Pulsar-wind-nebula-powered Galactic center X-ray filament G0.13-0.11: Proof of the synchrotron nature by IXPE

Kavli Affiliate: Herman L. Marshall | First 5 Authors: Eugene Churazov, Ildar Khabibullin, Thibault Barnouin, Niccolò Bucciantini, Enrico Costa | Summary: We report the discovery of X-ray polarization from the X-ray-bright filament. G0.13-0.11 in the Galactic center (GC) region. This filament features a bright, hard X-ray source that is most plausibly a pulsar wind nebula […]

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Pulsar-wind-nebula-powered Galactic center X-ray filament G0.13-0.11: Proof of the synchrotron nature by IXPE

Kavli Affiliate: Herman L. Marshall | First 5 Authors: Eugene Churazov, Ildar Khabibullin, Thibault Barnouin, Niccolò Bucciantini, Enrico Costa | Summary: We report the discovery of X-ray polarization from the X-ray-bright filament. G0.13-0.11 in the Galactic center (GC) region. This filament features a bright, hard X-ray source that is most plausibly a pulsar wind nebula […]

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PWN-powered Galactic Center X-ray filament G0.13-0.11: Proof of the synchrotron nature by IXPE

Kavli Affiliate: Herman L. Marshall | First 5 Authors: Eugene Churazov, Ildar Khabibullin, Thibault Barnouin, Niccolò Bucciantini, Enrico Costa | Summary: We report the discovery of X-ray polarization from the X-ray-bright thread/filament G0.13-0.11 in the Galactic Center region. This filament features a bright hard X-ray source, most plausibly a Pulsar Wind Nebula (PWN), and an […]

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A single-phonon directional coupler

Kavli Affiliate: Simon Groblacher | First 5 Authors: Amirparsa Zivari, Niccolò Fiaschi, Lorenzo Scarpelli, Menno Jansen, Roel Burgwal | Summary: Integrated photonics has enabled countless technologies in telecommunications, spectroscopy, metrology, quantum optics, and quantum information processing. Using highly confined guided optical modes is the key that has made integrated circuits possible and has lead to […]

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Interface-Induced Superconductivity in Magnetic Topological Insulator-Iron Chalcogenide Heterostructures

Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang | First 5 Authors: Hemian Yi, Yi-Fan Zhao, Ying-Ting Chan, Jiaqi Cai, Ruobing Mei | Summary: When two different electronic materials are brought together, the resultant interface often shows unexpected quantum phenomena, including interfacial superconductivity and Fu-Kane topological superconductivity (TSC). Here, we use molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) to synthesize heterostructures formed […]

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Thermomagnetic Anomalies by Magnonic Criticality in Ultracold Atomic Transport

Kavli Affiliate: Mamoru Matsuo | First 5 Authors: Yuta Sekino, Yuya Ominato, Hiroyuki Tajima, Shun Uchino, Mamoru Matsuo | Summary: We investigate thermomagnetic transport in an ultracold atomic system with two ferromagnets linked via a magnetic quantum point contact. Using nonequilibrium Green’s function approach, we show a divergence in spin conductance and a slowing down […]

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Thermomagnetic Anomalies by Magnonic Criticality in Ultracold Atomic Transport

Kavli Affiliate: Mamoru Matsuo | First 5 Authors: Yuta Sekino, Yuya Ominato, Hiroyuki Tajima, Shun Uchino, Mamoru Matsuo | Summary: We investigate thermomagnetic transport in an ultracold atomic system with two ferromagnets linked via a magnetic quantum point contact. Using nonequilibrium Green’s function approach, we show a divergence in spin conductance and a slowing down […]

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A simple sensitivity analysis method for unmeasured confounders via linear programming with estimating equation constraints

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Chengyao Tang, Yi Zhou, Ao Huang, Satoshi Hattori, | Summary: In estimating the average treatment effect in observational studies, the influence of confounders should be appropriately addressed. To this end, the propensity score is widely used. If the propensity scores are known for all the subjects, bias […]

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X-Ray Constraints on the Hot Gaseous Corona of Edge-on Late-type Galaxies in Virgo

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Meicun Hou, Lin He, Zhensong Hu, Zhiyuan Li, Christine Jones | Summary: We present a systematic study of the putative hot gas corona around late-type galaxies (LTGs) residing in the Virgo cluster, based on archival Chandra observations. Our sample consists of 21 nearly edge-on galaxies representing a […]

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TOI-4641b: An Aligned Warm Jupiter Orbiting a Bright (V=7.5) Rapidly Rotating F-star

Kavli Affiliate: Sara Seager | First 5 Authors: Allyson Bieryla, George Zhou, Juliana García-Mejía, Tyler R. Farnington, David W. Latham | Summary: We report the discovery of TOI-4641b, a warm Jupiter transiting a rapidly rotating F-type star with a stellar effective temperature of 6560 K. The planet has a radius of 0.73 $R_{Jup}$, a mass […]

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