Ancient midbrain inhibitory neurons control selective spatial attention

Kavli Affiliate: Shreesh P. Mysore | Authors: Ninad B Kothari, Wen-Kai You, Arunima Banerjee, Qingcheng Zhang and Shreesh P Mysore | Summary: Animal behavior at any instant is guided by information from only a subset of the plethora of stimuli in their sensory environments. The neural circuit mechanisms that select a behaviorally relevant ‘target’ from […]

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Reelin marks cocaine-activated striatal ensembles, promotes neuronal excitability, and regulates cocaine reward

Kavli Affiliate: Keri Martinowich | Authors: Kasey L Brida, Emily T Jorgensen, Robert A Phillips III, Catherine E Newman, Jennifer J Tuscher, Emily K Morring, Morgan E Zipperly, Lara Ianov, Kelsey D Montgomery, Madhavi Tippani, Thomas M Hyde, Kristen R Maynard, Keri Martinowich and Jeremy J Day | Summary: Drugs of abuse activate defined neuronal […]

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PCM1 conveys centrosome asymmetry to polarized endosome dynamics in regulating daughter cell fate

Kavli Affiliate: Su Guo | Authors: Xiang Zhao, Wang Yiqi, Ahmet Can Solak, Jason Garcia, Vincent Mouilleau, Xingye Chen, Christopher J Wilkinson, Loic Alain Royer, Zhiqiang Alain Dong and Su Guo | Summary: Vertebrate radial glia progenitors (RGPs), the principal neural stem cells, balance self-renewal and differentiation through asymmetric cell division (ACD), during which unequal […]

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Event structure sculpts neural population dynamics in the lateral entorhinal cortex

Kavli Affiliate: Edvard Moser and May-Britt Moser | Authors: Benjamin R Kanter, Christine M Lykken, May-Britt Moser and Edvard I. Moser | Summary: Our experience of the world is a continuous stream of events which must be segmented and organized simultaneously at multiple timescales. The neural mechanisms underlying this process remain unknown. Here, we simultaneously […]

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Rapid rebalancing of co-tuned ensemble activity in the auditory cortex

Kavli Affiliate: Patrick Kanold | Authors: HiJee Kang, Travis Babola and Patrick O Kanold | Summary: Sensory information is represented by small neuronal ensembles in sensory cortices. Neuronal activity shows high trial-by-trial variability in that repeated presentation of the same stimulus, e. g., multiple presentations of the same sound activate differing ensembles in the auditory […]

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Low-dimensional olfactory signatures of fruit ripening and fermentation

Kavli Affiliate: Tatyana Sharpee | Authors: Yuansheng Zhou, Thomas F O’Connell, Majid Ghaninia, Brian Smith, Elizabeth J Hong and Tatyana O Sharpee | Summary: Odors provide an important communication channel between plants and animals. Fruits, vital nutrient sources for animals, emit a complex array of monomolecular volatiles. Animals can use the structure of these mixtures […]

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Posterior parietal cortex maps progress along routes sharing the same meta-structure

Kavli Affiliate: Douglas Nitz | Authors: Alexander B Johnson and Douglas A Nitz | Summary: Neurons of posterior parietal cortex were recorded as rats performed a working memory task within a network of intersecting paths. The specific routes utilized in task performance provided opportunity to contrast responses of posterior parietal cortex sub-populations to linear and […]

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Dopamine D1 receptor expression in dlPFC inhibitory parvalbumin neurons may contribute to higher visuospatial distractibility in marmosets versus macaques

Kavli Affiliate: Anirvan Nandy | Authors: Mary Kate P Joyce, Tsvetoslav G Ivanov, Fenna Krienen, Jude Mitchell, Shaojie Ma, Wataru Inoue, Anirvan P Nandy, Dibyadeep Datta, Alvaro Duque, Jon I Arellano, Rahul Gupta, Guillermo Gonzalez-Burgos, David A Lewis, Nenad Sestan, Steven A McCarroll, Julio C Martinez-Trujillo, Seán Froudist-Walsh and Amy FT Arnsten | Summary: Marmosets […]

Continue.. Dopamine D1 receptor expression in dlPFC inhibitory parvalbumin neurons may contribute to higher visuospatial distractibility in marmosets versus macaques

The value of initiating a pursuit in temporal decision-making

Kavli Affiliate: Marshall Hussain Shuler | Authors: Elissa Sutlief, Charlie Walters, Tanya Marton and Marshall G Hussain Shuler | Summary: Reward rate maximization is a prominent normative principle commonly held in behavioral ecology, neuroscience, economics, and artificial intelligence. Here, we identify and compare equations for evaluating the worth of initiating pursuits that an agent could […]

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Network nature of ligand-receptor interactions underlies disease comorbidity in the brain

Kavli Affiliate: Keri Martinowich | Authors: Melissa Grant-Peters, Aine Fairbrother-Browne, Amy Hicks, Boyi Guo, Regina H. Reynolds, Louise A. Huuki-Myers, Nick Eagles, Jonathan Brenton, Sonia Garcia-Ruiz, Nicholas Wood, Sonia Gandhi, Keri Martinowich, Kristen Maynard, Leonardo Collado-Torres and Mina Ryten | Summary: Neurodegenerative disorders have overlapping symptoms and have high comorbidity rates, but this is not […]

Continue.. Network nature of ligand-receptor interactions underlies disease comorbidity in the brain