Discovery of Orbital Ordering in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x

Kavli Affiliate: J. C. Seamus Davis | First 5 Authors: Shuqiu Wang, Niall Kennedy, Kazuhiro Fujita, Shin-ichi Uchida, Hiroshi Eisaki | Summary: The primordial ingredient of cuprate superconductivity is the CuO2 unit cell. Here, theoretical attention usually concentrates on the intra-atom Coulombic interactions dominating the 3d^9 and 3d^10 configurations of each copper ion. However, if […]

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Discovery of Orbital Ordering in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x

Kavli Affiliate: J. C. Seamus Davis | First 5 Authors: Shuqiu Wang, Niall Kennedy, Kazuhiro Fujita, Shin-ichi Uchida, Hiroshi Eisaki | Summary: The primordial ingredient of cuprate superconductivity is the CuO2 unit cell. Here, theoretical attention usually concentrates on the intra-atom Coulombic interactions dominating the 3d9 and 3d10 configurations of each copper ion. However, if […]

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Discovery of Orbital Ordering in Bi$_2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O$_{8+x}$

Kavli Affiliate: J. C. Seamus Davis | First 5 Authors: Shuqiu Wang, Niall Kennedy, Kazuhiro Fujita, Shin-ichi Uchida, Hiroshi Eisaki | Summary: The primordial ingredient of cuprate superconductivity is the CuO$_2$ unit cell. Here, theoretical attention usually concentrates on the intra-atom Coulombic interactions dominating the $3d^9$ and $3d^{10}$ configurations of each copper ion. However, if […]

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GPU-Accelerated LOD Generation for Point Clouds

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Wimmer | First 5 Authors: Markus Schütz, Bernhard Kerbl, Philip Klaus, Michael Wimmer, | Summary: About: We introduce a GPU-accelerated LOD construction process that creates a hybrid voxel-point-based variation of the widely used layered point cloud (LPC) structure for LOD rendering and streaming. The massive performance improvements provided by the GPU allow […]

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Wide-gap CdTe Strip Detectors for High-Resolution Imaging in Hard X-rays

Kavli Affiliate: Tadayuki Takahashi | First 5 Authors: Shunsaku Nagasawa, Takahiro Minami, Shin Watanabe, Tadayuki Takahashi, | Summary: We propose a new strip configuration for CdTe X-ray detectors, named "Wide-gap CdTe strip detector", in which the gap between adjacent strips is much wider than the width of each strip. It has been known that the […]

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Wide-gap CdTe Strip Detectors for High-Resolution Imaging in Hard X-rays

Kavli Affiliate: Tadayuki Takahashi | First 5 Authors: Shunsaku Nagasawa, Takahiro Minami, Shin Watanabe, Tadayuki Takahashi, | Summary: We propose a new strip configuration for CdTe X-ray detectors, named "Wide-gap CdTe strip detector", in which the gap between adjacent strips is much wider than the width of each strip. It has been known that the […]

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Wide-gap CdTe Strip Detectors for High-Resolution Imaging in Hard X-rays

Kavli Affiliate: Tadayuki Takahashi | First 5 Authors: Shunsaku Nagasawa, Takahiro Minami, Shin Watanabe, Tadayuki Takahashi, | Summary: We propose a new strip configuration for CdTe X-ray detectors, named "Wide-gap CdTe strip detector", in which the gap between adjacent strips is much wider than the width of each strip. It has been known that the […]

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DREAM: Efficient Dataset Distillation by Representative Matching

Kavli Affiliate: Zheng Zhu | First 5 Authors: Yanqing Liu, Jianyang Gu, Kai Wang, Zheng Zhu, Wei Jiang | Summary: Dataset distillation aims to synthesize small datasets with little information loss from original large-scale ones for reducing storage and training costs. Recent state-of-the-art methods mainly constrain the sample synthesis process by matching synthetic images and […]

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Limits to the strain engineering of layered square-planar nickelate thin films

Kavli Affiliate: Lena F. Kourkoutis | First 5 Authors: Dan Ferenc Segedin, Berit H. Goodge, Grace A. Pan, Qi Song, Harrison LaBollita | Summary: The layered square-planar nickelates, Nd$_{n+1}$Ni$_{n}$O$_{2n+2}$, are an appealing system to tune the electronic properties of square-planar nickelates via dimensionality; indeed, superconductivity was recently observed in Nd$_{6}$Ni$_{5}$O$_{12}$ thin films. Here, we investigate […]

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Limits to the strain engineering of layered square-planar nickelate thin films

Kavli Affiliate: Lena F. Kourkoutis | First 5 Authors: Dan Ferenc Segedin, Berit H. Goodge, Grace A. Pan, Qi Song, Harrison LaBollita | Summary: The layered square-planar nickelates, Nd$_{n+1}$Ni$_{n}$O$_{2n+2}$, are an appealing system to tune the electronic properties of square-planar nickelates via dimensionality; indeed, superconductivity was recently observed in Nd$_{6}$Ni$_{5}$O$_{12}$ thin films. Here, we investigate […]

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