Path-Dependent Supercooling of the $^3$He Superfluid A-B transition

Kavli Affiliate: Jeevak Parpia | First 5 Authors: Dmytro Lotnyk, Anna Eyal, Nikolay Zhelev, Abhilash Sebastian, Yefan Tian | Summary: We examine the discontinuous first-order superfluid $^3$He A to B transition in the vicinity of the polycritical point (2.232 mK and 21.22 bar). We find path-dependent transitions: cooling at fixed pressure yields a well defined […]

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Path-Dependent Supercooling of the $^3$He Superfluid A-B transition

Kavli Affiliate: Jeevak Parpia | First 5 Authors: Dmytro Lotnyk, Anna Eyal, Nikolay Zhelev, Abhilash Sebastian, Yefan Tian | Summary: We examine the discontinuous first-order superfluid $^3$He A to B transition in the vicinity of the polycritical point (2.232 mK and 21.22 bar). We find path-dependent transitions: cooling at fixed pressure yields a well defined […]

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A transport approach to relate asymmetric protein segregation and population growth

Kavli Affiliate: Ariel Amir | First 5 Authors: Jiseon Min, Ariel Amir, , , | Summary: Many unicellular organisms allocate their key proteins asymmetrically between the mother and daughter cells, especially in a stressed environment. A recent theoretical model is able to predict when the asymmetry in segregation of key proteins enhances the population fitness, […]

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Amorphous topological phases protected by continuous rotation symmetry

Kavli Affiliate: Anton R. Akhmerov | First 5 Authors: Helene Spring, Anton R. Akhmerov, Daniel Varjas, , | Summary: Protection of topological surface states by reflection symmetry breaks down when the boundary of the sample is misaligned with one of the high symmetry planes of the crystal. We demonstrate that this limitation is removed in […]

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The role of disorder in the synthesis of metastable ternary nitrides

Kavli Affiliate: Kristin A. Persson | First 5 Authors: Rachel Woods-Robinson, Vladan Stevanović, Stephan Lany, Karen N. Heinselman, Kristin A. Persson | Summary: In materials science, it is often assumed that ground state crystal structures predicted by density functional theory are the easiest polymorphs to synthesize. Ternary nitride materials, with many possible metastable polymorphs, provide […]

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The role of disorder in the synthesis of metastable zinc zirconium nitrides

Kavli Affiliate: Kristin A. Persson | First 5 Authors: Rachel Woods-Robinson, Vladan Stevanović, Stephan Lany, Karen N. Heinselman, Matthew K. Horton | Summary: In materials science, it is often assumed that ground state crystal structures predicted by density functional theory are the easiest polymorphs to synthesize. Ternary nitride materials, with many possible metastable polymorphs, provide […]

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Direct Measurement of Thermalization to Rayleigh-Jeans Distribution in Optical Beam Self-Cleaning

Kavli Affiliate: Frank Wise | First 5 Authors: Hamed Pourbeyram, Pavel Sidorenko, Fan Wu, Logan Wright, Demetrios Christodoulides | Summary: An equilibrium thermodynamic framework that describes highly-multimode optical processes was introduced recently. This theory predicts the outcomes of complex linear and nonlinear multimode interactions based on thermodynamic principles and provides analytic results for the distributions […]

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Direct Observation of Thermalization to a Rayleigh-Jeans Distribution in Multimode Optical Fibers

Kavli Affiliate: Frank Wise | First 5 Authors: Hamed Pourbeyram, Pavel Sidorenko, Fan Wu, Nicholas Bender, Logan Wright | Summary: Recent years have witnessed a resurgence of interest in nonlinear multimode optical systems where a host of intriguing effects have been observed that are impossible in single-mode settings. While nonlinearity can provide a rich environment […]

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Coherent mechanical noise cancellation and cooperativity competition in optomechanical arrays

Kavli Affiliate: Simon Groblacher | First 5 Authors: Matthijs H. J. de Jong, Jie Li, Claus Gärtner, Richard A. Norte, Simon Gröblacher | Summary: Studying the interplay between multiple coupled mechanical resonators is a promising new direction in the field of optomechanics. Understanding the dynamics of the interaction can lead to rich new effects, such […]

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Full parity phase diagram of a proximitized nanowire island

Kavli Affiliate: L. P. Kouwenhoven | First 5 Authors: J. Shen, G. W. Winkler, F. Borsoi, S. Heedt, V. Levajac | Summary: We measure the charge periodicity of Coulomb blockade conductance oscillations of a hybrid InSb-Al island as a function of gate voltage and parallel magnetic field. The periodicity changes from $2e$ to $1e$ at […]

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