Noninvasive in vivo photoacoustic measurement of internal jugular venous oxygenation in humans

Kavli Affiliate: Lihong V. Wang | Authors: Alejandro Garcia-Uribe, Todd N. Erpelding, Haixin Ke, Kavya Narayana Reddy, Anshuman Sharma, Lihong V. Wang | Summary: In many clinical conditions, such as head trauma, stroke, and low cardiac output states, the brain is at risk for hypoxic-ischemic injury. The metabolic rate and oxygen consumption of the brain […]

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Defective callosal termination underlies the long-term behavioral deficits in NMDA receptor antibody encephalitis mouse model

Kavli Affiliate: Samuel Pleasure | Authors: Jing Zhou, Ariele Greenfield, Rita Loudermilk, Christopher Bartley, Baouyen Tran, Chao Zhao, Hong Wang, Michael Wilson and Samuel Pleasure | Summary: NMDA receptor antibody encephalitis (NMDAR-AE) is characterized by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-resident anti-NMDA receptor autoantibodies that cause a wide range of neurological manifestations. Although many symptoms are responsive to […]

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Host genetic variation guides hepacivirus clearance, chronicity, and liver fibrosis in mice

Kavli Affiliate: Charles M. Rice | Authors: Ariane J Brown, John Won, Raphael Wolfisberg, Ulrik Fanhoe, Nicholas Catanzaro, Ande West, Fernando Moreira, Mariana Nogeuira Batista, Martin T. Ferris, Colton Linnertz, Sarah R Leist, Cameron Nguyen, Gabriella De la Cruz, Bentley Midkiff, Yongjuan Xia, Stephanie A Montgomery, Eva Billerbeck, Jens Bukh, Troels Scheel, Charles M Rice […]

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High-density reflection spectroscopy of black hole X-ray binaries in the hard state

Kavli Affiliate: Erin Kara | First 5 Authors: Honghui Liu, Jiachen Jiang, Zuobin Zhang, Cosimo Bambi, Andrew C. Fabian | Summary: We present a high-density relativistic reflection analysis of 21 spectra of six black hole X-ray binaries in the hard state with data from textit{NuSTAR} and textit{Swift}. We find that 76% of the observations in […]

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Dual credit assignment processes underlie dopamine signals in a complex spatial environment

Kavli Affiliate: Joshua Berke, Loren Frank | Authors: Timothy Amos Krausz, Alison E. Comrie, Loren M. Frank, Nathaniel Douglass Daw and Joshua D. Berke | Summary: Dopamine in the nucleus accumbens helps motivate behavior based on expectations of future reward (“values”). These values need to be updated by experience: after receiving reward, the choices that […]

Continue.. Dual credit assignment processes underlie dopamine signals in a complex spatial environment