Engineered bacteria launch and control an oncolytic virus

Kavli Affiliate: Charles M. Rice | Authors: Zakary S. Singer, Jonathan Pabon, Hsinyen Huang, Charles M. Rice and Tal Danino | Summary: The ability of bacteria and viruses to selectively replicate in tumors has led to synthetic engineering of new microbial therapies. Here we design a cooperative strategy whereby S. typhimurium bacteria transcribe and deliver […]

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The control of overt and covert attention across two nodes of the attention-control network

Kavli Affiliate: Winrich Freiwald | Authors: Pablo Polosecki, Sara C Steenrod, Heiko Stemmann and Winrich A. Freiwald | Summary: Attention is a central cognitive capability whose focus is thought to be directed by a spatial map coding behavioral priority. Here we tested the three defining properties of priority map theory with electrophysiological recordings from two […]

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A Causal Perspective for Batch Effects: When is no answer better than a wrong answer?

Kavli Affiliate: Brian Caffo and Joshua Vogelstein | Authors: Eric W. Bridgeford, Michael Powell, Gregory Kiar, Stephanie Noble, Jaewon Chung, Sambit Panda, Ross Lawrence, Ting Xu, Michael Milham, Brian Caffo and Joshua T. Vogelstein | Summary: Batch effects, undesirable sources of variance across multiple experiments, present significant challenges for scientific and clinical discoveries. Specifically, batch […]

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The 3-Dimensional Genome Drives the Evolution of Asymmetric Gene Duplicates via Enhancer Capture-Divergence

Kavli Affiliate: Li Zhao | Authors: UnJin Lee, Deanna Arsala, Shengqian Xia, Cong Li, Mujahid Ali, Nicolas Svetec, Christopher Langer, Debora Sobreira, Ittai Eres, Dylan Sosa, Jianhai Chen, Li Zhang, Patrick Reilly, Alexander Guzzetta, J.J. Emerson, Peter Andolfatto, Li Zhao and Manyuan Long | Summary: Previous evolutionary models of duplicate gene evolution have overlooked the […]

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Dynamic categorization rules alter representations in human visual cortex

Kavli Affiliate: John Serences | Authors: Margaret M Henderson, John T Serences and Nuttida Rungratsameetaweemana | Summary: Abstract Everyday perceptual tasks require sensory stimuli to be dynamically encoded and analyzed according to changing behavioral goals. For example, when searching for an apple at the supermarket, one might first find the Granny Smith apples by separating […]

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Comment on ‘Accumbens cholinergic interneurons dynamically promote dopamine release and enable motivation’

Kavli Affiliate: Joshua Berke | Authors: James Taniguchi, Riccardo Melani, Lynne Chantranupong, Michelle J Wen, Ali Mohebi, Joshua D Berke, Bernardo L Sabatini and Nicolas X Tritsch | Summary: Acetylcholine is widely believed to modulate the release of dopamine in the striatum of mammals. Experiments in brain slices clearly show that synchronous activation of striatal […]

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Somatic cancer driver mutations are enriched and associated with inflammatory states in Alzheimer’s disease microglia

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Miller | Authors:August Yue Huang, Zinan Zhou, Maya Talukdar, Michael B Miller, Brian Chhouk, Liz Enyenihi, Ila Rosen, Edward Stronge, Boxun Zhao, Dachan Kim, Jaejoon Choi, Sattar Khoshkhoo, Junho Kim, Javier Ganz, Kyle J Travaglini, Mariano Gabitto, Rebecca D Hodge, Eitan Kaplan, Ed Lein, Phillip De Jager, David A Bennett, Eunjung Alice […]

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Long range projections of oxytocin neurons in the marmoset brain

Kavli Affiliate: Cory Miller | Arthur Lefevre, Jazlynn Meza and Cory Miller | Summary: The neurohormone oxytocin (OT) has become a major target for the development of novel therapeutic strategies to treat psychiatric disorders such as autism spectrum disorder because of its integral role in governing many facets of mammalian social behavior. Whereas extensive work […]

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Basolateral amygdala population coding of a cued reward seeking state depends on orbitofrontal cortex

Kavli Affiliate: Patricia Janak | David J Ottenheimer, Katherine R Vitale, Frederic Ambroggi, Patricia H Janak and Benjamin T Saunders | Summary: Basolateral amygdala (BLA) neuronal responses to conditioned stimuli are closely linked to the expression of conditioned behavior. An area of increasing interest is how the dynamics of BLA neurons relate to evolving behavior. […]

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Transforming chemigenetic bimolecular fluorescence complementation systems into chemical dimerizers using chemistry

Kavli Affiliate: Timothy Brown | Pratik Kumar, Alina Gutu, Amelia Waring, Timothy A Brown, Luke D Lavis and Alison G. Tebo | Summary: Chemigenetic tags are versatile labels for fluorescence microscopy that combine some of the advantages of genetically encoded tags with small molecule fluorophores. The Fluorescence Activating and absorbance Shifting Tags (FASTs) bind a […]

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