Brain substates induced by DMT relate to sympathetic output and meaningfulness of the experience

Kavli Affiliate: Adam Gazzaley | Authors: Lorenzo Pasquini, Alexander Simon, Courtney Gallen, Hannes Kettner, Leor Roseman, Adam Gazzaley, Robin Carhart-Harris and Christopher Timmermann | Summary: N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a serotonergic psychedelic, known to rapidly induce short-lasting alterations in conscious experience, characterized by a profound and immersive sense of physical transcendence alongside rich and vivid auditory […]

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Structure and function of an intermediate GPCR-G protein complex

Kavli Affiliate: Yifan Cheng | Authors: Maxine Bi, Xudong Wang, Jinan Wang, JUN xu, Wenkai Sun, Victtor Ayo Adediwrua, Yinglong Miao, Yifan Cheng and Libin Ye | Summary: Despite hundreds of GPCR-Gαβγ complex structures, these snapshots uniquely capture the fully activated complex. Consequently, a comprehensive understanding of the conformational transitions during GPCR activation and the […]

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Spyglass: a data analysis framework for reproducible and shareable neuroscience research

Kavli Affiliate: Loren Frank | Authors: Kyu Hyun Lee, Eric L. Denovellis, Ryan Ly, Jeremy Magland, Jeff Soules, Alison E Comrie, Daniel P Gramling, Jennifer A Guidera, Rhino Nevers, Philip Adenekan, Chris Brozdowski, Samuel R Bray, Emily Monroe, Ji Hyun Bak, Michael Coulter, Xulu Sun, Emrey Broyles, Donghoon Shin, Sharon Chiang, Cristofer Holobetz, Andrew Tritt, […]

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A Simple Subcortical Feeding Circuit Linking Interoceptive Inputs to Consummatory Behavior

Kavli Affiliate: Zachary Knight and Jeffrey M. Friedman | Authors: Christin Kosse, Jessica Ivanov, Zachary Knight, Kyle Pellegrino and Jeffrey Friedman | Summary: TThe brain processes an array of stimuli enabling the selection of an appropriate behavioural response but the underlying circuitry linking inputs to outputs is unknown. Here we delineate a subcortical circuit in […]

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Hybracter: Enabling Scalable, Automated, Complete and Accurate Bacterial Genome Assemblies

Kavli Affiliate: Robert Edwards | Authors: George Bouras, Ghais Houtak, Ryan R Wick, Vijini Mallawaarachchi, Michael J. Roach, Bhavya Papudeshi, Louise M Judd, Anna E Sheppard, Robert A Edwards and Sarah Vreugde | Summary: Improvements in the accuracy and availability of long-read sequencing mean that complete bacterial genomes are now routinely reconstructed using hybrid (i.e. […]

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Optineurin-facilitated axonal mitochondria delivery promotes neuroprotection and axon regeneration

Kavli Affiliate: Xin Duan | Authors: Dong Liu, Hannah C. Webber, Fuyun Bian, Yangfan Xu, Manjari Prakash, Xue Feng, Ming Yang, Hang Yang, In-Jee You, Liang Li, Liping Liu, Pingting Liu, Haoliang Huang, Chien-Yi Chang, Liang Liu, Sahil H. Shah, Anna La Torre, Derek S. Welsbie, Yang Sun, Xin Duan, Jeffrey L Goldberg, Marcus Braun, […]

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Bioenergetic mapping of ‘healthy microbiomes’ via compound processing potential imprinted in gut and soil metagenomes

Kavli Affiliate: Robert Edwards | Authors: Craig Liddicoat, Robert A Edwards, Michael J. Roach, Jake M Robinson, Kiri Joy Wallace, Andrew D Barnes, Joel Brame, Anna Heintz-Buschart, Timothy R Cavagnaro, Elizabeth A Dinsdale, Michael P Doane, Nico Eisenhauer, Grace Mitchell, Bibishan Rai, Sunita Ramesh and Martin F Breed | Summary: Microbiomes are critical to the […]

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Cryo-EM Structures Reveal Tau Filaments from Down Syndrome Adopt Alzheimer’s Disease Fold

Kavli Affiliate: Stanley Prusiner | Authors: Ujjayini Ghosh, Eric Tse, Marie Shi, Hyunjun Yang, Feng Wang, Gregory E. Merz, Stanley B. Prusiner, Daniel R. Southworth and Carlo Condello | Summary: Down Syndrome (DS) is a common genetic condition caused by trisomy of chromosome 21. Among the complex clinical features including musculoskeletal, neurological and cardiovascular disabilities, […]

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Parallel Encoding of Speech in Human Frontal and Temporal Lobes

Kavli Affiliate: Edward Chang | Authors: Patrick W Hullett, Matthew K Leonard, Maria Luisa W Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa Mandelli and Edward F Chang | Summary: Models of speech perception are centered around a hierarchy in which auditory representations in the thalamus propagate to primary auditory cortex, then to the lateral temporal cortex, and finally through […]

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Metric Ion Classification (MIC): A deep learning tool for assigning ions and waters in cryo-EM and x-ray crystallography structures

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Keiser | Authors: Laura Shub, Wenjin Liu, Georgios Skiniotis, Michael J. Keiser and Michael J. Robertson | Summary: At sufficiently high resolution, x-ray crystallography and cryogenic electron microscopy are capable of resolving small spherical map features corresponding to either water or ions. Correct classification of these sites provides crucial insight for understanding […]

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