maskNMF: A denoise-sparsen-detect approach for extracting neural signals from dense imaging data

Kavli Affiliate: Liam Paninski, Darcy Peterka | Authors: Amol Pasarkar, Ian Kinsella, Pengcheng Zhou, Melissa Wu, Daisong Pan, Jiang Lan Fan, Zhen Wang, Lamiae Abdeladim, Darcy S. Peterka, Hillel Adesnik, Na Ji and Liam Paninski | Summary: A number of calcium imaging methods have been developed to monitor the activity of large populations of neurons. […]

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Cell arrangement impacts metabolic activity and antibiotic tolerance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Min | Authors: Hannah Dayton, Julie Kiss, Mian Wei, Shradha Chauhan, Emily LaMarre, William Cole Cornell, Chase J. Morgan, Anuradha Janakiraman, Wei Min, Raju Tomer, Alexa Price-Whelan, Jasmine A Nirody and Lars E.P. Dietrich | Summary: Cells must access resources to survive, and the anatomy of multicellular structures influences this access. In […]

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Ultra-high density electrodes improve detection, yield, and cell type specificity of brain recordings

Kavli Affiliate: Nathaniel Sawtell, Liam Paninski | Authors: Zhiwen Ye, Andrew M. Shelton, Jordan R. Shaker, Julien Boussard, Jennifer Colonell, Sahar Manavi, Susu Chen, Charlie Windolf, Cole Hurwitz, Tomoyuki Namima, Federico Pedraja, Shahaf Weiss, Bogdan Raducanu, Torbjørn V. Ness, Gaute T. Einevoll, Gilles Laurent, Nathaniel B. Sawtell, Wyeth Bair, Anitha Pasupathy, Carolina Mora Lopez, Barun […]

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Neuromuscular Basis of Drosophila larval escape behavior

Kavli Affiliate: Elizabeth Hillman | Authors: Patricia C. Cooney, Yuhan Huang, Wenze Li, Dulanjana M. Perera, Richard Hormigo, Tanya Tabachnik, Isuru S. Godage, Elizabeth M.C. Hillman, Wesley B. Grueber and Aref A. Zarin | Summary: When threatened by dangerous or harmful stimuli, animals engage in diverse forms of rapid escape behaviors. In Drosophila larvae, one […]

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Mitochondrial protein FKBP8 captures PDZD8 to form mitochondria-ER contacts

Kavli Affiliate: Franck Polleux | Authors: Koki Nakamura, Saeko Aoyama-Ishiwatari, Takahiro Nagao, Mohammadreza Paaran, Christopher J. Obara, Yui Sakurai-Saito, Jake Johnston, Yudan Du, Shogo Suga, Masafumi Tsuboi, Makoto Nakakido, Kouhei Tsumoto, Yusuke Kishi, Yukiko Gotoh, Chulhwan Kwak, Hyun-Woo Rhee, Jeong Kon Seo, Hidetaka Kosako, Clint Potter, Bridget Carragher, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Franck Polleux and Yusuke Hirabayashi […]

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DARTsort: A modular drift tracking spike sorter for high-density multi-electrode probes

Kavli Affiliate: Liam Paninski | Authors: Julien Boussard, Charlie Windolf, Cole Hurwitz, Hyun Dong Lee, Han Yu, Olivier Winter and Liam Paninski | Summary: With the advent of high-density, multi-electrode probes, there has been a renewed interest in developing robust and scalable algorithms for spike sorting. Current spike sorting approaches, however, struggle to deal with […]

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Brain-wide representations of prior information in mouse decision-making

Kavli Affiliate: Liam Paninski | Authors: Charles Findling, Felix Hubert, International Brain Laboratory, Luigi Acerbi, Brandon Benson, Julius Benson, Daniel Birman, Niccolò Bonacchi, Matteo Carandini, Joana A Catarino, Gaelle A Chapuis, Anne K Churchland, Yang Dan, Eric EJ DeWitt, Tatiana A Engel, Michele Fabbri, Mayo Faulkner, Ila Rani Fiete, Laura Freitas-Silva, Berk Gerçek, Kenneth D […]

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Sex Differences in Human Music Perception are Negligible

Kavli Affiliate: Sarah Woolley | Authors: Mila Bertolo, Daniel Müllensiefen, Isabelle Peretz, Sarah C. Woolley, Jon T. Sakata and Samuel A. Mehr | Summary: Since Darwin1, researchers have proposed that human musicality evolved in a reproductive context in which males produce music to signal their mate quality to females. Sexually selected traits involve tradeoffs in […]

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Direct observation of the neural computations underlying a single decision

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Shadlen | Authors: Natalie A Steinemann, Gabriel M Stine, Eric M Trautmann, Ariel Zylberberg, Daniel M Wolpert and Michael N Shadlen | Summary: Neurobiological investigations of perceptual decision-making have furnished the first glimpse of a flexible cognitive process at the level of single neurons (Shadlen and Newsome, 1996; Shadlen and Kiani, 2013). […]

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Emergent neural dynamics and geometry for generalization in a transitive inference task

Kavli Affiliate: Daphna Shohamy | Authors: Kenneth Kay, Natalie Biderman, Ramin Khajeh, Manuel Beiran, Christopher J Cueva, Daphna Shohamy, Greg Jensen, Xue-Xin Wei, Vincent P Ferrera and L F Abbott | Summary: Relational cognition — the ability to infer relationships that generalize to novel combinations of objects — is fundamental to human and animal intelligence. […]

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