Multiple-partition cross-modulation programmable metasurface empowering wireless communications

Kavli Affiliate: Ran Wang | First 5 Authors: Jun Wei Zhang, Zhen Jie Qi, Li Jie Wu, Wan Wan Cao, Xinxin Gao | Summary: With the versatile manipulation capability, programmable metasurfaces are rapidly advancing in their intelligence, integration, and commercialization levels. However, as the programmable metasurfaces scale up, their control configuration becomes increasingly complicated, posing […]

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High-field superconductivity from atomic-scale confinement and spin-orbit coupling at (111)$mathrm{LaAlO_3/KTaO_3}$ interfaces

Kavli Affiliate: Andrea D. Caviglia | First 5 Authors: Ulderico Filippozzi, Graham Kimbell, Davide Pizzirani, Siobhan McKeown Walker, Chiara Cocchi | Summary: We study the superconducting critical fields of two-dimensional electron systems at (111)$mathrm{LaAlO_3/KTaO_3}$ interfaces as a function of electrostatic back-gating. Our work reveals inplane critical fields of unprecedented magnitudes at oxide interfaces. By comparing […]

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Numerical investigation of quantum phases and phase transitions in a two-leg ladder of Rydberg atoms

Kavli Affiliate: Natalia Chepiga | First 5 Authors: Jose Soto, Natalia Chepiga, , , | Summary: Experiments on chains of Rydberg atoms appear as a new playground to study quantum phase transitions in 1D. As a natural extension, we report a quantitative ground-state phase diagram of Rydberg atoms arranged in a two-leg ladder that interact […]

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Numerical investigation of quantum phases and phase transitions in a two-leg ladder of Rydberg atoms

Kavli Affiliate: Natalia Chepiga | First 5 Authors: Jose Soto Garcia, Natalia Chepiga, , , | Summary: Experiments on chains of Rydberg atoms appear as a new playground to study quantum phase transitions in 1D. As a natural extension, we report a quantitative ground-state phase diagram of Rydberg atoms arranged in a two-leg ladder that […]

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Nucleon Decay as a Probe of Flavor Symmetry: The Case of Fake Unification

Kavli Affiliate: Satoshi Shirai | First 5 Authors: Masahiro Ibe, Satoshi Shirai, Keiichi Watanabe, , | Summary: This paper explores nucleon decay within the framework of a "fake Grand Unified Theory (GUT)" combined with the Froggatt-Nielsen (FN) mechanism. In this fake GUT framework, quarks and leptons may have distinct high-energy origins but fit into complete […]

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ProteinWeaver: A Divide-and-Assembly Approach for Protein Backbone Design

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Yiming Ma, Fei Ye, Yi Zhou, Zaixiang Zheng, Dongyu Xue | Summary: Nature creates diverse proteins through a ‘divide and assembly’ strategy. Inspired by this idea, we introduce ProteinWeaver, a two-stage framework for protein backbone design. Our method first generates individual protein domains and then employs an […]

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Configuration interaction relativistic Hartree-Fock model

Kavli Affiliate: Jia Liu | First 5 Authors: Jia Liu, Yi Fei Niu, Wen Hui Long, , | Summary: The configuration interaction relativistic Hartree-Fock (CI-RHF) model is developed in this work. Compared to the conventional configuration interaction shell model calculations, the CI-RHF model can be applied to study the structural properties of a wide range […]

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Cephalopod Sex Determination and its Ancient Evolutionary Origin

Kavli Affiliate: Scott Small | Authors: Gabrielle C. Coffing, Silas Tittes, Scott T. Small, Jeremea O. Songco-Casey, Denise M. Piscopo, Judit R. Pungor, Adam C Miller, Cristopher Niell and Andrew D. Kern | Summary: Octopuses, squids, and cuttlefishes – the coleoid cephalopods – are a remarkable branch in the tree of life whose members exhibit […]

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Recurrent Connectivity Shapes Spatial Coding in Hippocampal CA3 Subregions

Kavli Affiliate: Darcy Peterka and Attila Losonczy | Authors: Eunji Kong, Erfan Zabeh, Zhenrui Liao, Tiberiu S. Mihaila, Darcy S. Peterka, Caroline Wilson, Charan Santhirasegaran, Attila Losonczy and Tristan Geiller | Summary: Stable and flexible neural representations of space in the hippocampus are crucial for navigating complex environments. However, how these distinct representations emerge from […]

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Single Objective Light Sheet Microscopy allows high-resolution in vivo brain imaging of Drosophila

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Ellisman | Authors: Francisco Joaquín Tassara, Mariano Barella, Lourdes Simó, Mailen Folgueira, Micaela Rodríguez-Caron, Juan Ignacio Ispizua, Mark H. Ellisman, Horacio O. de la Iglesia, M. Fernanda Ceriani and Julián Gargiulo | Summary: In vivo imaging of dynamic sub-cellular brain structures in Drosophila melanogaster is key to understanding several phenomena in neuroscience. […]

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