Nonlinear waves in flexible mechanical metamaterials

Kavli Affiliate: Katia Bertoldi

| First 5 Authors: Bolei Deng, Jordan R. Raney, Katia Bertoldi, Vincent Tournat,

| Summary:

Flexible mechanical metamaterials are compliant structures engineered to
achieve unique properties via the large deformation of their components. While
their static character has been studied extensively, the study of their dynamic
properties is still at an early stage, especially in the nonlinear regime
induced by their high deformability. Nevertheless, recent studies show that
these systems provide new opportunities for the control of large amplitude
elastic waves. Here, we summarize the recent results on the propagation of
nonlinear waves in flexible elastic metamaterials, and highlight possible new
research directions.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Katia Bertoldi”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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