Long-term learning transforms prefrontal cortex representations during working memory

Kavli Affiliate: Anastasia Kiyonaga | Authors: Jacob Miller, Arielle Tambini, Anastasia Kiyonaga and Mark D’Esposito | Summary: The lateral prefrontal cortex (lPFC) is reliably active during working memory (WM) across human and animal models, but the role of lPFC in successful WM is under debate. For instance, non-human primate (NHP) electrophysiology research finds that lPFC […]

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Long-term ketogenic diet increases expression of SOX2-dependent oligodendrocyte- and myelination-associated genes in the aged mouse brain.

Kavli Affiliate: Jose Suarez Lopez | Authors: Matthew Stratton, Jose Alberto Lopez-Dominguez, Alessandro Canella, Jon J Ramsey and Gino A Cortopassi | Summary: Aging is associated with multiple neurodegenerative conditions that severely limit quality of life and shorten lifespan. Studies in rodents indicate that in addition to extending lifespan, the ketogenic diet improves cognitive function […]

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A type I interferon response defines a conserved microglial state required for effective neuronal phagocytosis

Kavli Affiliate: Anna Molofsky, Bjoern Schwer | Authors: Leah C. Dorman, Phi T. Nguyen, Caroline C. Escoubas, Ilia D. Vainchtein, Yinghong Xiao, Peter V. Lidsky, Haruna Nakajo, Nicholas J. Silva, Christian Lagares-Linares, Ellen Y. Wang, Sunrae E. Taloma, Beatriz Cuevas, Hiromi Nakao-Inoue, Brianna M. Rivera, Bjoern Schwer, Carlo Condello, Raul Andino, Tomasz J. Nowakowski and […]

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B cells discriminate HIV-1 Envelope protein affinities by sensing antigen binding association rates

Kavli Affiliate: Robert Edwards | Authors: Md. Alamgir Hossain, Kara Anasti, Brian Watts, Kenneth Cronin, Advaiti Pai Kane, R.J. Edwards, David Easterhoff, Jinsong Zhang, Wes Rountree, Yaneth Ortiz, Laurent Verkoczy, Michael Reth and S. Munir Alam | Summary: HIV-1 Envelope (Env) proteins designed to induce neutralizing antibody responses allow study of the role of affinities […]

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Oligodendrocytes form paranodal bridges that generate chains of myelin sheaths that are vulnerable to degeneration with age

Kavli Affiliate: Dwight Bergles | Authors: Cody L. Call, Sarah A. Neely, Jason J. Early, Owen G. James, Lida Zoupi, Anna C. Williams, Siddharthan Chandran, David A. Lyons and Dwight E. Bergles | Summary: Myelin sheaths in the CNS are generated by the tips of oligodendrocyte processes, which wrap axons to accelerate action potential conduction, […]

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Behavioral decomposition reveals rich encoding structure employed across neocortex

Kavli Affiliates: Jingyi Guo, Claudia Battistin, Tuce Tombaz, Bartul Mimica, Jonathan Whitlock | Authors: Bartul Mimica, Tuçe Tombaz, Claudia Battistin, Jingyi Guo Fuglstad, Benjamin A. Dunn and Jonathan R. Whitlock | Summary: The Cortical population code is pervaded by activity patterns evoked by movement, but how such signals relate to the natural actions of unrestrained […]

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Decision formation in parietal cortex transcends a fixed frame of reference

Kavli Affiliate: Michael N Shadlen | Authors: NaYoung So and Michael N Shadlen | Summary: Neurons in the lateral intraparietal cortex (area LIP) represent the formation of a decision when it is linked to a specific action, such as an eye movement to a choice target. However, these neurons should be unable to represent a […]

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Loss of Neurodevelopmental Gene CASK Disrupts Neural Connectivity in Human Cortical Excitatory Neurons

Kavli Affiliate: Jin Kang | Authors: McSweeney, Rafael Gabriel, Kang Jin, Zhiping P. Pang, Bruce Aronow and ChangHui Pak | Summary: Loss-of-function (LOF) mutations in CASK cause severe developmental phenotypes, including microcephaly with pontine and cerebellar hypoplasia, X-linked intellectual disability, and autism. Unraveling the pathogenesis of CASK-related disorders has been challenging due to limited human […]

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Glutamate indicators with improved activation kinetics and localization for imaging synaptic transmission

Kavli Affiliate: David Kleinfeld | Authors: Abhi Aggarwal, Rui Liu, Yang Chen, Amelia J Ralowicz, Samuel J Bergerson, Filip Tomaska, Timothy L Hanson, Jeremy P Hasseman, Daniel Reep, Getahun Tsegaye, Pantong Yao, Xiang Ji, Marinus Kloos, Deepika Walpita, Ronak Patel, Paul W Tilberg, Boaz Mohar, The GENIE Project Team, Loren L Looger, Jonathan S Marvin, […]

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Insulin/IGF Signaling Regulates Presynaptic Glutamate Release in Aversive Olfactory Learning

Kavli Affiliate: Cornelia Bargmann | Authors: Du Cheng, James Lee, Maximillian Brown, Margaret S. Ebert, Masahiro Tomioka, Yuichi Iino and Cornelia I Bargmann | Summary: Information flow through neural circuits is continuously modified by context-dependent learning. In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, pairing specific odors with food deprivation results in aversion to the odor. Here we […]

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