Characterizing cell-type spatial relationships across length scales in spatially resolved omics data

Kavli Affiliate: Jean Fan | Authors: Rafael dos Santos Peixoto, Brendan F Miller, Maigan A Brusko, Gohta Aihara, Lyla Atta, Manjari Anant, Mark A Atkinson, Todd M Brusko, Clive H Wasserfall and Jean Fan | Summary: Spatially resolved omics (SRO) technologies enable the identification of cell types while preserving their organization within tissues. Application of […]

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Cholinergic feedback for context-specific modulation of sensory representations

Kavli Affiliate: Takaki Komiyama | Authors: Bin Yu, Yuxuan Yue, Chi Ren, Rui Yun, Byungkook Lim and Takaki Komiyama | Summary: The brain’s ability to prioritize behaviorally relevant sensory information is crucial for adaptive behavior, yet the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Here, we investigated the role of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons in modulating olfactory bulb […]

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Brain state and cortical layer-specific mechanisms underlying perception at threshold

Kavli Affiliate: Anirvan Nandy, John Reynolds | Authors: Mitchell P Morton, Sachira Denagamage, Isabel J Blume, John H Reynolds, Monika P Jadi and Anirvan S Nandy | Summary: Identical stimuli can be perceived or go unnoticed across successive presentations, producing divergent behavioral outcomes despite similarities in sensory input. We sought to understand how fluctuations in […]

Continue.. Brain state and cortical layer-specific mechanisms underlying perception at threshold