Nonvolatile Electric-Field Control of Inversion Symmetry

Kavli Affiliate: Darrell G. Schlom | First 5 Authors: Lucas Caretta, Yu-Tsun Shao, Jia Yu, Antonio B. Mei, Bastien F. Grosso | Summary: In condensed-matter systems, competition between ground states at phase boundaries can lead to significant changes in material properties under external stimuli, particularly when these ground states have different crystal symmetries. A key […]

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Optimal control of nonequilibrium systems through automatic differentiation

Kavli Affiliate: Michael P. Brenner | First 5 Authors: Megan C. Engel, Jamie A. Smith, Michael P. Brenner, , | Summary: Controlling the evolution of nonequilibrium systems to minimize dissipated heat or work is a key goal for designing nanodevices, both in nanotechnology and biology. Progress in computing optimal protocols has thus far been limited […]

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