Tunable ferromagnetism at non-integer filling of a moiré superlattice

Kavli Affiliate: Michael F. Crommie | First 5 Authors: Guorui Chen, Aaron L. Sharpe, Eli J. Fox, Shaoxin Wang, Bosai Lyu | Summary: The flat bands resulting from moir’e superlattices in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (MATBG) and ABC-trilayer graphene aligned with hexagonal boron nitride (ABC-TLG/hBN) have been shown to give rise to fascinating correlated electron […]

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Discovery of A candidate Hypervelocity star originated from the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal galaxy

Kavli Affiliate: Huawei Zhang | First 5 Authors: Yang Huang, Qingzheng Li, Huawei Zhang, Xinyi Li, Weixiang Sun | Summary: In this letter, we report the discovery of an intriguing HVS (J1443+1453) candidate that is probably from the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal galaxy (Sgr dSph). The star is an old and very metal-poor low-mass main-sequence turn-off […]

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Understanding the Impacts of Stellar Companions on Planet Formation and Evolution: A Survey of Stellar and Planetary Companions within 25 pc

Kavli Affiliate: Bruce Macintosh | First 5 Authors: Lea A. Hirsch, Lee Rosenthal, Benjamin J. Fulton, Andrew W. Howard, David R. Ciardi | Summary: We explore the impact of outer stellar companions on the occurrence rate of giant planets detected with radial velocities. We searched for stellar and planetary companions to a volume-limited sample of […]

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Observational Evidence for Enhanced Black Hole Accretion in Giant Elliptical Galaxies

Kavli Affiliate: Erin Kara | First 5 Authors: Michael McDonald, Brian R. McNamara, Michael S. Calzadilla, Chien-Ting Chen, Massimo Gaspari | Summary: We present a study of the relationship between black hole accretion rate (BHAR) and star formation rate (SFR) in a sample of giant elliptical galaxies. These galaxies, which live at the centers of […]

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Initial Design of a W-band Superconducting Kinetic Inductance Qubit (Kineticon)

Kavli Affiliate: Mohammad Mirhosseini | First 5 Authors: Farzad B. Faramarzi, Peter K. Day, Jacob Glasby, Sasha Sypkens, Marco Colangelo | Summary: Superconducting qubits are widely used in quantum computing research and industry. We describe a superconducting kinetic inductance qubit (and introduce the term Kineticon to describe it) operating at W-band frequencies with a nonlinear […]

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Bloch-Lorentz magnetoresistance oscillations in delafossites

Kavli Affiliate: Anton Akhmerov | First 5 Authors: Kostas Vilkelis, Lin Wang, Anton Akhmerov, , | Summary: Recent measurements of the out-of-plane magnetoresistance of delafossites (PdCoO$_2$ and PtCoO$_2$) observed oscillations which closely resemble the Aharanov-Bohm effect. We develop a semiclassical theory of these oscillations and show that they are a consequence of the quasi-2D dispersion […]

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Bloch-Lorentz magnetoresistance oscillations in delafossites

Kavli Affiliate: Anton Akhmerov | First 5 Authors: Kostas Vilkelis, Lin Wang, Anton Akhmerov, , | Summary: Recent measurements of the out-of-plane magnetoresistance of delafossites (PdCoO$_2$ and PtCoO$_2$) observed oscillations closely resembling the Aharonov-Bohm effect. Here, we show that the magnetoresistance oscillations are explained by the Bloch-like oscillations of the out-of-plane electron trajectories. We develop […]

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Gravitational wave constraints on the primordial black hole dominated early universe

Kavli Affiliate: Misao Sasaki | First 5 Authors: Guillem Domènech, Chunshan Lin, Misao Sasaki, , | Summary: We calculate the gravitational waves (GWs) induced by the density fluctuations due to inhomogeneous distribution of primordial black holes (PBHs) in the case where PBHs eventually dominate and reheat the universe by Hawking evaporation. The initial PBH density […]

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Games and Computational Complexity

Kavli Affiliate: Zeeshan Ahmed | First 5 Authors: Zeeshan Ahmed, Alapan Chaudhuri, Kunwar Shaanjeet Singh Grover, Hrishi Narayanan, Manasvi Vaidyula | Summary: Computers are known to solve a wide spectrum of problems, however not all problems are computationally solvable. Further, the solvable problems themselves vary on the amount of computational resources they require for being […]

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