Behavioral impairments are linked to neuroinflammation in mice with Cerebral Cavernous Malformation disease

Kavli Affiliate: Stephan Anagnostaras; | Authors: Joseph Offenberger, Bianca Chen, Leigh-Ana Rossitto, Irisa Jin, Liam Conaboy, Helios Gallego-Gutierrez, Bliss Nelsen, Eduardo Frias-Anaya, David J. Gonzalez, Stephan Anagnostaras and Miguel Alejandro Lopez-Ramirez | Summary: Background Cerebral Cavernous Malformations (CCMs) are neurovascular abnormalities in the central nervous system (CNS) caused by loss of function mutations in KRIT1 […]

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Temporal-Coherence Induces Binding in Responses to Sound Sequences in Ferret Auditory Cortex

Kavli Affiliate: Mounya Elhilali/p> | Authors: Kai Lu, Kelsey Dutta, Ali Mohammed, Mounya Elhilali and Shihab Shamma | Summary: Binding the attributes of a sensory source is necessary to perceive it as a unified entity, one that can be attended to and extracted from its surrounding scene. In auditory perception, this is the essence of […]

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Autism gene variants disrupt enteric neuron migration and cause gastrointestinal dysmotility

Kavli Affiliate: Jeremy Willsey/p> | Authors: Kate E McCluskey, Katherine M Stovell, Karen Law, Elina Kostyanovskaya, James Schmidt, Cameron RT Exner, Jeanselle Dea, Elise Brimble, Matthew W State, A Jeremy Willsey and Helen Rankin Willsey | Summary: The comorbidity of autism spectrum disorders and severe gastrointestinal symptoms is well-established, yet the molecular underpinnings remain unknown. […]

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Specification of human regional brain lineages using orthogonal gradients of WNT and SHH in organoids

Kavli Affiliate: Flora Vaccarino | Authors: Soraya Scuderi, Tae-Yun Kang, Alexandre Jourdon, Liang Yang, Feinan Wu, Alex Nelson, George M. Anderson, Jessica Mariani, VIVEKANANDA SARANGI, Alexej Abyzov, Andre Levchenko and Flora M. Vaccarino | Summary: The repertory of neurons generated by progenitor cells depends on their location along antero-posterior and dorso-ventral axes of the neural […]

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Differential Control of Inhibitory and Excitatory Nerve Terminal Function by Mitochondria

Kavli Affiliate: Timothy A. Ryan | Authors: Kirsten Bredvik and Timothy A Ryan | Summary: Inhibitory neurons shape the brain’s computational landscape and rely on different cellular architectures and intrinsic properties than excitatory neurons. Maintenance of the overall balance of excitatory (E) versus inhibitory (I) drive is essential, as disruptions can lead to neuropathological conditions, […]

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Dendritic excitations govern back-propagation via a spike-rate accelerometer

Kavli Affiliate: Liam Paninski | Authors: Pojeong Park, J. David Wong-Campos, Daniel Itkis, Byung Hun Lee, Yitong Qi, Hunter C. Davis, Benjamin Antin, Amol Praveen Pasarkar, Jonathan B. Grimm, Sarah E. Plutkis, Katie L. Holland, Liam Paninski, Luke Lavis and Adam Ezra Cohen | Summary: Dendrites on neurons support nonlinear electrical excitations, but the computational […]

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Left-right-alternating theta sweeps in the entorhinal-hippocampal spatial map

Kavli Affiliate: Edvard Moser and May-Britt Moser | Authors: Abraham Z. Vollan, Richard J. Gardner, May-Britt Moser and Edvard I. Moser | Summary: Place cells in the hippocampus and grid cells in the entorhinal cortex are elements of a neural map of self- position. To benefit navigation, this representation must be dynamically related to surrounding […]

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Transcriptional Control of Neocortical Size and Microcephaly

Kavli Affiliate: Kristina Nielsen Loyal Goff | Authors: Soraia Barao, Yijun Xu, Rachel Vistein, Loyal Goff, Kristina Nielsen, Byoung-Il Bae, Richard S. Smith, Christopher A Walsh, Genevieve Stein O Brien and Ulrich Muller | Summary: The mammalian neocortex differs vastly in size and complexity between mammalian species, yet the mechanisms that lead to an increase […]

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Interdependence between SEB-3 and NLP-49 peptides shifts across predator-induced defensive behavioral modes in Caenorhabditis elegans

Kavli Affiliate: Sreekanth Chalasani | Authors: Kathleen T Quach, Gillian A Hughes and Sreekanth H Chalasani | Summary: Prey must balance the need to avoid predators with the need to feed, a dilemma central to prey refuge theory. Additionally, prey must also assess predatory imminence, or how close predator threats are in space and time. […]

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Single-cell morphology encodes functional subtypes of senescence in aging human dermal fibroblasts

Kavli Affiliate: Jean Fan | Authors: Jude Marvin Phillip, Pratik Kamat, Nico Macaluso, Chanhong Min, Yukang Li, Anshika Agrawal, Aaron Winston, Lauren Pan, Bartholomew Marvin Starich, Teasia Stewert, Pei-Hsun Wu, Jean Fan and Jeremy Walston | Summary: Cellular senescence is an established driver of aging, exhibiting context-dependent phenotypes across multiple biological length-scales. Despite its mechanistic […]

Continue.. Single-cell morphology encodes functional subtypes of senescence in aging human dermal fibroblasts