The combination of feedforward and feedback processing accounts for contextual effects in visual cortex

Kavli Affiliate: Kenneth Miller | Authors: Serena Di Santo, Mario Dipoppa, Andreas Keller, Morgane Roth, Massimo Scanziani and Kenneth D Miller | Summary: Abstract Sensory systems must combine local features with context to infer meaning. Accordingly, context profoundly influences neural responses. We developed a unified circuit model demonstrating how feedforward and feedback inputs are integrated […]

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Value construction through sequential sampling explains serial dependencies in decision making

Kavli Affiliate: Daphna Shohamy and Michael Shadlen | Authors: Ariel Zylberberg, Akram Bakkour, Daphna Shohamy and Michael N Shadlen | Summary: Many decisions are expressed as a preference for one item over another. When these items are familiar, it is often assumed that the decision maker assigns a value to each of the items and […]

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Glioma-Induced Alterations in Excitatory Neurons are Reversed by mTOR Inhibition

Kavli Affiliate: Elizabeth Hillman, Mark Ellisman and Darcy Peterka | Authors: Alexander R. Goldberg, Athanassios Dovas, Daniela Torres, Sohani Das Sharma, Angeliki Mela, Edward M. Merricks, Markel Olabarria, Leila Abrishami Shokoohm, Hanzhi T. Zhao, Corina Kotidis, Peter Calvaresi, Ashwin Viswanathan, Matei A. Banu, Aida Razavilar, Tejaswi D. Sudhakar, Ankita Saxena, Cole Chokran, Nelson Humala, Aayushi […]

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Effects of parental age and polymer composition on short tandem repeat de novo mutation rates

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Goldberg | Authors: Michael E Goldberg, Michelle D Noyes, Evan E Eichler, Aaron Quinlan and Kelley Harris | Summary: Short tandem repeats (STRs) are hotspots of genomic variability in the human germline because of their high mutation rates, which have long been attributed largely to polymerase slippage during DNA replication. This model […]

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Circuit-motivated generalized affine models characterize stimulus-dependent visual cortical shared variability

Kavli Affiliate: Kenneth Miller | Authors: Ji Xia, Anna Jasper, Adam Kohn and Kenneth D Miller | Summary: Correlated variability in the visual cortex is modulated by stimulus properties. The stimulus dependence of correlated variability impacts stimulus coding and is indicative of circuit structure. An affine model combining a factor proportional to mean stimulus response […]

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Abstract representations emerge in human hippocampal neurons during inference behavior

Kavli Affiliate: Stefano Fusi & Daniel Salzman | Authors: Hristos Spiridonos Courellis, Juri Minxha, Araceli Ramirez Cardenas, Daniel L Kimmel, Chrystal M Reed, Taufik A Valiante, C. Daniel Salzman, Adam N Mamelak, Ralph Adolphs, Stefano Fusi and Ueli Rutishauser | Summary: Humans have the remarkable cognitive capacity to rapidly adapt to changing environments. Central to […]

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Aberrant hippocampal Ca2+ micro-waves following synapsin-dependent adenoviral expression of Ca2+ indicators

Kavli Affiliate: Rafael Yuste | Authors: Nicola Masala, Manuel Mittag, Eleonora Ambrad Giovannetti, Darik A O’Neil, Fabian J Distler, Peter Rupprecht, Fritjof Helmchen, Rafael Yuste, Martin Fuhrmann, Heinz Beck, Michael Wenzel and Tony Kelly | Summary: Genetically encoded calcium indicators (GECIs) such as GCaMP are an invaluable tool in neuroscience to monitor neuronal activity using […]

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DREDge: robust motion correction for high-density extracellular recordings across species

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Shadlen, Liam Paninski, Mark Churchland, & Edward Chang | Authors: Charlie Windolf, Han Yu, Angelique C. Paulk, Domokos Meszéna, William Muñoz, Julien Boussard, Richard Hardstone, Irene Caprara, Mohsen Jamali, Yoav Kfir, Duo Xu, Jason E. Chung, Kristin K. Sellers, Zhiwen Ye, Jordan Shaker, Anna Lebedeva, Manu Raghavan, Eric Trautmann, Maxwell D. Melin, […]

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Neural signatures of stress susceptibility and resilience in the amygdala-hippocampal network

Kavli Affiliate: Stefano Fusi & Mazen Kheirbek | Authors: Frances Xia, Valeria Fascianelli, Nina Vishwakarma, Frances Grace Ghinger, Stefano Fusi and Mazen Kheirbek | Summary: The neural dynamics that underlie divergent anhedonic responses to stress remain unclear. Here, we identified neuronal dynamics in an amygdala-hippocampal circuit that distinguish stress resilience and susceptibility. In a reward-choice […]

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Diversity of visual inputs to Kenyon cells of the Drosophila mushroom body

Kavli Affiliate: Rudy Behnia | Authors: Ishani Ganguly, Emily L. Heckman, Ashok Litwin-Kumar, E. Josephine Clowney and Rudy Behnia | Summary: The arthropod mushroom body is well-studied as an expansion layer that represents olfactory stimuli and links them to contingent events. However, 8% of mushroom body Kenyon cells in Drosophila melanogaster receive predominantly visual input, […]

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