Nucleus accumbens and dorsal medial striatal dopamine and neural activity are essential for action sequence performance

Kavli Affiliate: Patricia Janak | Authors: Kurt M Fraser, Bridget J Chen and Patricia H Janak | Summary: Separable striatal circuits have unique functions in Pavlovian and instrumental behaviors but how these roles relate to performance of sequences of actions with and without associated cues is less clear. Here we tested whether dopamine release and […]

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Complex spikes perturb movements, revealing the sensorimotor map of Purkinje cells

Kavli Affiliate: Reza Shadmehr | Authors: Salomon Zev Muller, Jay S Pi, Paul Hage, Mohammad Amin Fakharian, Ehsan Sedaghat-Nejad and Reza Shadmehr | Summary: The cerebellar cortex performs computations that are critical for control of our actions, and then transmits that information via simple spikes of Purkinje cells (P-cells) to downstream structures. However, because P-cells […]

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Axon initial segment GABA inhibits action potential generation throughout periadolescent development

Kavli Affiliate: Kevin Bender | Authors: Anna M Lipkin and Kevin J Bender | Summary: Neurons are remarkably polarized structures: dendrites spread and branch to receive synaptic inputs while a single axon extends and transmits action potentials to downstream targets. Neuronal polarity is maintained by the axon initial segment (AIS), a region between the soma […]

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Long timescale anti-directional rotation in Drosophila optomotor behavior

Kavli Affiliate: Damon Clark | Authors: Omer Mano, Minseung Choi, Ryosuke Tanaka, Matthew S. Creamer, Natalia C.B. Matos, Joseph Shomar, Bara A. Badwan, Thomas R. Clandinin and Damon A. Clark | Summary: Locomotor movements cause visual images to be displaced across the eye, a retinal slip that is counteracted by stabilizing reflexes in many animals. […]

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SEL1L-HRD1 ER-associated degradation is a new ataxia gene

Kavli Affiliate: Mary E. Hatten | Authors: Liangguang Leo Lin, Mauricio Torres, Brent Pederson, Huilun Helen Wang, Xiaoqiong Wei, Zexin Jason Li, Xiaodan Liu, Hancheng Mao, Michalina Hanzel, Eve Ellen Govek, You Lu, Hui Wang, Zhen Zhao, Mary Elizabeth Hatten, Shengyi E Sun and Ling Qi | Summary: Despite recent advances in our understanding of […]

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Dietary protein shapes the profile and repertoire of intestinal CD4+ T cells

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel Mucida | Authors: Ainsley Lockhart, Aubrey Reed, Tiago Bruno Rezende de Castro, Calvin Herman, Maria Cecilia Campos Canesso and Daniel Mucida | Summary: The intestinal immune system must tolerate food antigens to avoid allergy, a process requiring CD4+ T cells. Combining antigenically defined diets with gnotobiotic models, we show that food and […]

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The influence of environment geometry on subiculum boundary vector cells in adulthood and early development

Kavli Affiliate: Edvard Moser, May-Britt Moser | Authors: Laurenz Muessig, Fabio Ribeiro Rodrigues, Tale Bjerknes, Ben Towse, Caswell Barry, Neil Burgess, Edvard I Moser, May-Britt Moser, Francesca Cacucci and Thomas J Wills | Summary: Boundaries to movement form a specific class of landmark information used for navigation. Boundary Vector Cells (BVCs) are neurons which encode […]

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Cell specificity of adeno-associated virus (AAV) serotypes in human cortical organoids

Kavli Affiliate: Robert Edwards | Authors: Morgan M Stanton, Harsh N Hariani, Jordan Sorokin, Patrick M Taylor, Sara Modan, Brian G Rash, Sneha B Rao, Luigi Enriquez, Daphne Quang, Pei-Ken Hsu, Justin Paek, Dorah Owango, Carlos Castrillo, Justin Nicola, Pavan Ramkumar, Andy Lash, Douglas Flanzer, Kevan Shah, Saul Kato and Gaia Skibinski | Summary: Human-derived […]

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Programmed ribosomal frameshifts, and how to find them

Kavli Affiliate: Robert Edwards | Authors: Katelyn McNair, Peter Salamon, Robert A. Edwards and Anca M. Segall | Summary: One of the stranger phenomena that can occur during gene translation is where, as a ribosome reads along the mRNA, various cellular and molecular properties contribute to stalling the ribosome on a slippery sequence, shifting the […]

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A rapid and bidirectional reporter of neural activity reveals neural correlates of social behaviors in Drosophila

Kavli Affiliate: Richard Axel | Authors: Moise Bonheur, Kurtis J. Swartz, Melissa G. Metcalf, Anna Zhukovskaya, Avirut Mehta, Kristin E. Connors, Julia G. Barasch, Xinke Wen, Andrew R. Jamieson, Kelsey C. Martin, Richard Axel and Daisuke Hattori | Summary: Neural activity is modulated over different timescales encompassing sub-seconds to days reflecting changes in external environment, […]

Continue.. A rapid and bidirectional reporter of neural activity reveals neural correlates of social behaviors in Drosophila