A Measurement of Gravitational Lensing of the Cosmic Microwave Background Using SPT-3G 2018 Data

Kavli Affiliate: Chao-Lin Kuo | First 5 Authors: Z. Pan, F. Bianchini, W. L. K. Wu, P. A. R. Ade, Z. Ahmed | Summary: We present a measurement of gravitational lensing over 1500 deg$^2$ of the Southern sky using SPT-3G temperature data at 95 and 150 GHz taken in 2018. The lensing amplitude relative to […]

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The cosipy library: COSI’s high-level analysis software

Kavli Affiliate: Shigeki Matsumoto | First 5 Authors: Israel Martinez-Castellanos, Savitri Gallego, Chien-You Huang, Chris Karwin, Carolyn Kierans | Summary: The Compton Spectrometer and Imager (COSI) is a selected Small Explorer (SMEX) mission launching in 2027. It consists of a large field-of-view Compton telescope that will probe with increased sensitivity the under-explored MeV gamma-ray sky […]

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The cosipy library: COSI’s high-level analysis software

Kavli Affiliate: Shigeki Matsumoto | First 5 Authors: Israel Martinez-Castellanos, Savitri Gallego, Chien-You Huang, Chris Karwin, Carolyn Kierans | Summary: The Compton Spectrometer and Imager (COSI) is a selected Small Explorer (SMEX) mission launching in 2027. It consists of a large field-of-view Compton telescope that will probe with increased sensitivity the under-explored MeV gamma-ray sky […]

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Multiwavelength Constraints on the Origin of a Nearby Repeating Fast Radio Burst Source in a Globular Cluster

Kavli Affiliate: Kiyoshi W. Masui | First 5 Authors: Aaron B. Pearlman, Paul Scholz, Suryarao Bethapudi, Jason W. T. Hessels, Victoria M. Kaspi | Summary: The precise origins of fast radio bursts (FRBs) remain unknown. Multiwavelength observations of nearby FRB sources can provide important insights into the enigmatic FRB phenomenon. Here, we present results from […]

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COCA: Classifier-Oriented Calibration via Textual Prototype for Source-Free Universal Domain Adaptation

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Xinghong Liu, Yi Zhou, Tao Zhou, Chun-Mei Feng, Ling Shao | Summary: Universal domain adaptation (UniDA) aims to address domain and category shifts across data sources. Recently, due to more stringent data restrictions, researchers have introduced source-free UniDA (SF-UniDA). SF-UniDA methods eliminate the need for direct access […]

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COCA: Classifier-Oriented Calibration via Textual Prototype for Source-Free Universal Domain Adaptation

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Xinghong Liu, Yi Zhou, Tao Zhou, Chun-Mei Feng, Ling Shao | Summary: Universal domain adaptation (UniDA) aims to address domain and category shifts across data sources. Recently, due to more stringent data restrictions, researchers have introduced source-free UniDA (SF-UniDA). SF-UniDA methods eliminate the need for direct access […]

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Statistical association between the candidate repeating FRB 20200320A and a galaxy group

Kavli Affiliate: Kiyoshi W. Masui | First 5 Authors: Masoud Rafiei-Ravandi, Kendrick M. Smith, D. Michilli, Ziggy Pleunis, Mohit Bhardwaj | Summary: We present results from angular cross-correlations between select samples of CHIME/FRB repeaters and galaxies in three photometric galaxy surveys, which have shown correlations with the first CHIME/FRB catalog containing repeating and nonrepeating sources: […]

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Quantum-assisted electron transport in microbial protein wires across macroscopic distances

Kavli Affiliate: Herre S. J. Van Der Zant | First 5 Authors: Jasper R. van der Veen, Silvia Hidalgo Martinez, Albert Wieland, Matteo De Pellegrin, Rick Verweij | Summary: Multicellular cable bacteria display an exceptional form of biological conduction, channeling electrical currents across centimeter distances through a regular network of protein fibers embedded in the […]

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Error Mitigated Metasurface-Based Randomized Measurement Schemes

Kavli Affiliate: Birgitta Whaley | First 5 Authors: Hang Ren, Yipei Zhang, Ze Zheng, Cuifeng Ying, Lei Xu | Summary: Estimating properties of quantum states via randomized measurements has become a significant part of quantum information science. In this paper, we design an innovative approach leveraging metasurfaces to perform randomized measurements on photonic qubits, together […]

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Detecting a long lived false vacuum with quantum quenches

Kavli Affiliate: Frank Wilczek | First 5 Authors: Gianluca Lagnese, Federica Maria Surace, Sid Morampudi, Frank Wilczek, | Summary: Distinguishing whether a system supports alternate low-energy (locally stable) states — stable (true vacuum) versus metastable (false vacuum) — by direct observation can be difficult when the lifetime of the state is very long but otherwise […]

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