High-throughput determination of Hubbard U and Hund J values for transition metal oxides via linear response formalism

Kavli Affiliate: Kristin A. Persson | First 5 Authors: Guy C. Moore, Matthew K. Horton, Alexander M. Ganose, Martin Siron, Kristin A. Persson | Summary: Hubbard U and Hund J values provide a measure of the self-interaction between correlated electrons, and are crucial parameters in the formalism of density functional theory with a "plus U" […]

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The TESS-Keck Survey. VIII. Confirmation of a Transiting Giant Planet on an Eccentric 261 day Orbit with the Automated Planet Finder Telescope

Kavli Affiliate: George R. Ricker | First 5 Authors: Paul A. Dalba, Stephen R. Kane, Diana Dragomir, Steven Villanueva Jr., Karen A. Collins | Summary: We report the discovery of TOI-2180 b, a 2.8 $M_{rm J}$ giant planet orbiting a slightly evolved G5 host star. This planet transited only once in Cycle 2 of the […]

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Breaking baryon-cosmology degeneracy with the electron density power spectrum

Kavli Affiliate: David N. Spergel | First 5 Authors: Andrina Nicola, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, David N. Spergel, Jo Dunkley, Daniel Anglés-Alcázar | Summary: Uncertain feedback processes in galaxies affect the distribution of matter, currently limiting the power of weak lensing surveys. If we can identify cosmological statistics that are robust against these uncertainties, or constrain these […]

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TESS Giants Transiting Giants II: The hottest Jupiters orbiting evolved stars

Kavli Affiliate: Alan M. Levine | First 5 Authors: Samuel K. Grunblatt, Nicholas Saunders, Meng Sun, Ashley Chontos, Melinda Soares-Furtado | Summary: Giant planets on short-period orbits are predicted to be inflated and eventually engulfed by their host stars. However, the detailed timescales and stages of these processes are not well known. Here we present […]

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All-optical ultrafast ReLU function for energy-efficient nanophotonic deep learning

Kavli Affiliate: Alireza Marandi | First 5 Authors: Gordon H. Y. Li, Ryoto Sekine, Rajveer Nehra, Robert M. Gray, Luis Ledezma | Summary: In recent years, the computational demands of deep learning applications have necessitated the introduction of energy-efficient hardware accelerators. Optical neural networks are a promising option; however, thus far they have been largely […]

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Closing the spontaneous-scalarization window with binary pulsars

Kavli Affiliate: Lijing Shao | First 5 Authors: Junjie Zhao, Paulo C. C. Freire, Michael Kramer, Lijing Shao, Norbert Wex | Summary: Benefitting from the unequaled precision of the pulsar timing technique, binary pulsars are important testbeds of gravity theories, providing some of the tightest bounds on alternative theories of gravity. One class of well-motivated […]

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Reconstructing the polar interface of infinite-layer nickelate thin films

Kavli Affiliate: Lena F. Kourkoutis | First 5 Authors: Berit H. Goodge, Benjamin Geisler, Kyuho Lee, Motoki Osada, Bai Yang Wang | Summary: Nickel-based superconductors provide a long-awaited experimental platform to explore possible cuprate-like superconductivity. Despite similar crystal structure and $d$ electron filling, these systems exhibit several differences. Nickelates are the most polar layered oxide […]

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The ALMaQUEST Survey IX: The nature of the resolved star forming main sequence

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: William M. Baker, Roberto Maiolino, Asa F. L. Bluck, Lihwai Lin, Sara L. Ellison | Summary: We investigate the nature of the scaling relations between the surface density of star formation rate ($Sigma _{rm SFR}$), stellar mass ($Sigma _*$), and molecular gas mass ($Sigma _{rm H_2}$), aiming […]

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