Modification of electron-phonon coupling by micromachining and suspension

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Roukes | First 5 Authors: Olli-Pentti Saira, Matthew H. Matheny, Libin Wang, Jukka Pekola, Michael Roukes | Summary: Weak electron-phonon interaction in metals at low temperatures forms the basis of operation for cryogenic hot-electron bolometers and calorimeters. Standard power laws, describing the heat flow in the majority of experiments, have been identified […]

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Elastic properties of hidden order in URu$_{text2}$Si$_{text2}$ are reproduced by a staggered nematic

Kavli Affiliate: Brad Ramshaw | First 5 Authors: Jaron Kent-Dobias, Michael Matty, Brad Ramshaw, , | Summary: We develop a phenomenological mean field theory describing the hidden order phase in URu$_{text2}$Si$_{text2}$ as a nematic of the $text B_{text{1g}}$ representation staggered along the $c$-axis. Several experimental features are reproduced by this theory: the topology of the […]

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Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of erasure with superconducting flux logic

Kavli Affiliate: Michael L. Roukes | First 5 Authors: Olli-Pentti Saira, Matthew H. Matheny, Raj Katti, Warren Fon, Gregory Wimsatt | Summary: We implement a thermal-fluctuation driven logical bit reset on a superconducting flux logic cell. We show that the logical state of the system can be continuously monitored with only a small perturbation to […]

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Surface Reconstruction Limited Conductivity in Block-Copolymer Li Battery Electrolytes

Kavli Affiliate: Ulrich B. Wiesner | First 5 Authors: Preston Sutton, Peter Bennington, Shrayesh N. Patel, Morgan Stefik, Ulrich B. Wiesner | Summary: Solid polymer electrolytes for lithium batteries promise improvements in safety and energy density if their conductivity can be increased. Nanostructured block copolymer electrolytes specifically have the potential to provide both good ionic […]

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Dissipation-enabled hydrodynamic conductivity in a tunable bandgap semiconductor

Kavli Affiliate: Paul L. McEuen | First 5 Authors: Cheng Tan, Derek Y. H. Ho, Lei Wang, J. I. A. Li, Indra Yudhistira | Summary: Electronic transport in the regime where carrier-carrier collisions are the dominant scattering mechanism has taken on new relevance with the advent of ultraclean two-dimensional materials. Here we present a combined […]

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Independence Testing for Temporal Data

Kavli Affiliate: Ting Xu | First 5 Authors: Cencheng Shen, Jaewon Chung, Ronak Mehta, Ting Xu, Joshua T. Vogelstein | Summary: Temporal data are increasingly prevalent in modern data science. A fundamental question is whether two time-series are related or not. Existing approaches often have limitations, such as relying on parametric assumptions, detecting only linear […]

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Liquid-Like Interfaces Mediate Structural Phase Transitions in Lead Halide Perovskites

Kavli Affiliate: Peidong Yang | First 5 Authors: Connor G. Bischak, Minliang Lai, Dylan Lu, Zhaochuan Fan, Philippe David | Summary: Microscopic pathways of structural phase transitions are difficult to probe because they occur over multiple, disparate time and length scales. Using $in$ $situ$ nanoscale cathodoluminescence microscopy, we visualize the thermally-driven transition to the perovskite […]

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Entanglement, squeezing and state-swap in cholesteric liquid crystals

Kavli Affiliate: Ya M. Blanter | First 5 Authors: J. D. P. Machado, Ya. M. Blanter, , , | Summary: Phenomena such as state-swap, quadrature squeezing, entanglement and violation of entanglement inequalities are frequently reported to occur in quantum systems only. It is shown here that these effects can also occur in cholesteric liquid crystals […]

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Wide-angle spectrally selective absorbers and thermal emitters based on inverse opals

Kavli Affiliate: Anna V. Shneidman | First 5 Authors: Alireza Shahsafi, Graham Joe, Soeren Brandt, Anna V. Shneidman, Nicholas Stanisic | Summary: Engineered optical absorbers are of substantial interest for applications ranging from stray light reduction to energy conversion. We demonstrate a large-area (centimeter-scale) metamaterial that features near-unity frequency-selective absorption in the mid-infrared wavelength range. […]

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