systems in star clusters

Kavli Affiliate: Rainer Spurzem | First 5 Authors: Katja Stock, Maxwell X. Cai, Rainer Spurzem, M. B. N. Kouwenhoven, Simon Portegies Zwart | Summary: Despite the discovery of thousands of exoplanets in recent years, the number of known exoplanets in star clusters remains tiny. This may be a consequence of close stellar encounters perturbing the […]

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Microtextures in the Chelyabinsk impact breccia reveal the history of Phosphorus-Olivine-Assemblages in chondrites

Kavli Affiliate: Paul D. Asimow | First 5 Authors: Craig R. Walton, Ioannis Baziotis, Ana Černok, Oliver Shorttle, Paul D. Asimow | Summary: The geochemistry and textural associations of chondritic phosphate minerals can provide insights into the geological histories of parental asteroids, but the processes governing their formation and deformation remain poorly constrained. Here, we […]

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Surface wave non-reciprocity via time-modulated metamaterials

Kavli Affiliate: Chiara Daraio | First 5 Authors: Antonio Palermo, Paolo Celli, Behrooz Yousefzadeh, Chiara Daraio, Alessandro Marzani | Summary: We investigate how Rayleigh waves interact with modulated resonators located on the free surface of a semi-infinite elastic medium. We begin by studying the dynamics of a single resonator with time-modulated stiffness. In particular, we […]

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Points2Surf: Learning Implicit Surfaces from Point Cloud Patches

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Wimmer | First 5 Authors: Philipp Erler, Paul Guerrero, Stefan Ohrhallinger, Michael Wimmer, Niloy J. Mitra | Summary: A key step in any scanning-based asset creation workflow is to convert unordered point clouds to a surface. Classical methods (e.g., Poisson reconstruction) start to degrade in the presence of noisy and partial scans. […]

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A little FABLE: exploring AGN feedback in dwarf galaxies with cosmological simulations

Kavli Affiliate: Debora Sijacki | First 5 Authors: Sophie Koudmani, Nicholas A. Henden, Debora Sijacki, , | Summary: Contrary to the standard lore, there is mounting observational evidence that feedback from active galactic nuclei (AGN) may also play a role at the low-mass end of the galaxy population. We investigate this using the cosmological simulation […]

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Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture via Zastava spaces

Kavli Affiliate: Hiraku Nakajima | First 5 Authors: Alexander Braverman, Michael Finkelberg, Hiraku Nakajima, , | Summary: We deduce the Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture on the multiplicities of simple modules over a simple complex Lie algebra in Verma modules in category O from the equivariant geometric Satake correspondence and the analysis of torus fixed points in zastava […]

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Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture via Zastava spaces

Kavli Affiliate: Hiraku Nakajima | First 5 Authors: Alexander Braverman, Michael Finkelberg, Hiraku Nakajima, , | Summary: We deduce the Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture on the multiplicities of simple modules over a simple complex Lie algebra in Verma modules in category O from the equivariant geometric Satake correspondence and the analysis of torus fixed points in zastava […]

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Band gap renormalization, carrier mobilities, and the electron-phonon self-energy in crystalline naphthalene

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey B. Neaton | First 5 Authors: Florian Brown-Altvater, Gabriel Antonius, Tonatiuh Rangel, Matteo Giantomassi, Claudia Draxl | Summary: Organic molecular crystals are expected to feature appreciable electron-phonon interactions that influence their electronic properties at zero and finite temperature. In this work, we report first-principles calculations and an analysis of the electron-phonon self-energy […]

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Ultrafast dynamics of electron-phonon coupling in a metal

Kavli Affiliate: Alessandra Lanzara | First 5 Authors: Choongyu Hwang, Wentao Zhang, Koshi Kurashima, Robert Kaindl, Tadashi Adachi | Summary: In the past decade, the advent of time-resolved spectroscopic tools has provided a new ground to explore fundamental interactions in solids and to disentangle degrees of freedom whose coupling leads to broad structures in the […]

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