Convergence Acceleration of Favre-Averaged Non-Linear Harmonic Method

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Feng Wang, Kurt Webber, David Radford, Luca di Mare, Marcus Meyer | Summary: This paper develops a numerical procedure to accelerate the convergence of the Favre-averaged Non-Linear Harmonic (FNLH) method. The scheme provides a unified mathematical framework for solving the sparse linear systems formed by the mean […]

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Convergence Acceleration of Favre-Averaged Non-Linear Harmonic Method

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Feng Wang, Kurt Webber, David Radford, Luca di Mare, Marcus Meyer | Summary: This paper develops a numerical procedure to accelerate the convergence of the Favre-averaged Non-Linear Harmonic (FNLH) method. The scheme provides a unified mathematical framework for solving the sparse linear systems formed by the mean […]

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A new approach for deducing rms proton radii from charge-changing reactions of neutron-rich nuclei and the reaction-target dependence

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: J. -C. Zhang, B. -H. Sun, I. Tanihata, R. Kanungo, C. Scheidenberger | Summary: We report the charge-changing cross sections ($sigma_{text{cc}}$) of 24 $p$-shell nuclides on both hydrogen and carbon at about 900$A$ MeV, of which $^{8,9}$Li, $^{10textendash12}$Be, $^{10,14,15}$B, $^{14,15,17textendash22}$N and $^{16}$O on hydrogen and $^{8,9}$Li on […]

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Score-Based Diffusion Models for Photoacoustic Tomography Image Reconstruction

Kavli Affiliate: Lihong V. Wang | First 5 Authors: Sreemanti Dey, Snigdha Saha, Berthy T. Feng, Manxiu Cui, Laure Delisle | Summary: Photoacoustic tomography (PAT) is a rapidly-evolving medical imaging modality that combines optical absorption contrast with ultrasound imaging depth. One challenge in PAT is image reconstruction with inadequate acoustic signals due to limited sensor […]

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Coherent control from quantum committment probabilities

Kavli Affiliate: David T. Limmer | First 5 Authors: Michelle C. Anderson, Amro Dodin, Thomas P. Fay, David T. Limmer, | Summary: We introduce a general definition of a quantum committor in order to clarify reaction mechanisms and facilitate control in processes where coherent effects are important. With a quantum committor, we generalize the notion […]

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Evaluation of transition rates from nonequilibrium instantons

Kavli Affiliate: David T. Limmer | First 5 Authors: Eric R. Heller, David T. Limmer, , , | Summary: Equilibrium rate theories play a crucial role in understanding rare, reactive events. However, they are inapplicable to a range of irreversible processes in systems driven far from thermodynamic equilibrium like active and biological matter. Here, we […]

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Evaluation of transition rates from nonequilibrium instantons

Kavli Affiliate: David T. Limmer | First 5 Authors: Eric R. Heller, David T. Limmer, , , | Summary: Equilibrium rate theories play a crucial role in understanding rare, reactive events. However, they are inapplicable to a range of irreversible processes in systems driven far from thermodynamic equilibrium like active and biological matter. Here, we […]

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Efficient Generation of Multi-partite Entanglement between Non-local Superconducting Qubits using Classical Feedback

Kavli Affiliate: Irfan Siddiqi | First 5 Authors: Akel Hashim, Ming Yuan, Pranav Gokhale, Larry Chen, Christian Juenger | Summary: Quantum entanglement is one of the primary features which distinguishes quantum computers from classical computers. In gate-based quantum computing, the creation of entangled states or the distribution of entanglement across a quantum processor often requires […]

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Efficient Generation of Multi-partite Entanglement between Non-local Superconducting Qubits using Classical Feedback

Kavli Affiliate: Irfan Siddiqi | First 5 Authors: Akel Hashim, Ming Yuan, Pranav Gokhale, Larry Chen, Christian Juenger | Summary: Quantum entanglement is one of the primary features which distinguishes quantum computers from classical computers. In gate-based quantum computing, the creation of entangled states or the distribution of entanglement across a quantum processor often requires […]

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Bringing Textual Prompt to AI-Generated Image Quality Assessment

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: Bowen Qu, Haohui Li, Wei Gao, , | Summary: AI-Generated Images (AGIs) have inherent multimodal nature. Unlike traditional image quality assessment (IQA) on natural scenarios, AGIs quality assessment (AGIQA) takes the correspondence of image and its textual prompt into consideration. This is coupled in the ground truth […]

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