Stochastic thermodynamic bounds on logical circuit operation

Kavli Affiliate: David T. Limmer | First 5 Authors: Phillip Helms, David T. Limmer, , , | Summary: Using a thermodynamically consistent, mesoscopic model for modern complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor transistors, we study an array of logical circuits and explore how their function is constrained by recent thermodynamic uncertainty relations when operating near thermal energies. For a […]

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Stochastic thermodynamic bounds on logical circuit operation

Kavli Affiliate: David T. Limmer | First 5 Authors: Phillip Helms, Songela W. Chen, David T. Limmer, , | Summary: Using a thermodynamically consistent, mesoscopic model for modern complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor transistors, we study an array of logical circuits and explore how their function is constrained by recent thermodynamic uncertainty relations when operating near thermal energies. […]

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Stochastic thermodynamic bounds on logical circuit operation

Kavli Affiliate: David T. Limmer | First 5 Authors: Phillip Helms, Songela W. Chen, David T. Limmer, , | Summary: Using a thermodynamically consistent, mesoscopic model for modern complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor transistors, we study an array of logical circuits and explore how their function is constrained by recent thermodynamic uncertainty relations when operating near thermal energies. […]

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Gate-tunable heavy fermions in a moiré Kondo lattice

Kavli Affiliate: Jie Shan | First 5 Authors: Wenjin Zhao, Bowen Shen, Zui Tao, Zhongdong Han, Kaifei Kang | Summary: The Kondo lattice, describing a matrix of local magnetic moments coupled via spin-exchange interactions to itinerant conduction electrons, is a prototype of strongly correlated quantum matter. Traditionally, Kondo lattices are realized in intermetallic compounds containing […]

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Personalized Dose Guidance using Safe Bayesian Optimization

Kavli Affiliate: Francis J. Doyle | First 5 Authors: Dinesh Krishnamoorthy, Francis J. Doyle III, , , | Summary: This work considers the problem of personalized dose guidance using Bayesian optimization that learns the optimum drug dose tailored to each individual, thus improving therapeutic outcomes. Safe learning using interior point method ensures patient safety with […]

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Observation of Negative Surface and Interface Energies of Quantum Dots

Kavli Affiliate: Paul Alivisatos | First 5 Authors: Jason J. Calvin, Amanda S. Brewer, Michelle F. Crook, Tierni M. Kaufman, A. Paul Alivisatos | Summary: Surface energy is a fundamental property of materials and is particularly important in describing nanomaterials where atoms or molecules at the surface constitute a large fraction of the material. Traditionally, […]

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Observation of Negative Surface and Interface Energies of Quantum Dots

Kavli Affiliate: Paul Alivisatos | First 5 Authors: Jason J. Calvin, Amanda S. Brewer, Michelle F. Crook, Tierni M. Kaufman, A. Paul Alivisatos | Summary: Surface energy is a fundamental property of materials and is particularly important in describing nanomaterials where atoms or molecules at the surface constitute a large fraction of the material. Traditionally, […]

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Emergence of Layer Stacking Disorder in c-axis Confined MoTe$_2$

Kavli Affiliate: Lena F. Kourkoutis | First 5 Authors: James L Hart, Lopa Bhatt, Yanbing Zhu, Myung-Geun Han, Elisabeth Bianco | Summary: The layer stacking order in 2D materials strongly affects functional properties and holds promise for next generation electronic devices. In bulk, octahedral MoTe$_2$ possesses two stacking arrangements, the Weyl semimetal T$_d$ phase, and […]

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Interplay of Hidden Orbital Order and Superconductivity in CeCoIn5

Kavli Affiliate: J. C. Seamus Davis | First 5 Authors: Weijiong Chen, Clara Neerup Breiø, Freek Massee, M. P. Allan, C. Petrovic | Summary: Visualizing atomic-orbital degrees of freedom is a frontier challenge in scanned microscopy. Some types of orbital order are virtually imperceptible to normal scattering techniques because they do not reduce the overall […]

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An integrated microwave-to-optics interface for scalable quantum computing

Kavli Affiliate: Simon Groblacher | First 5 Authors: Matthew J. Weaver, Pim Duivestein, Alexandra C. Bernasconi, Selim Scharmer, Mathilde Lemang | Summary: Microwave-to-optics transduction is emerging as a vital technology for scaling quantum computers and quantum networks. To establish useful entanglement links between qubit processing units, several key conditions have to be simultaneously met: the […]

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