$Λ$CDM and early dark energy in latent space: a data-driven parametrization of the CMB temperature power spectrum

Kavli Affiliate: Eiichiro Komatsu | First 5 Authors: Davide Piras, Laura Herold, Luisa Lucie-Smith, Eiichiro Komatsu, | Summary: Finding the best parametrization for cosmological models in the absence of first-principle theories is an open question. We propose a data-driven parametrization of cosmological models given by the disentangled ‘latent’ representation of a variational autoencoder (VAE) trained […]

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Daily ultrastructural remodeling of clock neurons

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Ellisman | Authors: Juan I. Ispizua, Micaela Rodriguez-Caron, Francisco J. Tassara, Kim Keun-young, Catalina Insusarry Perkins, Milagros Barzi, Christian Carpio-Romero, Celia N. Hansen, Julian Gargiulo, Ezio Rosato, Horacio de la iglesia, Mark Ellisman and M. Fernanda Ceriani | Summary: In Drosophila, about 250 clock neurons in the brain form a network that […]

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Circuit-Based Understanding of Fine Spatial Scale Clustering of Orientation Tuning in Mouse Visual Cortex

Kavli Affiliate: Kenneth Miller | Authors: Peijia Yu, Yuhan Yang, Olivia Gozel, Ian Oldenburg, Mario Dipoppa, Federico Rossi, Kenneth Miller, Hillel Adesnik, Na Ji and Brent Doiron | Summary: In sensory cortex of brain it is often the case that neurons are spatially organized by their functional properties. A hallmark of primary visual cortex (V1) […]

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Lineage plasticity of the integrated stress response is a hallmark of cancer evolution.

Kavli Affiliate: Peter Walter | Authors: Shiqi Diao, Jia Yi Zou, Shuo Wang, Nour Ghaddar, Jason E. Chan, Hyungdong Kim, Nicolas Poulain, Constantinos Koumenis, Maria Hatzoglou, Peter Walter, Nahum Sonenberg, John Le Quesne, Tuomas Tammela and Antonis E. Koromilas | Summary: The link between the “stress phenotype”-a well-established hallmark of cancer-and its role in tumor […]

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Rarely categorical, always high-dimensional: how the neural code changes along the cortical hierarchy

Kavli Affiliate: Stefano Fusi | Authors: Lorenzo Posani, Shuqi Wang, Samuel Muscinelli, Liam Paninski and Stefano Fusi | Summary: A long-standing debate in neuroscience concerns whether individual neurons are organized into functionally distinct populations that encode information differently (“categorical” representations [1–3]) and the implications for neural computation. Here, we systematically analyzed how cortical neurons encode […]

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Imaging orbital Rashba induced charge transport anisotropy

Kavli Affiliate: Andrea D. Caviglia | First 5 Authors: Eylon Persky, Xi Wang, Giacomo Sala, Thierry C. van Thiel, Edouard Lesne | Summary: Identifying orbital textures and their effects on the electronic properties of quantum materials is a critical element in developing orbitronic devices. However, orbital effects are often entangled with the spin degree of […]

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The Pristine survey: XXVIII. The extremely metal-poor stream C-19 stretches over more than 100 degrees

Zhen Yuan, Tadafumi Matsuno, Tatyana Sitnova, Nicolas F. Martin, Rodrigo A. Ibata | Summary: [[{“value”:”The discovery of the most metal-poor stream, C-19, provides us with a fossil record of a stellar structure born very soon after the Big Bang. In this work, we search for new C-19 members over the whole sky by combining two […]

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Superspin Renormalization and Slow Relaxation in Random Spin Systems

Kavli Affiliate: Joel E. Moore | First 5 Authors: Yi J. Zhao, Samuel J. Garratt, Joel E. Moore, , | Summary: We develop an excited-state real-space renormalization group (RSRG-X) formalism to describe the dynamics of conserved densities in randomly interacting spin-$frac{1}{2}$ systems. Our formalism is suitable for systems with $textrm{U}(1)$ and $mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetries, and we […]

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Superspin Renormalization and Slow Relaxation in Random Spin Systems

Kavli Affiliate: Joel E. Moore | First 5 Authors: Yi J. Zhao, Samuel J. Garratt, Joel E. Moore, , | Summary: We develop an excited-state real-space renormalization group (RSRG-X) formalism to describe the dynamics of conserved densities in randomly interacting spin-$frac{1}{2}$ systems. Our formalism is suitable for systems with $textrm{U}(1)$ and $mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetries, and we […]

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Chinese Pulsar Timing Array upper limits on microhertz gravitational waves from supermassive black-hole binaries using PSR J1713+0747 FAST data

Kavli Affiliate: Kejia Lee | First 5 Authors: R. Nicolas Caballero, Heng Xu, Kejia Lee, Siyuan Chen, Yanjun Guo | Summary: We derive the gravitational-wave (GW) strain upper limits from resolvable supermassive black-hole binaries using the data from the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST), in the context of the Chinese Pulsar Timing Array project. […]

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