The role of the cerebellum in learning to predict reward: evidence from cerebellar ataxia

Kavli Affiliate: Daphna Shohamy | Authors: Jonathan Nicholas, Christian Amlang, Chi-Ying Lin, Leila Montaser-Kouhsari, Natasha Desai, Ming-Kai Pan, Sheng-Han Kuo and Daphna Shohamy | Summary: Recent findings in animals have challenged the traditional view of the cerebellum solely as the site of motor control, suggesting that the cerebellum may also be important for learning to […]

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Prioritizing virtual screening with interpretable interaction fingerprints

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Keiser | Authors: Alexandre V Fassio, Laura Shub, Luca Ponzoni, Jessica McKinley, Matthew J O’Meara, Rafaela S Ferreira, Michael J Keiser and Raquel C de Melo Minardi | Summary: Machine learning-based drug discovery success depends on molecular representation. Yet traditional molecular fingerprints omit both the protein and pointers back to structural information […]

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A developmental pathway for epithelial-to-motoneuron transformation in C. elegans

Kavli Affiliate: Shai Shaham | Authors: Alina Rashid, Maya Tevlin, Yun Lu and Shai Shaham | Summary: Motoneurons and motoneuron-like pancreatic beta cells arise from radial glia and ductal cells, both tube-lining progenitors that share molecular regulators. To uncover programs underlying motoneuron formation, we studied a similar, cell-division-independent transformation of the C. elegans tube-lining Y […]

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