Representations of information value in mouse orbitofrontal cortex during information seeking

Kavli Affiliate: Richard Axel | Authors: Jennifer J Bussell, Ryan P Badman, Christian David Márton, Ethan S Bromberg-Martin, LF Abbott, Kanaka Rajan and Richard Axel | Summary: HAnimals are motivated to acquire knowledge of their world. They seek information that does not influence reward outcomes suggesting that information has intrinsic value. We have asked whether […]

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Cerebellar-driven cortical dynamics enable task acquisition, switching and consolidation

Kavli Affiliate: Costa, Rui | Authors: Joseph Pemberton, Paul Chadderton and Rui Ponte Costa | Summary: Abstract To drive behavior, the cortex must bridge sensory cues with future outcomes. However, the principles by which cortical networks learn such sensory-behavioural transformations remain largely elusive. Here, we posit that the cerebellum assumes a crucial role in driving […]

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Mice require proprioception to establish long-term visuospatial memory

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Goldberg | Authors: Michael E. Goldberg, Olivia Rutler, Randy M. Bruno, Jung Man Park, Serena Persaud, Stylianos Kosmidis and Nina Hirano | Summary: Because the retina moves constantly, the retinotopic representation of the visual world is spatially inaccurate and the brain must transform this spatially inaccurate retinal signal to a spatially accurate […]

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Synaptic Basis of Behavioral Timescale Plasticity

Kavli Affiliate: Franck Polleux, Attila Losonczy | Authors: Kevin C Gonzalez, Adrian Negrean, Zhenrui Liao, Franck Polleux and Attila Losonczy | Summary: Learning and memory are fundamental to adaptive behavior and cognition. Various forms of synaptic plasticity have been proposed as cellular substrates for the emergence of feature selectivity in neurons underlying episodic memory. However, […]

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Rapid learning of neural circuitry from holographic ensemble stimulation enabled by model-based compressed sensing

Kavli Affiliate: Liam Paninski | Authors: Marcus A. Triplett, Marta Gajowa, Benjamin Antin, Masato Sadahiro, Hillel Adesnik and Liam Paninski | Summary: Abstract Discovering how neural computations are implemented in the cortex at the level of monosynaptic connectivity requires probing for the existence of synapses from possibly thousands of presynaptic candidate neurons. Two-photon optogenetics has […]

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Ventral CA1 Population Codes for Anxiety

Kavli Affiliate: Stefano Fusi | Authors: Sean Chih-Hsiung Lim, Stefano Fusi and Rene Hen | Summary: The ventral hippocampus is a critical node in the distributed brain network that controls anxiety. Using miniature microscopy and calcium imaging, we recorded ventral CA1 (vCA1) neurons in freely moving mice as they explored variants of classic behavioral assays […]

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Perisaccadic and Attentional Remapping of Receptive Fields in Lateral Intraparietal Area and Frontal Eye Fields

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Goldberg | Authors: Xiao Wang, Cong Zhang, Lin Yang, Min Jin, Michael E Goldberg, Mingsha Zhang and Ning Qian | Summary: The nature and function of perisaccadic receptive-field (RF) remapping have been controversial. We used a delayed saccade task to reduce previous confounds and examined the remapping time course in areas LIP […]

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Automatic monitoring of whole-body neural activity in behaving Hydra

Kavli Affiliate: Rafael Yuste | Authors: Alison Hanson, Raphael Reme, Noah Telerman, Wataru Yamamoto, Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin, Thibault Lagache and Rafael Yuste | Summary: The ability to record every spike from every neuron in a behaving animal is one of the holy grails of neuroscience. Here, we report coming one step closer towards this goal with […]

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Bypassing spike sorting: Density-based decoding using spike localization from dense multielectrode probes

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Churchland, Liam Paninski | Authors: Yizi Zhang, Tianxiao He, Julien Boussard, Charlie Windolf, Olivier Winter, Eric Trautmann, Noam Roth, Hailey Barrell, Mark M Churchland, Nicholas A Steinmetz, The International Brain Laboratory, Erdem Varol, Cole Hurwitz and Liam Paninski | Summary: Neural decoding and its applications to brain computer interfaces (BCI) are essential […]

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Dissociable roles of thalamic nuclei in the refinement of reaches to spatial targets

Kavli Affiliate: Rui Costa | Authors: Leslie J Sibener, Alice C Mosberger, Tiffany X Chen, Vivek R Athalye, James M Murray and Rui M Costa | Summary: Reaches are complex movements that are critical for survival, and encompass the control of different aspects such as direction, speed, and endpoint precision. Complex movements have been postulated […]

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