Four-year Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor (CLASS) Observations: On-sky Receiver Performance at 40, 90, 150, and 220 GHz Frequency Bands

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey J. McMahon | First 5 Authors: Sumit Dahal, John W. Appel, Rahul Datta, Michael K. Brewer, Aamir Ali | Summary: The Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor (CLASS) observes the polarized cosmic microwave background (CMB) over the angular scales of 1$^circ lesssim theta leq$ 90$^circ$ with the aim of characterizing primordial gravitational waves […]

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Long-Range Superconducting Proximity Effect in Nickel Nanowires

Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang | First 5 Authors: Jue Jiang, Weiwei Zhao, Fei Wang, Renzhong Du, Ludi Miao | Summary: When a ferromagnet is placed in contact with a superconductor, owing to incompatible spin order, the Cooper pairs from the superconductor cannot survive more than one or two nanometers inside the ferromagnet. This is confirmed […]

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Warming up cold inflation

Kavli Affiliate: Peter W. Graham | First 5 Authors: William DeRocco, Peter W. Graham, Saarik Kalia, , | Summary: The axion is a well-motivated candidate for the inflaton, as the radiative corrections that spoil many single-field models are avoided by virtue of its shift symmetry. However, axions generically couple to gauge sectors. As the axion […]

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Rayleigh wave propagation in nonlinear metasurfaces

Kavli Affiliate: Chiara Daraio | First 5 Authors: Antonio Palermo, Behrooz Yousefzadeh, Chiara Daraio, Alessandro Marzani, | Summary: We investigate the propagation of Rayleigh waves in a half-space coupled to a nonlinear metasurface. The metasurface consists of an array of nonlinear oscillators attached to the free surface of a homogeneous substrate. We describe, analytically and […]

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Modelling correlated variability in accreting black holes: the effect of high density and variable ionisation on reverberation lags

Kavli Affiliate: Erin Kara | First 5 Authors: Guglielmo Mastroserio, Adam Ingram, Jingyi Wang, Javier A. GarcĂ­a, Michiel van der Klis | Summary: We present a new release of the RELTRANS model to fit the complex cross-spectrum of accreting black holes as a function of energy. The model accounts for continuum lags and reverberation lags […]

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Developmental Stage Classification of Embryos Using Two-Stream Neural Network with Linear-Chain Conditional Random Field

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel Needleman | First 5 Authors: Stanislav Lukyanenko, Won-Dong Jang, Donglai Wei, Robbert Struyven, Yoon Kim | Summary: The developmental process of embryos follows a monotonic order. An embryo can progressively cleave from one cell to multiple cells and finally transform to morula and blastocyst. For time-lapse videos of embryos, most existing developmental […]

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Learning intermolecular forces at liquid-vapor interfaces

Kavli Affiliate: David T. Limmer | First 5 Authors: Samuel P. Niblett, Mirza Galib, David T. Limmer, , | Summary: By adopting a perspective informed by contemporary liquid state theory, we consider how to train an artificial neural network potential to describe inhomogeneous, disordered systems. We find that neural network potentials based on local representations […]

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Quasiparticle kinetic theory for Calogero models

Kavli Affiliate: Joel E. Moore | First 5 Authors: Vir B. Bulchandani, Manas Kulkarni, Joel E. Moore, Xiangyu Cao, | Summary: We show that the quasiparticle kinetic theory for quantum and classical Calogero models reduces to the free-streaming Boltzmann equation. We reconcile this simple emergent behaviour with the strongly interacting character of the model by […]

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The Subaru HSC weak lensing mass-observable scaling relations of spectroscopic galaxy groups from the GAMA survey

Kavli Affiliate: Masahiro Takada | First 5 Authors: Divya Rana, Surhud More, Hironao Miyatake, Takahiro Nishimichi, Masahiro Takada | Summary: We utilize the galaxy shape catalogue from the first-year data release of the Subaru Hyper Suprime-cam Survey (HSC) to study the dark matter content of galaxy groups in the Universe using weak lensing. We use […]

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21cmVAE: A Very Accurate Emulator of the 21-cm Global Signal

Kavli Affiliate: George Efstathiou | First 5 Authors: Christian H. Bye, Stephen K. N. Portillo, Anastasia Fialkov, , | Summary: Considerable observational efforts are being dedicated to measuring the sky-averaged (global) 21-cm signal of neutral hydrogen from Cosmic Dawn and the Epoch of Reionization. Deriving observational constraints on the astrophysics of this era requires modeling […]

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